(Null A) Non-aristotelian. The _
orientation is characterized by non-identity with substantive images;
indicative of a higher level of development. Also characterized by a lack of
dogmatism, dogmatic statements, self-opinionations, etc. The consciousness is
impressed more with non-allness than with ‘allness.’ Teachers Guide (Vol 1)
p.19 & 26 Ibid (Vol 3) p. 21. The world is perceived as an energy-world in structure-function-order.
The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 70. The advent of consciousness. Self
Mastery Through Meditation p. 104 See Also: General Semantics
Aarru (Garden of Aarru) The
highest psyche. Membership letters (ii) p.1. When the psyche is cleared of its
animal qualities and cleared of all motivations in generation we call it the
Garden of Aarru, the Ardath. In that cleared state the higher levels can be
very accurately reflected. Practices in individual Development p. 9 Where the
Light World, the Light Mother, and her differentiated fields are reflected in
the psychic nature. There, relative to all levels below, particularly the
objective self-conscious state, it is analogous to heaven itself. Studies in
Psychotherapy, p. 74. See Also: Ardath, Garden of Eden, Garden of the Gods.
Aborigine types Tribal, pre-aristotelian levels of
development, infantilism, submental atavistic types. Teachers Guide (Vol 1)
Absolute rest The seventh level in the abstracting
process, which means, no motion; that means no time; and space has long since
disappeared in time; and time meaning motion, has ceased and there follows a
period of rest, the 7th day. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 55.
Abstract To draw from. Wherever there is an
inference, a conclusion reached; wherever there is judgment formed; wherever
there appears an assumption or an opinion, etc., those are examples of
abstracting. So, to abstract means to draw from and form other qualities,
attributes, modalities, appearances, etc. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 3. You
draw from this or that quality and out of this quality you formulate a concept,
an opinion, a conclusion, an inference. That drawing from and synthesizing is
called abstracting. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 13. See Also Abstracting
Process, General Semantics.
Students in the SNO, early and at the beginning of their learning, condition
their thinking respecting THAT which we label the cosmic process as a
stupendous infolding-unfolding process of light into energy and energy into
living matter and the reversal -- living matter into energy and energy into
light. When thinking has become conditioned in this manner, comprehending as it
does everything from the galactic systems to the atom, little by little the
multiplicity of details, differentiations, transpositions, configurational
processes, representations, relationships, etc., together with descriptions
pertaining thereto, are filled in. The First Crossing p.18. See Also General
Abyss The Second Crossing or chasm. This
diagrammatically separates the lower worlds or levels (symbolized by the moon,
lunar, World Mother, Mattergy) from what is generally considered the higher
worlds or level (symbolized by the sun, Higher Triad, Diamond Light).
Everything below the Second Crossing was symbolized by the moon by reason of
the fact that all representations, all configurations, all states of
consciousness function only by reflection of that which is above. Everything
above the Abyss (Second Crossing) is symbolized by the Sun, the Light worlds.
Also The Light Mother vs the Earth Mother. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 69.
Every so called ‘thing’ or person below the chasm functions by reflection;
i.e., by the registry of light-energy waves and frequencies. We often describe
that as saying we are motivated by unconscious forces. Ibid, p 114. See also
Chasm, the
Activity of Mother Substance Equates with
state of consciousness. This activity is called wave-frequency on a given level
of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Activity takes place in more and more
individualized or differentiated states of Self-awareness. A Description of the
Psychic World p. 52.
Adam (Kadmon) Synonym for the generic term man. The
First Crossing p. 80. Adam or Brahma, represents a prodigious expansion of
consciousness, and that vastness respecting extensionality cannot be
immediately consummated, grasped, it has to be taken in steps; but each step
taken is a process representative of the whole....oneness. Teacher’s Guide (Vol
3)p. 42. AdamKadmon is another label for the real Self on the Mind level
(and is androgynous)
Practice of the Way p. 5. See Also Androgyny, Brahma, First Born. (Genesis 1:27
Man – mdw – 05/02/2010)
Adam-Eve Originally the word for Adam was Jod,
and Eve was Hove - Jod-Hove which has been twisted around down the ages and
means Jehovah; Jod-Hove. Jehovah is a term representing the Pure Being and its
Idea, not the Pure Being. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 66.
Adepts of wisdom To rise in consciousness to that
level described as "Logoic causation", beyond the three spheres of
Nature known to the Master-self, is to pass into that point in development
called the fifth degree of initiation. Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 111.
Adhisthana Generative center. When enough energy
is withdrawn from value-giving and objective identification, that energy
awakens in the generative center. It is the focus of all the creative energy
which motivates the psyche, it is the stone which the builders rejected.
Understanding the Psychic Nature ( Lesson 5), p.1 See Generative Center.
Aditi The highest
power and influence in cosmos, Binah, Aditi, the negative force as a cosmic
force that has no consciousness of any individual. It is impersonal and
universal. It just shines by its nature. That is what Plato called the Good.
Love becomes a synonym for God. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 107 See Also Binah,
Advent of Consciousness See Aarru
Affinity Means that the etheric substance and the
texture of the cellular structures of the ‘body’ have taken on the influences
that have been harbored or cultivated in the psychic nature. A Description of
the Psychic World p. 73
Agape From the Greek: Represented the higher,
purified and refined meaning of the influence of Eros. How to Discipline Your
Psyche p. 35. (p. 31 new ver.) Love flows and flows like a fountain to everyone
and everything; it is a motivating influence from the heights that we call
Light’s Regions. This is our referent for the word - Love - Agape. A
Description of the Psychic World p. 98. The higher form of love and unity which
the preChristian Gnostic called Agape.
Membership Letters (IV) p. 1. See Also Eros, Love
Ages/Cycles See Kalpas, Mahavantara, Yugas.
Agni In the Vedas, as the highest God... the
Power-to-be-conscious. It is the ultimate point toward which a student is
developing and which will at one point on his time-line be reached and fully
and consciously developed. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p.33. See Also
Power-to-be-conscious, Force Centers.
Ahriman The dark forces/angel described in the
Zend Avesta (Bible of the Parsees or Persians) Studies in Psychotherapy p. 55.
See Also Zarathustra
Air Symbol represents the word gas (incandescent
gas) ... fire into air. The First Crossing p.67. Air symbolizes a life giving
force approximating fire. This air, meaning force - becoming incorporated into
the configuration, not in the sense of its objective appearance, but in its
more subtle and its higher level self. Christos p. 21. See Also Cosmic Process,
Four elements
All Seeing Eye The All-Seeing Eye that never
sleeps, never goes into darkness ... transferred to the sky, represented
Osiris, God, the original creating power; the Mother Substance, Light, and the
son, Logos, or Horus is born; One Father-Mother-Son. Christos p. 63. See Also
The Great Seal of the U.S.A.
Anahata Sanskrit. The effect of force
functioning on the heart level. Characterized by giving. Christos p. 124. This
perfection of the power of Christ in human consciousness begins with the
release of the fountain of love in that center called Anahata, or the heart.
The First Crossing p. 91. See Also Heart Center.
Analogy We use the word analogy to symbolize
the resemblance between component parts of two configurational representations.
For example, we can say the atom is analogous to the solar system because we
are relating the component parts of the atom in their ratio and proportion -
ratio of parts to sizes (the proportions) - to the ratios and proportions of
the component parts of the solar system. Practice of the Way p. 21.
Ananda An ecstasy, a joy, such an intoxicating
happiness it can’t be described. Studies in Psychotherapy p.97.
Androgyne Describes the Real Self on Mind level -
fifty percent positive and fifty percent negative - Adam-Kadmon is another
label. Practice of the Way p. 55.
Angels of Light Those groups of Light-bearers ...
heaven-born ones that never descend lower than the etheric level of the World
Mother substance. These are real helpers. There are congeries of them and they
are eager to help anyone who will allow that help. Practices in Individual
Development p. 36. See Also Devas, Light-bearers.
Anima If we want to see the life force of
what we call a tree, the movement must take place within the individual until
he reaches that state labeled the vital, the anima, the informing principle.
When he has that state developed within himself, he will see it in everything
else, and not otherwise. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.68.See Also Vital, the
Animal field In the differentiated field in which
those individual differentiations eventuate which we label animal, the animal
field or group soul has no ultimate differentiation which we label the cosmic
egg, or the pneumatic ovum, autonomous field, etc. Studies in Psychotherapy
Animal Soul The force and influence of this
differentiated field that we label animal-soul is labeled the pleasure-pain
motive. Studies in Psychotherapy p.98. The lower psyche, under the genetrix.
The animal soul, at its purest and best, is the house of the natural instincts,
feelings and desires, but when over cultivated it becomes occupied by those
entities, created and/or acquired. Also called "the depths of the
unconscious" by the aristotelian psychologists. The First Crossing p. 88.
See Also Lower Psyche.
Ajna (center) The Pituitary center. The force center
located in the center of the head. After its opening, the Speirema, Kundalini,
at the base of the spine opens to awaken the Mind level. Teacher’s Guide (Vol
4) p.23. See Also Force Centers
Apperception Perception is to know; apperception is
to know and know that you know. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 12. Apperception is
relative to man born with the differentiation from the animal oversoul.
Practice of the Way p. 14.
Arc Meaning the archetype upon which the
configurational process is modeled and governed. We label it the pattern of the
field. The arc is that into which all returns in the in-breathing process;
positive and negative, two by two, they infold. The positive and negative
unfold in the out-breathing which is called another incarnation, as the pattern
develops from one outbreathing to the next inbreathing, etc. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.7. See Also Archetype, Grand Architect.
Arche Arche in the root of the word
Archetypal, a label for that which brings forth everything subsequently to that
stage in the creative process. Two synonyms are: the "Great Christos"
and "Archetypal Gods." The connotation denotes the union of the
Positive Power, The Father Principal and the Light Mother ... that which gives
birth by being activated by the Positive Power. A label for the Diamond Light.
Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 109. See Arc, Ark.
Archetypal pattern A determinative matrix.
Respecting a given individual it contains the pattern of the basic point of
development reached in a preceding incarnation (which in its turn represents a
synthesis of all preceding states or stages of evolution); it contains the
forces which have eventuated from creation of karma; it contains, in
memory-form or as a reflection, the planetary spheres, including the stars
through which the Master-self has ‘journeyed’ between death and birth; it
contains the forces, in miniature, of the powers and functions of the Logos;
and in it inheres the order described as the natural order process of
successive states of development; etc. Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.
37. See Also Atman.
Archetype Every differentiated field,
particularly the Higher Self of a given man, is characterized by the lines of
force that flow from the negative to the positive and beyond the ‘outside’ flow
from the positive back to the negative. Those lines of force of a given field
we designate the pattern, the arche, the archetype , and the energy that
emerges becomes the ensemble of its units of energy. It becomes configurated as
a representation of the pattern determined by the state in which the basic self
is conscious of itself. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 22 See Also Arc, Arche.
Archetype of all potentiality The label given to those faculties on the Mind level. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 57.
Ardath Clear and free from feeling, emotional thinking. Mind which represents that level of consciousness, that state of consciousness, clear, Ardath. Practice of the Way p. 45 See Also Aarru, Garden of.
That this world is a creation, a static, objective thing, that man has been
searching for a creator extraneous to the world, etc. Practice of the Way p.
43. That identity with bundles of sensations and images and pictures. Teacher’s
Guide (Vol 1) p. 46. Archetype of all potentiality The label given to those faculties on the Mind level. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 57.
Ardath Clear and free from feeling, emotional thinking. Mind which represents that level of consciousness, that state of consciousness, clear, Ardath. Practice of the Way p. 45 See Also Aarru, Garden of.
Arithman See Ahriman.
Armageddon The true battle of Armageddon is the
conflict between the content of the lower psyche and the motivating influences
of the higher psyche. The First Crossing p. 91.
Arupa body The power of forming a mental
image of one’s self and functioning independently in this mental thought form,
separate from one’s physical state. One must still discharge his negative
energy (generative force) to the positive pole, instead of diverting it on the
way to anything else. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 13. See Also Meditative
Ascending/descending process/(arcs of the cosmic
process) A
process of conversion of light into energy and energy into living-matter; and
then reversing the process, the reconversion, the metamorphosis, which we call the transfigurating process -- the reconversion of
living-matter into energy and energy into light. ... represents the cosmic outbreathing and
inbreathing in the involutionary and evolutionary process. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 11. The Ascending Arc, the reversal (in the differentiating
process) is a step toward oneness, a step toward unity. The point of waking
consciousness at which the Power expands. "I prefer using the term
descending arc instead of the ‘unconscious.’ " Self Mastery Through
Meditation p. 90. When we cannot separate the thought of any configuration
from the thought of Mother Substance then we are on the way toward
understanding the descending arc. Ibid p. 104. This infolding of the
positive Power into Mother substance and the unfolding of the positive Power
into Self-awareness has been termed the descending and the ascending arcs of
the cosmic process. The First Crossing p. 83. See Also Jacob’s ladder,
Mattergy, Prodigal son.
Ascension, the It is the transfiguration of all into the Light that
represents the ascension. The Christos becomes a creating power that metamorphoses all
creations into Living Light and the ascension of the whole into Light is the
ultimate. The Christos p. 12.
Atma/Atman The lowest aspect of the Logoic triad,
reflected as the highest aspect in the individualized state, is named Atma,
Atman, or Creating-Will. There lie those forces which determine the structure
of the psychic, etheric and physical vehicles of the elemental-self. This
highest phase of the Master-self is also called Archetypal because it is like a
determinative matrix. Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 37. In the conscious
control of frequencies registered under the power of Atma, Will, we will
formulate fields and set the pattern of the field by the guna for that
configurational representation we elect. The First Crossing p. 94. The
Orientals use the term Atman for the first principle of the fundamental basis
of individual existence or Be-ing. Studies in Psychotherapy p.4. Atman or the
Atmic level denotes the term, Masters, on the grounds that not until one is
completely in control of the physiological organism can he be designated a
master. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 25. (Sanskrit, the Aryan language) the
label for the force or power which controls the field and all creativity
respecting that field, the Atman. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 12. The Son of
the Man, the heavenly man. Ibid p. 59. The term Atma represents Will in Mind
substance. The Christos p. 103. See Also Archetypal, Autonomous field, Noetic
mind, Will.
Atma, Buddhi, Manas The Higher
Triad, relative to the psychic nature, the ‘inner man’. Atma = Will Buddhi =
Love Manas = Mind. Practice of the Way p.41. See Also Higher Triad.
AUM "The word was made flesh" The
word AUM, as light-energy frequency and no-verbal, symbolizes the Trinity :
Father Principal, Mother Substance and the Binding Force (Son). The Father is
unconscious and unknown, unknowable, except by the activity in the Mother
Substance; the Mother is unconscious and inactive except in contact with the
Father; but both become conscious as the Son. Signifies these three in one Self
called the Master (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva = Becoming, Preserving,
Transforming). Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 70. AUM is the "Sacred
Word", "the Word of Glory" and "the Pranava." ibid p.
76. "OM" stands for
the synthesis of all waves and frequencies. The Christos p. 208.
Atomistic Concept/Consciousness Identity with
representations of a state of consciousness, or with the objective
self-conscious state. The Christos p.139. See Also I-Am-I-ness
Aura Described as the radiance about the
field itself; or it might be thought of as a ‘reflection’ or ‘inverted’
representation of that finer substance to which we have referred as the cosmic
sphere substance surrounding and interpenetrating all. The Natural Order
Process (Vol 1) p. 9. Energy -representations of the state which one is
conscious. Force, gunas, energies, etc. formulated into the individual’s field.
Ibid (Vol.) p. 262. The wave frequencies from the guna constituents of this
"content" of the psychic nature establishes the psychic field, called
the aura of a person. The First Crossing p.87.See Also gunas, psychic field.
The cosmic egg or pneumatic ovum. Pneumatic ovum relative to a growing and
developing person who has not yet achieved consciousness of individualization
and his relation to the cosmic process, and cosmic egg, the Higher Self
representing the furthest ‘out’ or the ‘lowest’ in eventuation, the essential
nature, the True Self born out of the differentiated field. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 6. The source which control the soul and body - the objective
self-conscious state, or man. Self Mastery Through Meditation p.21.
a given man’s essential nature, he can be described as a differentiated field
in the world Mother substance; he can be described as an autonomous field of
energy, which exhibits the characteristics of consciousness, of sentience; a
sentient differentiated field or sphere. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 26. And
autonomous field is characterized by its pattern, lines of force forming a
pattern; that the emergent energy on these lines of force, like whirls or knots
configurate, and the configuration of these units of energy or the
configuration of these whirls or knows on or of the lines of force, become the
representation of the pattern of the field. Ibid p. 33. The description of the
autonomous field is by analogy: sense faculty and reaction. Ibid (Vol 3) p. 57.
The differentiated self. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 48. Other labels: The differentiated
sphere, individualized field or the I AM which is my true Self. Ibid p. 59.
"Autonomous" Field means separate and independent of the
psychic-world and of the physical world. Ibid p. 47 An autonomous field is
rather like a self-rolling wheel, a self-luminous light, a self-contained
intelligence, independent of everything and anything except the field of Mother
substance in which it functions. Practices in Individual Development p. 42. The
individualizing process operating on the Mind level. Practice of the Way p. 61.
See Also Mind level, Mother Substance, Pneumatic Ovum, Spirits.
Avidya Delusional images appearing substantive
which are only appearance. Maya or ignorance. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 3.
See Also Maya.
Baptism by Fire This is a Cosmic process
operating in your nature; ... this is an awakening from within yourself, it is
a higher power which we call the Christos. That higher power that is contacted
after the ego-sense has been developed. The Christos p. 100. The transfiguration of
generative force into regenerative force, which creates the Noetic-Mind and Noetic
mind Functions. Ibid p.169. This power streaming down from "on high"
through the purified lower vehicles, literally transforms them. This is the
Baptism by Fire, the third initiation, which admits the man to a higher order
of beings -- that of supermen. He appears like other men, but in reality his
thoughts, feelings, and acts are the thoughts, feelings, and acts of the I AM,
conscious of its divine nature. Bible Lessons p.52.See Also Third Initiation
Baptism by Water One has emerged from the domination
of these forces (psychic influences - desires, feelings, emotions, giving
values and reacting thereto) which operate on all human planes of
manifestation. The second initiation. The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 110.
After the psychic nature has been conquered, surmounted, risen above, passed,
etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p.22. Water is the symbol of desire, feeling and emotional
world; water is the symbol of the psychic world. It can function only by
reflection of the Light.
That which is born must be
lifted above the waters.
Baptism by water implies a lifting above the psychic world. The Christos
p.10. This period may be marked by tears. "...the weeping is the outer
expression of the breaking up of old conditions and the birth into new. ...out
of it you will arise, free from the domination of the emotional realm."
Bible Lessons p.40. See also Second Crossing/Initiation
point of development
The degree to which differentiation has proceeded as an autonomous field
represents what we call one’s basic point of development. Your basic point
determines the content of your psychic nature. One cannot build into his
psychic nature any quality, entity, substance, which is not comparable to the
state in which he is basically conscious of himself, his basic state of
development. Practice of the Way p. 61. See Also Autonomous field, Basic State.
Basic Realization The degree of individual
expansion that belongs to you, not the values your mind may hold regarding your
state of development. Neither the belief nor the doubt that you can build up
about it in the realm of concepts, affects it one way or the other. Bible
Lessons p. 71. See Also Basic Point/State.
At each point in what we call time, the intrinsic Power-to-be-conscious is
conscious in a certain state. That state is characterized by an autonomous
field which automatically ‘creates’ its own lines of force, independent of
either the psychic world or the physiological world. The degree to which the
Power-to-be-conscious is conscious is characterized by the structural lines of
force of an autonomous field. Expanding States of Self Awareness p.116. This state of consciousness of the individualized field, or the last differentiation in the cosmic process, is called the basic state of consciousness which becomes determinative respecting all subsequent states--acquired states, psychological states, feeling-desire-emotional-thinking states. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 7.
content of the unknown part of the psychic nature represents precisely the basic
state of development of the true individual. Ibid p. 59. The basic state
undergoes very little change throughout an entire incarnation. Teachers’s Guide
(Vol 1) p.22 Only as one fulfills the point in which he is now basically
conscious of himself can he expand his consciousness beyond that point. The
Seven Initiations p. 77. See Autonomous Field, Basic point of development.
Basic structure of the Universe A positive
pole, a negative pole and the lines of force between the poles. This is the
Trinity. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p.9. See Also Trinity.
Basic Unity The positive and negative poles of any
electromagnetic field. (In any individual field : sacral and conarial axis)
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 12.
Be-coming / Be-ing We use this word in reference to
the individualizing process respecting consciousness. We say that the process
we call growth and development is a continuous becoming. Natural Order Process
(Vol 1) p.3. In the Wisdom Teaching the word "Be-ing", in respect to
a given individual consciousness, represents the fulfillment of a cycle.
"Be-ing" may also be described as that state of identity of the
individual with the cosmic process. Ibid p. 3.The all that is has reference to
Be-ing; the all that exists has reference to Be-coming. We’re either Be-coming
conscious of Be-ing or, after having attained the consciousness of Be-ing, we
are active in Be-ing. Studies in Psychotherapy p.143. See Also Atman.
Binah Hebrew: Light Mother Substance. The
Christos p. 87. On the Tree of Life the Negative Substance is called Binah.
Practices in Individual Development p. 85. On the Tree of Life chart as
Negative Substance. Tree of Life p. 41. See Also Aditi, Light Mother Substance,
Love, Tree of Life.
Power / Force
The neutron, the binding power between the negatively charged electrons and the
positive charged protons. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 149. Kether, on the Tree
of Life, a binding force that holds the positive and negative in union.
Practices in Individual Development p.86.
binding power is a power that holds everything together, and when we come down
to the human level it is called love. So love is another label for the binding
power. The Seven Initiations p. 5. See also Higher Triad, Kether, Love,
Biota Representations of the World-Mother of
(colloidal content.) Cosmology p. 60.
Birth When the configurational process is
accompanied by the development of a new psychic nature. Ordinarily there are
two births: being born into the physiological organism and being also born into
a new psychic nature. Your real birth is to be born on the Mind level, the
birth of the Christos, the eternal birth. Practice of the Way p. 63.
of the Christ
(conscious state) Signalized by the separation in consciousness of Mind
from the psychic nature. The Christos p. 23. "Passing beyond" control
by the genetrix into Light’s Regions where control of the genetrix becomes one
of the functions of Be-ing. The First Crossing p. 105.
the awakening of spiritual consciousness, the journey is begun. Bible Lessons
p. 35. The Power-to-be-conscious fully awakened, fully aware of Itself means to
be Born. A Description of the Psychic World p. 112.
Brahma Sanskrit for the (Hindu) Creator. A
part of a three-in-one God-head: Bhrama, Vishnu, Shiva. These are fundamental
forces that can be thought of, described, etc., as vital, fundamental facts
respecting the dynamic process we call this world, this universe, the cosmos,
etc. ... Man represents the Brahma phase of the function representing this
dynamic world in which we are integrated. Vishnu represents the sustaining
(preserving) power and Shiva the transforming or destructive power
("Destroyer of old patterns"). Understanding the Psychic Nature
(lesson 5)p. 4-6. See Also Shiva, Vishnu.
Black magic Any practice which influences another
against his human will or desire or against the law of his being -- is a step
on the Lefthand Path, the path of black magic. Bible Lessons p.8.
Body of Light Means the building of a living-matter
representation. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 57. Out of the very depths of the
elemental force we culminate in the creative process of building the Solar
Vesture, the Body of Light. Ibid p. 67. A psychic body and a configurated-self,
the synthesis of which represents a person’s highest point of development. The
Christos p. 86.
Brotherhood (of man) Members who
constitute a brotherhood, meeting in a fourth dimensional way of
synchronization and communication in the frequency world. Practice of the Way
p. 11. Comprehends a wide range from babies to adults, with the adults spoken
of as Adepts having the consciousness of responsibility for the babies in the
brotherhood of humanity. No objective reference can be given to such a
conception of a brotherhood. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 3) p.70.
Caduceus (The staff of Hermes) symbolizes the
awakening of force in the generative center and the continuance of that force
through the process of awakening and the developing of the other four centers,
making five in all. The completion of the journey is labeled the Chrestos. And
then awakening of the speirema. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.23. Two lines
running from the genital center to the pituitary or Ajna center. These two
lines are diagrammatic of a positive and negative current. Practices in
Individual Development p. 53. See Also Force Centers, Staff
of Hermes.
Causal Vehicle, the When
Mind-substance (chittakasa) is focused by consciousness into an individualized
sphere and may be considered with respect to the Master-self as the ‘physical
body is to the elemental-self. The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.37.
Central Sun of all Existences, the The Son or
the Son of the Union, which the configuration of the whole cosmos or cosmic
process eventuates. The First Crossing p. 46.
Ceremonial Ray Means order, on the higher
levels. Everything has its order and is in its place to one on the Ceremonial
ray. The Seven Rays of Development p. 25. The combination of 1 + 2 + 3: 6, but
seventh in the order of the rays. Ibid p. 5
Chakras The force
centers are functional foci of the power of consciousness. Teachers’s Guide
(Vol 2) p. 7. Foci or force centers. Ibid p. 15. The centers of force through which and by means of which the creative process on all levels and in every respect is brought about. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 10.
psychic nature is characterized by five force centers: The genital center, the
solar center, the heart center, the throat center and the center in the
forehead. Practices in Individual Development p. 4. In every human being are
seven centers activated by the forces and powers of universal life, and through
this activation all the operations of his being -- physical, emotional, mental
and spiritual - are maintained. Bible Lessons p. 79. See Also: Force Centers,
Four Somatic Divisions of Man.
Change over, the That part of you which continues
and endures through all the cyclic process of birth, death, and birth again,
the Real Self, will cause an alternation, a rhythm between the positive and the
negative within the Self in which it is functioning. For a cycle of seven times
round, you will manifest a female body (representation of the negative
principal) and next seven times round in a male body (representation of the
positive principal). The change over is the point where the cycle begins to
alternate. It is observable in women as traits manifesting as aggressive and
positive, loosing feminine touches or interests and becoming more masculine. In
men as growing more gentle and feminine, leaning more and more to the
aesthetic, etc. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 103.
Character, the The guna or quality predominant
in the urge or drive, is determined by the area, meaning the center in the
psychic nature from which the urge originates. ... once these various gunas or
types of urge, the drive-force, have been differentiated and sharply so, then
the substituted or compensatory forms of expressions, etc., can be determined
by the fixation factors in the psyche. All these unfinished experiences in past
incarnations constitute the weaker points; like the weak link of a chain.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p.48.
Chasm, the See Abyss, the
Chaos Whenever the positive and negative are
not in union... wherever there is a field, we have order ... cosmos. The First
Crossing p. 45.
Chela Disciple, Veil of Maya p. 56.
Chemo-synthetical Adaptation to environment: The
Power-to-be-conscious can develop the Mother substance to suit any environment
(different kinds of configurations in order to be. Expanding States of
Self-awareness p. 29-32.
Children of the Light The Logoi,
those who walk in the Light, those who are conscious of the Light of the logos.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 60.
Chitta To the seer means an energy field in
which the individualized consciousness functions in all of those respects we
label sentient, intelligible, mind substance, etc. The Natural Order Process
(Vol 2) p.70 See Also Mind Substance.
Chittakasa Mind substance or mental space, the
lowest level or vehicle of the Master-self, and also spoken of as "the
internal organ of thought." The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.36. See
Also Energy-waves and frequencies.
Chokmah The Positive Power, the power of
Saturn. The Christos p. 87. See Also Positive Power, Tree of Life.
Chokmah-Binah The primal dichotomy, original
atom: one electron, one proton, Purusha-Prakriti, or Father-Mother God. The First
Crossing p. 67.
Chrestos / Christ / Christos Derived from
the Egyptian : Karacas, Karcas, Krst : meant the anointing of the mummies.
(Anointing of the carcass). The Greeks used the word Christos for the force,
power or energy which motivates Mind substance, Chittakasa or Manas, Mind as
distinct from the mental functions or cortical functions of the psychic nature.
Chrestos was used for the naming, quickening and awakening power which takes
place in the psychic nature at the birth of that power. Christ means a quickening, a Light, a higher
and more expanding state of consciousness that accompanies the Light when it
breaks in you. The Christos p. 25 ff. When we meet a quickening, an awakening
power of Light; on the Mind Level, we label that the Christos. Ibid p. 42 The
down flowing stream from the throne (Middle pillar of the Tree of Life) the
allegory of Christ entering the temple of God...expurgation of all that is not of Light’s Regions.
Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 5), p. 3. The Mind level or a
Christ-conscious Being. The First Crossing p.86. The Power of the Christos is
symbolized by the All-seeing Eye. Ibid p. 97. The Universal Light, the aggregate of the seven streams
(rays of development) of life. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 101. Horus (Egyptian),
The Son of Isis and Osiris. Teachers’ Guide (Vol 3) p.48. Chrestos: The process of
awakening and the developing of the other four force centers and the completion
of the journey, making five, symbolized by the Caduceus, the Staff of Hermes.
ibid (Vol 4) p. 23. The Power from the Mind Level. The Practice of the Way p.
Church A label for The Field or group
consciousness. The First Crossing p. 77.
Circle Represents the Unmanifest because it
has no beginning and no end, represents the undifferentiated, unbroken
continuity of consciousness in its absolute state of Self-awareness. Bible
Lessons p. 96.
Clairvoyant Means "clear seeing", i.e.
clear of the veil of Maya. Veil of Maya p. 33. Extended vision. The First
Crossing p. 81. The sharpness and clarity of perception on the Mind level.
Studies in Psychotherapy p.44.
Colloid The etheric
world, level, body, substance, etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.27. From the
Greek word for glue. Permeable membranes. Cosmology p. 61. See Also Etheric.
Communal Adjustment Represents the
feeling that I have that I belong. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 151.
Compassion Is breadth and depth and height of
understanding, and it doesn’t have any forgiveness or love either in it.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 22.
Conarium / Conarial center That point
(that the Master makes with the ‘outer’ man) of contact in the head center.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.82. The Crown center, the Thousand Petaled
Lotus. Practices in Individual Development p.53. See Also Crown Center.
Configurational process The motion of
consciousness followed through atomic structures, molecular structures to the
colloidal point respecting the function - respecting motion of consciousness.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.40. See Also Cosmic Process, Emergent energy.
Configuration The configuration is a
representation of the pattern; the pattern is a representation of the state in
which consciousness is conscious. This is based on the axiomatic assumption
that there is a power-to-be-conscious that is indubitable, self-evident, etc.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 123. When we think of the configuration we should
think of Light-energy-plasm in one act of consciousness. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p.104. Configurations of units of energy represent this world in
which we live, move and have our existence, and in which the Be-ing -
Power-to-be-conscious - functions. The Christos p. 200. See Also Malkuth.
Configurational level The third level
upon which we function described as a configuration of dynamic units of energy.
The configuration in which we function, as in a vehicle, is a representation of
the state in which the individualized Self is conscious of Itself, plus the
qualities in the psychic nature that have obscured that true Higher Self. How
to Discipline your Psyche p. 17 (new ed.) (p.19 old ed.) Represents the state
of consciousness of the individualizing field, as well as the content of the
psychic nature. Expanding States of Self-awareness p.119. See Also Energy World
Configurational world Light and energy
fields, waves, frequencies, patterns, units of energy, etc. Events in a
space-time continuum. This world as a configuration of units of energy, a
dynamic process, a continuous creating process, etc. The First Crossing p. 100.
Conscience Your Dharma operating, functionally
speaking, in you as a compulsion urge, which when not understood is called
conscience. It’s your own inner sense of decency, your own inner sense of
fitness of things, and inner sense of feel and consciousness. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 134.
Conscious Where functioning in the objective
manifold becomes conscious....the third and fourth orders of the abstracting
process. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p, 37. The act of being conscious means that
one is registering frequency or he couldn’t be conscious. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 115.
Conscious functioning Awakening to
the conscious registry of the guna, the quality of energy-forces registered and
which we are motivated. This characterizes those who will participate in the
New Cycle. The First Crossing p.93.
Consciousness The act of
being conscious and being focused and identified with the power with which one
is conscious. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 7. With the term light as
representation of that essential nature which again is labeled, the World
Mother or nature. Ibid p. 26. The Self or the Power-to-be-conscious The
Christos p. 213. Consciousness is the activity of the Mother (light, energy,
living matter, etc.) Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 30.
act of being aware. Cosmology p. 124. Light, or consciousness, pertains to the
negative aspect of the Cosmic Process, which we call the Mother. A Description
of the Psychic World p. 83. Jiva (Sanskrit) - Light - energy as a field or as a
differentiated sphere. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 29. That which is called the
Field (it is sentient) is also called consciousness. Ibid (Vol 3) p.61.
Consciousness represents the totality, the summum bonum of the essential nature
of any given ‘thing’, as well as any given individual. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 5.
See Also Jiva, Light-energy.
Consciousness-light-energy The essential
nature of any given field and therefore every field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4)
p. 27. See Also Field(s)
Content of the psychic nature Feeling-images,
desire-forms, etc. The First Crossing p. 87.
Context of situation Environment. A
person if influenced by the waves-frequencies around him. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 29. See Also Environment.
Conversion A complete reorientation of
consciousness from objectivity and the psychic world to the realms of reality,
the realm of Beings. The Seven Initiations p. 73.
Cosmic Egg See Autonomous Field.
A representation of the creative forces, the epitomization of the whole
creative process of the universe. The First Crossing p.42. Epitomized by man, in his awakening to Self-awareness portrays its every phase. Ibid p. 83. The way it functions (the cosmic process and every differentiation therein functions likewise according to the whole) ... life facts. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 37. God, the whole cosmic process. Ibid p. 49.
What Plato labeled the Good, we in SNO label the Power-to-be-Conscious ibid p. 143. The process whereby all differentiations, all states of Be-ing in lightergy are reflected in mattergy (energy-living matter configurations). Ibid p. 146.
natural sequential expansion of a given individual’s consciousness from one
state to another representing order. There is an orderly process, rhythm,
balance, etc., to structure and function which we label the cosmic process. The
Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p. 3. Reality. Ibid p. 19. Each minute area
(group of cells) in the physiological organism, represents a correspondence,
microcosmic replica, or epitomization of that macrocosmic organism-as-a-whole
we call the cosmic process. Ibid (Vol 2) p. 219. The fundamental basis or
reality from which abstractions are made. The Christos P. 193. See Also God,
Natural Order Process, Triune Man.
Cosmos Order. The First Crossing p.45. The ultimate
or highest of all comprehensive spheres. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 5. The
all-embracing actuality discovered is the invariant Natural Order Process
characterizing life-facts, which in their totality and as a process, we label
Cosmos. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 9. The word order (Cosmos) signalizes number (as
quantity composed of many units, vortices of energy, energy system, etc.), configurational
representations, hierarchical systemizations, ensembles, etc. Ibid p. 19. See
Also Natural Order Process.
Council, the The supreme government of the world --
the hierarchy of supermen known as the Council. Bible Lessons p. 106.
Creation A static view of the world in which we
have our existence from the point of view of the objective manifold of values.
The First Crossing p.101. ‘Creation’ was not some happening thousands of years
B.C. it is creation is in continuum. Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p. 6. See
Also Cosmic Process, Creating process.
Creating process The beginning of the galaxy is
the beginning of a creative process. The Seven Initiations p. 3. An ongoing
continuing, dynamic process. Bible Lessons p. 4.
Creative force That force which motivates every
form of expression in the individual’s nature. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 35.
See Also Motivating principle (Force).
Creative Will See Atma/Atman
Creptoid states Projection or dissociation of
the consciousness form the physiological organism, also hypnotism and trance
states. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 4.
Crossing a complete reorientation of
consciousness from one ‘level’ or state to another ‘level’ or state. The First
Crossing p. 4.
Crown Center See Conarial center
Crystalloidal state Described as
the peripheral boundary of its Field (or a given field) comparable to the
expanding and contracting theory of the universe, as is held by some astrophysicists.
Cosmology p. 52. Consciousness focused on ‘objects’ and ‘things.’ Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 4) p.55. When we condition our minds to think only in terms of
consciousness and the states, then we label that phenomenal or objective world
as the crystalloidal state, which is transferred to everything else; every
other configuration is seen accordingly. Ibid p. 67. See Also Objective world,
Phenomenal world.
Crystallization Trying to maintain the status
quo in a dynamic process .... results in : e.g. Hardening of the arteries,
ossified bones, arthritis, calcium deposits, etc. Studies in Psychotherapy
Crucifixion After it (the generative substance) has
been nailed on the cross of matter, it emancipates itself permanently from the
Mother principle and becomes a self-luminous, self-rolling Light, becomes fully
individualized; It now becomes logos, the reason in its own self for everything
of which it is conscious. The Christos p. 11.
Cycles of seven The perfected individual is
androgynous, both male and female in one representation. The cycles of seven is
reflected in the process of transference from the positive to the negative
poles of its own field or being ... thus seven times round (in palingenesis)
manifestation will be female and seven times round male, until the qualities of
each become balanced, brought about by the power of equilibrium. The First
Crossing p. 28. Also the seven cycles are described as mile posts in the
process of development of each individual : 7 yrs, 14 yrs, 28 yrs, 35 yrs, 42 yrs,
49 yrs, 56 yrs and 62 yrs, etc. Practices in Individual Development p. 70 ff.
Dance of Kali The period between the deep unconscious
sleep and the awakening, where the mother principle exerts the predominating
influence upon the awakening and emerging power-to-be-conscious. The Seven
Initiations p. 14.
Dance of Life The Lila, everything is the play of
Brahma, which means action. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p.65. See Also Lila.
Dark Night of the Soul That cut off
feeling and the agony due to the fact that one can no longer integrate,
psychologically speaking, and another group had not yet been found to affiliate
with. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 63. See Also Gethsemane.
Darkness The negative pole. Membership Letters
(V) p.6.
Death The entrance into the consciousness of
the man state, the lower quaternary, the psychic world, etc. So death means
passing beyond, dying to and being born again ... there are two deaths: the
first is withdrawal of consciousness from objective identity, functioning in
the psychic nature; the second: is the withdrawal from the psychic nature and
functioning in the Higher triad. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 20. Transition,
the aristotelians call death, and after the senses are gone, a reorientation in
consciousness takes place ... to the only thing that is real, enduring and
permanent - the Real Self functioning in the Real World. Practice of the Way p.
24. The transition when the autonomous field withdraws or inbreathes and a
disintegration of the configuration takes place is called the first death.
Later on there is the withdrawal of the autonomous field from the psychic
nature and the factors, the qualities, the entities break up and go their
respective ways ... the second death. Ibid p. 63. The deluge, symbolizes the
break up of the psychic nature, the second death. Ibid p. 72. See Also Deluge,
the / Transition.
Death of the personality It is pulling
all of the energies, forces, out of the centers which motivate functioning on
the psychic level. The application in conscious functioning of that analogy of
the grain planted in the earth which "unless it die it bringeth forth no
fruit." The First Crossing p. 76. "In an upper room, prepare the last
supper." The resurrection of consciousness in the Light. Self-Mastery through
Meditation p. 52.
Deliverance Emancipation; the transvaluation of
values, non-identity, etc. or Mukta (Sanskrit) Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 15.
See Also Emancipation, Mukta.
Deluge See Second Death .
Demiurge / Demiurgos The Grand
Architect of the Universe. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 27. The emerging
Power-to-be-conscious, Logos, Demiurgos, to use three labels for that which is
emerging out of the Mater of the Cosmic Process. Membership Letters (II) p. 3.
See Also Arche, Logos, Real Self, Sa-Guna Brahma.
process (arc)
Described as an infoldment (infolding process), an involution, a metamorphosis
of light into energy, energy into living matter, of the evolutionary process.
The First Crossing p. 66.
Infolding of the Positive Power into Mother
Substance. Ibid p.83. The unconscious. Self-Mastery through Meditation p.
89. An individual has an aeonian past, which can be described as the descending
arc through successive differentiations until the final, ultimate, autonomous
field has become differentiated. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 30. See Also
Ascending arc.
Desire The power with which consciousness
works on the higher levels is reflected in the psychic nature and is labeled
desire. Teachers’ Guide (Vol 2 ) p. 33. See Also Psychic Nature.
Destiny Two types: Created and Self-created.
Created destiny is when your latitude of choices are shaped by your polarized
thoughts, and other influences that influence you hour by hour, day by day,
week by week, month by month, year by year. Thus you build your destiny. A
synonym is karma, The way you work, consciously or unconsciously. Self-Created
or Discovered destiny is that which is buried in matter and is that eternal
Power-to-be-conscious struggling and working to pip its shell and become
conscious of itself. .... that destiny is the real purpose of it all, to be
conscious of that is our real destiny, to be conscious of the Self. Practices
in Individual Development p. 13 ff . See Also Karma, Sortem Suam Quisque Amet.
Detachment In the political situations of the
U.S., we are admonished to retain the position of the witness, the onlooker
with great love that enfolds and encompasses all creatures - great compassion
that is neither indifference nor involvement. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 52.
/ Deva line
We consider the deva line of development an exception to the emergent process
in the human line, which proceeds from lowly forms - the animal world and below
- into the man-state and beyond. The Deva Line of Development p. 1. Called
angels in the Christian Bible. Devas who have incarnated in human form have
been called "Heaven-born ones," but could also be applied to those
who have never been in human form. Ibid p. 17.
configurate on the etheric plane. They are free from the "weight" of
physical substance. To move, they focus on that frequency and they are there.
Understanding the Psychic Nature Lesson 13, p.4. Those who belong to the deva
world must develop the psyche the same as those who belong to the human line
must develop the psyche before they can leave that point in the cyclic process.
The deva line is a parallel line of evolution. The First Crossing p. 70. They
are called psychic, ‘intuitional’ people; they are called clairvoyants because
they see colors and lights and forms, they are called creators of beauty; by their
nature, they are creative. Ibid p. 73 ff. The Deva is easily controlled and the
most powerful influence which can be developed for an individual. Their world
is complete harmony; music; peace; therefore they do not build up any
resistance. Devas much attach themselves to a higher developed one, whether
from the human line or another line of evolution. They can function in
frequency just as the fish can function in water. Harmony and love are more
important to them than food to the objective conscious man. They draw support
and sustenance and energy and life from the aura, the field of a higher
developed one and they grow by reason of that. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 21.
See Also Angels of Light.
Devachan That state of the Master’s
consciousness upon the Mind-level into which one passes when deprived of his
psychic ‘body’. It is of a higher order in the process of abstracting, as well
as in experience, than the described psychic-level concept of heaven. True
"heaven-world" of the Master; which is recognized as "the
goal" on the part of many of the sons of man. The Natural Order Process
(Vol 2) p. 91.
Development The process of unfolding into conscious
the orders of life from the "kingdom" (Malkuth) of the Tree of Life
to the Crown (Kether). The natural order or cosmic process. The First Crossing
p. 46. The transference of identity from one level to another level which
constitutes the individualizing process. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 50. See Also
Growth, Expansion, Individualizing Process, Natural Order Process.
Devil An invention by men that they might have
more security and pleasure; out of effort to avoid that which hurts, as an
evolutionary motive, a personified evil. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 99. The
personification of the powers of darkness. These powers are the emanations of
humanity, both incarnate and discarnate. Bible Lessons p. 44.
Devotion Ray The fifth ray of development but the
sixth outpouring of force from the Central Sun. It is a welling up of within us
a Power, a force of devotion to IT and to the representations of our state of
consciousness which symbolize IT. A force within us that we already have and
that force stems right back into the ray flowing forth from the Logos, the
stream of force in waves-frequencies that we break into and register, which
motivates us. The Seven Rays of Development p. 5. One on this ray is a
preserver of the factors and values that have gone into a given culture.
Patriotism, the devotional attitude. Ibid p. 25.
Descent of the Host/Fire When one
completely finishes the regenerative process, there is a flowing downward form
"on high" of the "divine Shakti", and all of the centers
become still more purified by that "descent of the fire." The Natural
Order Process (Vol 2) p. 110.
Dharma The Law of
individual Being. When the emergent process of the Power (to-be-conscious)
asserts itself strongly to become self-sufficient, individualized.
Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 11) p. 1 ff. The bounden duty which one owes to his ‘deeper’ or ‘higher’ Self. "The spirit of the Lord within his soul." The First Crossing p. 6 ff. That which precedes and supersedes all moral codes. The higher motivating force flowing from the intrinsic Self. Intrinsically each occupies or represents a point in a vast scheme of growth-development, a cosmic process and relative to t that point, the creative forces of the process itself operating in him which becomes a compulsion an urge which he must obey. Studies in Psychotherapy p.132. Bounden duty; function with respect to a given sphere or field; (Metros/Metron – mdw 5/01/10)work to do with respect to a given cycle. Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p.4. See Also Law of Individual Being.
Diakinesis A dual action; a split into two equal divisions of any force.
Cosmology p. 58.
Diamond Light The Light ‘division of the Mother
is altogether too brilliant to reflect or to function as a reflector. Those who
have seen the Diamond Light (not the highest aspect) have experienced a psychic
shock producing excruciating pain. The First Crossing p. 86. Above the Second
Crossing there are several differentiated regions of Light: Diffused Light,
Diamond Light and Supernal Light. The Diamond Light is pure, un-reflected
Light, very painful and of a very high frequency. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 100. The Arche, The Great Christos, or Archetypal Gods. Ibid p.
109. In the Vedic system of teachings it was labeled Indra. The Diamond Light
is of such incredible sharpness that as long as we function in the objective
state, the objective manifold of values, we have to leave it out. It’s too
intense for the neural system, that means independently of the physiological
organism, then can we safely open consciousness on the level of the Diamond
Light. Practice of the Way p.30 ff. See Also Arche, Light’s Regions.
Dianetics A psycho-logical ‘system’ based upon
cellular impression, memory, reaction, etc. The Christos p. 174. See Engram.
Diffused Light Like electricity which is a
grosser form of the configurational energy world, e.g. Electric welding spark.
Practice of the Way p. 31. After the Second Crossing into the region of Mind.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.101. See Also Light’s Regions.
Dissociation Projection. A lapse of consciousness on
the objective side but there is a dissociation of the psychic nature from the
configurational self. Going out of your body. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 82
Divine Mind The Greater Self, Infinite
Intelligence, as a universalized state. The process of developing the Self as
an Idea; the Power-to-be-conscious becoming conscious of itself as a Be-ing.
How to Discipline your Psyche p. 10 ff. See Also Greater Self, Logos.
Dream Images Those pictures and images which are not
sharply edged . Clearly defined in the consciousness -- and therefore do not
appear substantive are called, in the objective manifold-of-values, psychic
pictures, psychic images, dream pictures, the dream fabric, etc. The First
Crossing p. 99. See Also Psychic images.
Dreams The basis for dreams are unfulfilled,
creative responses and urges, irrespective of the reason for the
non-fulfillment of those creative urges. Not carried out because of censorship,
belonging to your objective level, your private world, mentalized values about
this and that, and about codes, ethics, rules, regulations, etc. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 87.
Polar opposite words such as hot-cold, high-low, far-near, etc. The First
Crossing p. 98.
Duration The continuation of Be-ing. "State
or quality of lasting." Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p.4.
Dweller on the Threshold A thought-form
created by man since his first appearance in physical form. It is a composite
of personal willings, human determinations, selfish desires, elemental-self
indulgences, etc. It is created by the elemental-self and not by the
Master-self. It shows up when one aspires to function on the Mind-level of the
Master-self and can only be dissipated by a supreme exertion of will. The
Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 64. The lower psyche with its content which
rises up to bar the way to Light’s Regions. It is the censor which prevents
one, in a state of objective identification, from being aware of the content of
his lower psyche. The First Crossing p. 88. All of the past, the destiny (that each
has created) rolled up into the "now," confronts us. Practices
in Individual Development p. 17. The acquired and cultivated qualities of all
the past, the ensemble of all the desirings, lovings, and thinkings. Ibid p.
39. A materialization of all your past thoughts and desires. Bible Lessons p.
Events The First Crossing p.101. We call this world an energy world or a
dynamic process. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p.47. See Also Energy World, ‘thing’
& ‘object’
Earth The basic elemental
force. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 120. Earth is the symbol for Nature’s
formative forces. The Christos p. 18. The earth symbolizes the configurational
aspect of man, a dynamic process. The Seven Initiations p.32. See Also
Elemental forces, Nature’s Formative Forces.Ego/ego Ego is a synonym for Monad. This egocentralizing force, sense, or tendency in the consciousness becomes the ego. Bible Lessons p. 99. (e)go is that sense of I-am-I-ness. Studies in Psychotherapy p.31. That sense of self identity within the frame of reference of identification of images appearing substantive. Ibid p. 47. The personality is only an abstraction from points of reference within the race psyche, oversoul or group field. Intensify that abstraction until the I-am-I sense that we label ego is developed. Ibid p.115.
personality pattern that has now become formed. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 2) p.5.
The sense of personality is due to a focalization in consciousness of a number
of frequency relationships; that is, wave-frequency contacts -- rapports,
desires, communal interests, love attractions, etc. The First Crossing p. 8.
Consciousness of I-am-I-ness The Christos p. 93. The ego is a
pseudo-individual, not a true individual, it is a reflected individual. Ibid p. 111. See Also
Monad, Personality Pattern.
Egocentric The motivating urge in the pursuit of
profit, pleasure in extended sense gratifications, etc. The First Crossing p.
Egoism / Egotism Egoism is the quality of
consciousness to become self-centered, a little self, a personal self, or the
self that means the person, persona, the mask that we put on in the drama of
life. In the early stages (of development), the mental processes accentuate ego
centralization, egocentrism, egoism. Egotism is a label symbolizing ignorance.
It is a defense mechanism to cover up a lack. Practice of the Way p.55.
Einsteinian Age The most significant change in
cultural thinking when the dramatic effects and considerations of the atomic
bomb have passed away and we are more familiar with atomic power in commerce
and trade, in the motive power of our facilities, the light and heating of the
homes, propulsion, etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p.50 .
Electromagnetic field Consists of
three factors: a positive pole, a negative pole and the lines of force between
the poles. This is the basic structure of the universe. Teachers’s Guide (Vol
3) p. 9. It is not possible to treat the electromagnetic field as separate from
matter. Ibid (Vol 4) p.1. The positive and negative poles are labeled the basic
unity. Ibid p.12. The lines of force describe a pattern. Upon the pattern of
the flowing lines of force (the pattern of the field) between the positive and
the negative pole, energy emerges. Studies in Psychotherapy p.149.
field The
motivating force, energy, by which the elementalistic person functions. Studies
in Psychotherapy p.28.
Elemental forces Spirits, autonomous fields.
Formerly symbolized as: Salamanders (fire spirits), Sylphs (air spirits),
Undines (water spirits), Pixies & Gnomes (Earth spirits) These describe
resonant qualities of wave-frequencies. Practice of the Way p.64. See Also
Elemental formative forces See Instincts
Electron Symbol for all emergent quanta
respecting energy, a single electron is a quantum of energy. (A particle of
negative charge) Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 40.
Elemental self A composite of desire - and
thought-forms developed out of identifications with objects of sense and
representing a synthesis of forces diverted from the (potential) Master-self.
The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.11. "Bundle" of delusional
evaluations and self-created semantic reactions born of identity with sense
faculties and ‘objects’, comprehending also the formative forces by which they
are motivated. Ibid p. 33. See Also Psychic nature.
Elohim Logos is another term. The Greeks
called that Only Begotten Son "Logos" and if we understood resonance
to its ultimate, intrinsic nature, then we could substitute the label
"Word" for Logos. "In the beginning was the Word."
Membership Letters (V) p. 2. See Also Logos.
Emancipation The pivotal point, deliverance, Mukta
(Sanskrit); transvaluation of values, non-identity. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p.
15. See Also Mukta.
Emergent energy Whirls on the lines of force on
the pattern of a field which flow from the negative to the positive pole. A
part of the configurationa process. Studies in Psychotherapy p.7. See Also
Configuration, Configurating process.
Emergent process The emergence of the
Power-to-be-conscious from the inconscient Mother substance. The First Crossing
p. 99.
En Rapport (French) A relationship between
individualized fields that is so close that it can be seen as well as felt. It
is a blending of auras, the blending of vibrations, the blending and
synchronization of frequencies. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 40.
Engram From Dianetics (Scientology) ... The
ability of cells of an organism - within a very narrow range of frequencies -
to receive and retain effects of stimuli. The basis of psychometry
(registration upon consciousness at the cellular level.) The Christos p. 174.
See Also Psychometry
Energy A unit of energy is called an electron.
Healing Technic p.11. ‘Matter’. Every ‘thing’ that you can point to is called
energy, ‘thing’ represents energy in configuration; a dynamic energy-process.
The Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p. 18. That which Heraclitus called primary
substance or fire is now labeled energy. Ibid p. 146. Energy is characterized
by gunas or qualities, and we have three primary gunas or qualities; these
represent the kinds, the characteristic types of ‘matter’ with whch the psychic
nature is built. Energy is built upon the lines of force of the field.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 26 - 32.
Energy world The lunar cycle; the development of the
lower psyche and the higher psyche is called the lunar cycle because we operate
in the reflected light only. Before the Second Crossing into the Real Light.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 100. What we call this world is an energy
world, a dynamic process. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 47. The energy world
level is designated as the configurational representation. Practice of the Way
p. 26 . See Also Dynamic process, Gunas, Lunar Cycle, Reflected light.
Environment Context of situation. A person is
motivated by forces and energies according to his background, context of
situation. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 29. The non-aristotelian attitude is
always in terms of fields, in terms of qualities, gunas of the field respecting
both hereditary and environment; the qualities of the physiological organism,
or/and the field which is called environment. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 33. A
frequency field considered from the energy-world level; environmental surround
and what elicits and quickens one’s latent potentials, abilities and forces.
Practice of the Way p. 19. See Also Context of situation.
Epistemology Word knowing. Lower manas, accumulation
of ‘facts’ pertaining to that under investigation, concepts derived from
obeservation, etc., but not necessarily kowing anything about the essence, the
creative life-forces, oneness in an overall organism-as-a-whole process of
emergence out of the nescience into the Light. The Seven Rays of Development p.
15. Epistemological knowledge is based upon manufacturing concepts about that
which has been received via light-energy frequency registration. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 115.
Epoptai / Epopté The stage of development in
which we have arrived at the cleared spot in the North Half (of the psychic
nature); those with their eyes open. Everything we are conscious of this state
is characterized by union. We recognize the Power-to-be-conscious in everything
we experience. But at the same time we feel the presence of the Mother. The
Power and the Mother are united in our awareness. We are recognizing the fusion
of the positive power and the negative substance and functioning in the
awareness of it. Expanding States of Self-awareness p.111. Having one’s eyes
open; clearly grasping this world as a dynamic configurational representation
of Reality, and the phenomenal aspect as thingified images in the psychic
nature. The First Crossing p. 100.
Equilibrium The power of balance, a cosmic force.
The power of equilibrium unifies and develops order in generation. Practice of
the Way p. 62.
Eros Love with more of a sexual conotation.
How to Discipline your Psyche p.35 (p. 31 New Ed.). See Also Agape/Love.
Essential Self Described as a differentiating
process in the Light Mother. Practice of the Way p. 70.
Eternal Quest, The The search for "something
beyond" all of that of which one is conscious. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 9.
Eternity The absence of time. Expanding States
of Self-awareness p.30.
Ethereans A vast range, orders upon orders, from
nature spirits through to the devas or Angelic Hosts. The First Crossing p.76.
There are hosts of those in the process of becoming conscious of the self, of
their individualized Be-ing in living matter. We label those etherians the
heaven-born ones, and a very few of them cross over and take incarnation as
earth?born but there are hosts and hosts of them that never cross over. They're
called the angels or the devas and their configuration which we call the
malkuth --their furtherest out before their return in our up is the etheric
substance. Fire in the Heart of the Atom p.1. See Also Angels, Devas, Heaven
Born Ones.
Etheric structure See Vital Dynamism
Etheric world The colloidal field, between the
molecular and cellular structures, the ‘gate-way’ into the psychic world.
(Etheric is a word without a referent, an old aristotelian term.) Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 4) p.27.
Etheric substance Etheric substance is the link
between the energy world and configurating teleplasm; it reflects the patterns,
archetypes from the energy world into the form-building, plasmic state. An
ensemble of reflected patterns, it transmits images from the energy world to
the form-building world (psychic nature). Expanding States of Self-awareness p.
53. Etheric substance condenses, so to speak; it configurates into what is
called teloplasm or ectoplasm, then protoplasm and cytoplasm, the substance of
cellular structures. A Description of the Psychic World p. 23. It is the
carrier and reflector of gunas in the psychic nature. As carrier of the guna
energy-waves, organic functional processes on the physiologicl level are
affected, harmoniously or disturbingly. As reflector, etheric substance mirrors
psychic radiations of other persons, environmental vibrations, group and race
psyche influences, etc. The First Crossing p. 81. Electronics, sonics, radio,
radar, electromagnetic field physics, energy-waves and frequencies, etc. ibid
p. 84. Vital dynamism, the vital principal; a segment of the metamorphosing
process of light into energy, energy into living-matter, the segment of Mother
substance which lies between the energy world and teloplasm, protoplasm,
living-matter. Practices in Individual Development p. 13.
The race psyche, a given race consciousness: e.g. German, Italian, etc. Studies
in Psychotherapy p. 151. See Also Race psyche.
Events Dynamic processes. In our course of
development we will begin to perceive living in a dynamic energy world, peopled
with dynamic processes (called events). The First Crossing p.101.
Evil Evil is expressing a degree of
naturalness that one has outgrown. The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.39.
Evolutionary process described as expanding awareness, a process of synthesis
of experience. Practice of the Way p. 91. The end of which will be
characterized by the use of the mental functions to formulate mental constructs
perfect and true to the natural order of the cosmic process. Ibid p.45. Growth
and development of the whole race. The Christos p. 55. The transfiguration
process in the ascending phase. Ibid p. 90. The expanding process of successive
states of Self-awareness. The goal is formlessness, or freedom from the
‘objective’, as well as other tangible manifestations and identification
therewith. The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.94. See Also Cosmic process,
Expanding Awareness.
Existence To stand out; is all representation of
the state in which the Power is becoming conscious. A Description of the
Psychic World p. 54.
Expanding Awareness See
Evolutionary process.
Expurgation The casting out of those forces and
energies which cannot be used in the individualizing process or in the building
of the new solar vesture. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 36. See Also Psychic
Extensional The referent for non-dogmatic,
non-opinionated, non-critical attitude, charitableness and compassionateness.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 22.
Faith "Now faith is the substance of
things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." Our sense of the
essential rightness of all that is the result of an inner knowledge, though
that knowledge may not yet be a realization perceptible to our mental
faculties. Bible Lessons p. 63.
in Heaven
Another term for the "Only Begotten" or Logos. See Also
Individualizing process, Logos.
Father Principle The forces, energies, etc., of
the cosmic sphere, called God, cannot be known except as, by or in the
substance of the solar sphere; i.e., the Father can be known only by the
activity - waves and frequencies - of the Mother. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p.72. See Also Brahma, Cosmic Field, God.
Field(s) Where consciousness functions in a
substance differentiated from other substances. Substance = anything that
represents light or the substance in which the wave and frequency called light
operates down to living matter, cytoplasm, ectoplasm, etheric substance --
living matter. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 123. Each field has its positive and
negative poles or charge with a flow of forces in between. Upon the lines of
force, the pattern of the field, energy emerges. Ibid p. 149. The essential
nature of any given field and therefore of every field, is characterized by
that which we label consciousness-light-energy ... the sentient nature.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 27. See Also Consciousness-light-energy.
Fifth principle/precept Manas, the actuating
principle of the chittakasa. The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p.36. Fifth
precept: Meditatively study analogical representations of the world of reality.
Practice of the Way p. 21.
Fire Symbolic of the dynamism of the
autonomous field. The First Crossing p. 66. Symbolic of frequency, activity and
life-giving force, or Nature’s formative forces. The Christos p. 21. See Also
Nature’s formative forces.
First Atom, The Hydrogen: One electron, one proton
-- exemplifies the original and primal dichotomy, Chokmah-Binah,
Purusha-Prakriti, Or Father-Mother God. The First Crossing p. 67.
The The first thing that signalizes one making the First Crossing is to find
and uncover, or discover, the motivating forces which activate, motivate
everything experienced, so-called without and so-called within. The First
Crossing p. 39. He just wakes up and discovers that he is motivated by al sorts
of influences, even elemental substances, nature’s formative forces, the earth?
He becomes conscious of the frequency by which he is motivated. Ibid. p. 75.
that which represents what we label the First Crossing is not only to come out
from the ‘objective world’ -- the nether world, limited to sense registry,
formulated images appearing substantive and values given thereto--but also to
come out from giving value to any formulated image whether it appears
substantive or not. That is we abandon psychic phenomena completely. ibid p.
94. We are going to treat the lower and higher psychic world in the form of
grosser energy (Longer wave and less number of frequencies per unit of time)
converted into finer forms of energy, but all the time oriented to the energy
and its guna until the psyche can be clarified of all lower guna quality and is
so clear that it can reflect the Mind, the Power of the Christos, the Eye, the
All-Seeing I. Ibid p. 97.
Accomplishing this at-one-ness ibid p. 101. That dawning culminating in consciousness signalizes the First Crossing, e.g. the third and fourth levels of abstracting. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 39. The movement of consciousness from its peripheral state to its Self sans state. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 69. The point where we cross over from the mentalized, private world into the Real World. Practice of the Way p. 91.
Accomplishing this at-one-ness ibid p. 101. That dawning culminating in consciousness signalizes the First Crossing, e.g. the third and fourth levels of abstracting. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 39. The movement of consciousness from its peripheral state to its Self sans state. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 69. The point where we cross over from the mentalized, private world into the Real World. Practice of the Way p. 91.
First Precept Grant freedom to each and claim freedom
for yourself. Granting freedom means letting go and surrendering which is a
force, a faculty, an aptitude which one has to cultivate until he can let
everyone go. Granting freedom to each and everyone with whom we are in
association. Practice of the Way p. 2.
That which determines the level upon which one functions, whether or not the
instincts, feelings, desires, emotions, or thinkings function, is the degree of
force released from the five force centers in the structure of the psychic
nature. Objectively speaking there are five: the genital center, solar center,
heart center, throat center and the center in the middle of the forehead - the
pituitary center. Those five pertain to the psychic nature. The centers at the
base of the spine and the crown of the head pertain to the differentiated field
in Light’s substance and do not pertain to the psychic nature at all. Practice
of the Way p.73. There are twelve of these Seals or centers through which, when
completely developed and organized, the controlling sun-like God or Luminous
Self exercises directives to the many other force centers - 144,000 in all.
When the Gnosis(Knowledge) was hidden and given only in allegory, parable,
symbolical representation, etc., these were called 12 disciples, apostles;
described as the 12 labors of Hercules; 12 astrological divisions; 12 tribes of
Israel, etc. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.31. In meditation, one starts
with focusing his energy in the genital center(Adhishthana) or where he can
sense his energy residing and begin to focus attention a short distance above
that center until he can sense the energy flowing to the next center, e.g. the
Solar(Manipuraka) center, then in the same fashion, moving upward to the
Heart(Anahata), Throat(Vishuddi or Pharyngeal) center, the head centers(Ajna or
Cavernous, Pituitary), and the top of the head(Sahasrara or Conarial), and
beyond, at that point, the energy may descend swiftly to the base of the
spine(Muladhara or Sacral); thus awakening the kundalini force which opens all
the centers. Membership Letters (III) p. 5.
Focalizations of the seven major streams of the
World-mother are represented by the seven chakras, seals or force-centers. See
chart on page 59 The Natural Order Process (Vol 2). See Chakras.
Force, motivational The force with
which a given person is motivated does not originate within that person. It
originates in that in which he is integrated on the frequency side. He is
motivated by forces and energies according to his background, to the context of
situation (‘environment’). Studies in Psychotherapy p. 29. See Also Context of
Force of Darkness The obscuration by excessive
cultivation of the feeling-images, desire-forms, thought-pictures, etc., in
generation to the degree that these magnetic forces in these images, forms, etc.,
have become entities of an obsessional nature and have taken over the psychic
nature of the many. These ‘things’ once established hate the Light and the
Truth. The First Crossing p. 87.
Four Elements Symbolical of the transfigurational
process, a transfiguration of living matter substances into energy and energy
into light. Fire to air, air to water, water to earth; earth to water, water to
air, air to fire. Fire = electricity. Air = gas ( the first atom, hydrogen).
Earth = any configuration of units of energy. Water = the psychic nature,
psychic forces, the unconscious The First Crossing p. 66 ff In olden times
called spirits. Spirits = autonomous fields (field physics). Fire = salamanders
(high band-pass, e.g. beyond visible light. Air = Sylphs. Water = Undines.
Earth = Gnomes & Pixies. There is a resonant guna, characterizing
wave-frequency represented by each of these elements. Out of these qualities we
build into the psychic nature with which we affinitize that with which we are
synchronized, cultivate. These are the elemental forces making up the psychic
nature. Practice of the Way p.64. Those four (elements: fire (sun), air, water,
earth) contribute their quota to the configurating process and the
configuration. The Christos p. 18. In a description of the 3d. degree: Earth =
his configurational level of consciousness; water = his psychic world; air= his
mental and intellectual world; fire = the spirit itself. See Also autonomous
field, Cosmic process, Spirits.
Four levels of functioning The highest
level = the individualizing process going on in Mind level (the lowest of
Light’s Regions)(spirit). The second level = the psychic world (the ensemble of
forces which motivate our feelings, desirings and thinkings) ( it is a
synthesis of energies, each one which is characterized by wave frequency.) The
third level = the configurational level (represents the state of consciousness
of the individualizing field, as well as the content of the psychic nature.)
The fourth level = Conglomerate of abstractions which are derived from the
other three levels. (A mentalized private world, abstractions from the
configurational world plus the values give to those images and the focused
psychic force on those values giving them a life of their own and we identify
with those images and values. Expanding States of Self-awareness p.118 These
four levels are: the mental, frequency registration, the psychic nature and the
Noetic Mind. Practice of the Way p. 45. ‘Levels’ = the states in which a given
person is conscious; states of consciousness. Ibid p. 51.
Four Somatic Divisions Correspond to
the four elements (Fire, Air, Water, and Earth ... Head, Heart, Navel, and
Genital centers). How to Discipline the Psyche p. 9 ff. Level 1 = Field plus
configuration (Power-to-be-conscious plus representation of its state. Level 2
= structure plus function (the foci of energy or forces, the nadi or channels).
Level 3 = Psychic nature (gunas ‘in’ feelings, desires, thoughts, etc.
(Reflected force of consciousness plus semantic reactions). Level 4 = The maya
-- ‘physical’ existence (manifold of values evolved out of identity with images
appearing substantive.) The Four Somatic Divisions of Man p. 3.
Fourth Cycle The cycle of Man or Mind. The First
Crossing p. 68
Fourth level of the abstracting process The ability to
distinguish one of a class. Functioning on the fourth level means to
consciously register the frequencies and at the same instant consciously
differentiate respecting its level (wave and # of frequencies per unit of time
& to consciously know the gunas) . Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 35. See Also
Conscious Abstracting.
Fourth Degree of Initiation Indicated by: a
change in values, (Amoral); change in space/time functioning, (Sees time
spatially; all is now); expanded consciousness to the psychic world. The Seven
Initiations Lesson 7.
Fourth precept (Precepts in Practice of the
Way); Practice describing the meaning signified or symbolized by each word
used. Practice of the Way p. 14.
Freedom Is the emergence of the
Power-to-be-conscious from the domination of the influence of the Mother.
Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 7) p. 4.
Frequency Light-energy waves and frequencies.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 109. We use the word frequency to comprehend both
the wave and the number of waves per unit of time and group the two as the
referent for the word frequency. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 5.
Frequency registration Represents the
first level removed from the private world, from the objective manifold of
values. The first level we break into when we discover the real world in which
we are integrated; a function of the lowest level of the real world. Practice
of the Way p. 57. You can’t register a frequency unless a similar quality is in
yourself (axiomatic). The Christos p. 136 See Also Four levels of functioning.
Function Represents the activity of substance,
action of light-energy, natural activity or action, called the nature of the
event, of Cosmos, etc. It is described in terms of wave lengths and
frequencies. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 19.
Functional force The functional aspect of the
process-as-a-whole in which we are respectively integrated, is called the Holy
Spirit or the Holy Ghost. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.49. See Also Holy Spirit.
Functional level In the intrinsic nature, which
we very often designate the consciousness of the Self in its own field.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 43. See Also Intrinsic level.
Functional progress The Journey in
terms of transference of or in identification form one state to another. (There
are seven of them e.g. Plant, vegetable, animal, the man, the Angel, The
Christos (Archangel), Logoic , and God.) Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 29.
See Also Journey.
Fundamental reality Is ALL IN ALL;
It is that from which everything else emerges. It is undifferentiated, yet it
is not void. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 88. Respecting a given person
three levels constitute the fundamental reality: The Real Self, the personality
and the configurational self. Practice of the Way p. 23.
Garden of Aaru (Eden, Gods) Represents the state
of the completely purified psychic nature along with the clear reflection of
the in the psychic consciousness of Light’s Regions. The First Crossing p. 91.
The highest level of the psychic nature, where the Light World, the Light
Mother, and her differentiated fields are reflected in the psychic nature.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 74. Between Mind, the lowest level of Light's
Regions, and the highest psyche, (is) what we call the Garden of Aarru.
Membership Letters (II) p. 1. Eden, represents the advent of
Self-consciousness. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 104.
Generative Center (Adhisthana) When the psychic
nature begins to function our first awareness of registry is in the genital
region. The symbol for this center is Jupiter in Sagittarius. How to Discipline
the Psyche p. 28 ff. When enough energy is withdrawn from value-giving and
objective identification, that energy awakens in the generative center. It is
the focus of all the creative energy which motivates the psyche. It is the
stone which the builders rejected. The more force and power awakened on that
level, the stronger the psyche on all the other levels. Understanding the
Psychic Nature (Lesson 5) p. 2. It is the foundation of all creativity on the
part of the World Mother. When the generative center opens, we can no longer
function by neural sensation alone but by sensitivity to wave frequency. ibid
(Lesson 6) p. 4. A characteristic of this force irrespective of the center in
which it becomes active or resident: all latency in the form of
non-fulfillments, suppressions, repressions, etc., are precipitated, thrown
into a high degree of activity. It is the creative force which motivates every
form of expression in the individual’s nature. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 35.
See Also Adhisthana.
Generative Force Earlier in our development, the
generative force was our "crowning glory", symbolized by Pallas
Athena. As one approaches the Second Crossing, the generative force becomes a
drag back; the Symbol of the World Mother becomes the old harlot of Babylon or
the Dragon. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 73. Sex power, sex force; the driving
power behind the psychic nature. The Christos p. 88. See Also Genetrix, Sex.
Genetrix, the The World Mother, the Mater; the
matter (mater) of that world. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 18. The Divine
Mother, the generative force or aspect of the universe; i.e., the generative
power of the cosmic process. The First Crossing p. 104. The motivation of your
sex force, your sex hunger, your sex urge, no matter how much it is camouflaged
or how much you live in your objective idealized standards of excellence, etc.
Studies in Psychotherapy p.59. See Also Generative center/force, Mater, World
Gestalt The whole ensemble - meaning the whole
structure of the field in which the Light is present and becomes the
predominant factor. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 10. The psycho-logical word for
wholeness, the synthetical registry. Ibid (Vol 2) p. 39. See Also Wholeness.
Global consciousness A concept
meaning any organism-as-a-whole - consciousness Mind, psychic nature,
configurational representation. Any individual motion is perceived as a
universal movement. The Christos p. 139 ff. See Also Atomistic
concept/consciousness, Organism-as-a-whole.
Gnosis Clear knowledge of life-facts of this
light-energy configurational representation system. Studies in Psychotherapy
p.111. Knowledge. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 31.
God A synonym for
the "true self", the "master self" ... the differentiated
field constituting the true individuality. A label for the
Power-with-which-one-is-conscious. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 50. God is
Creative Life (The Power behind the natural-order, creating process). The Power
which motivates the creative process. Bible Lessons p. 3. God is a focal point
of live, conscious of what your are conscious of being. The Power with which
you are conscious of anything. Ibid p. 70. The monad is God, because all beyond
it is undifferentiated, Unmanifest. There is not any outside, absolute deity.
Ibid p. 100. The Life-force (Logos) evinced by cytoplasmic structural
organization in or as cells of plant, animal and man is the nearest or best
referent for the word - GOD. Cosmology p. 70.
of Power, Substance, Balance - evinced as One in any and every act of
Consciousness. Ibid p. 124. The Motivating forces of Light’s Regions. A
Description of the Psychic World p. 98. The whole cosmic process in its
undifferentiated fields including all of its differentiations. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.22. The Father principle, the forces, energies, etc., of the
cosmic sphere ... cannot be known except as, by or in the substance of the
solar sphere... by the activity - waves and frequencies - of the Mother.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.72 See Also Father Principle, Light, Logos,
Master Self, True Self.
"God Geometrizes" Quote by Plato
which describes the crystalloidal tectonic level: Reflected Light metamorphosed
into living-matter, cytoplasm, protoplasm, colloidal dynamics and into
crystalloidal tectonics. The Christos p. 201.
Good, The Plato’s term and our term: The
Power-to-be-Conscious and then the label, the Cosmic Process, as a dynamic
creative activity in all that is and all that exists. Studies in Psychotherapy
p. 143. See Also Cosmic Process.
Grace The effect of a higher octave of wave
and frequency upon a relatively lower octave - the force from a higher octave
awakens one upon a relatively lower octave. It is not evolution. The Christos
p. 73. Comes "Not by conscious election", but by an influence other
than you have been conscious of. Ibid p. 93.
Grand Architect The pattern or field of the
cosmos and all differentiations therein. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 6. See
Great Significance, The Culmination of the whole
cosmic, or natural order process in the Self-conscious state, the Son of the
Living father-Mother-God ... which alone gives meaning to life and existence
.... symbolized by the AUM. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.77. See Also AUM.
Greater Ones The Hierarchy??the Greater Ones or
Blessed Ones in Light's Regions. Membership Letters (II) p. 2. See Also Blessed
Ones, Hierarchy
Greater Self The highest level, relative to our
state in the evolutionary process; it is described as a universalized state.
Refers to the Logos -- a Universalized State in which all personalities
disappear. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 10 ff. When we rise to this oneness
of all in the natural order it is called the Greater Self. Practices in
Individual Development p. 62. See Also Logos.
Great Illusion, The The maya
(Aryans), samsara(Buddhists), "the lie and the father of it"
(Christian), The Great Illusion ( by great seers of all times) : It is in this
state (man - objective self-conscious) and only in this state, that the shield
provided by Nature - the World-mother aspect or substance of the Cosmic-process
- to protect the awakening Self from the intensity of Light is mistaken for the
True and the Real. The objective manifold of values and the representations
thereof which have been developed out of this mistake, or identification. The
Christos p. 203 ff. See Also Maya, Samsara, "the lie and father of
Group Means a specific, common control of a
multiplicity of individual fields in the formative process. ...not consciously
individualized yet, but in a formative process of individualization. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 3) p. 76.
Growth and Development The
transference of identity from one level to another level which constitutes the
individualizing process which represents what we call growth, expansion, development,
etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.50. See Also Individualizing process, Natural
order process.
Guilt The sense of guilt is developed in the
consciousness of a given individual when he fails to give complete and free and
unrestricted expression to the creative urge at his point of development.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 99.
Guna Sanskrit: quality. Energy-qualities.
Every so-called thing, can be described as aggregations or configurations of
vortices of energy, plus qualities. On the cellular level, chromatin. Cosmology
p. 91. Our referent for gunas, while comprehending qualities exhibited in blood
relationships, extends to and includes ethnic, racial, sub-human, animal,
plant, etc., characteristics and/or qualities. Ibid p. 94. Qualities represented
in common interests, thoughts, etc., - all are classified as gunas; the range
between sweet and sour, good and bad, high and low, vice and virtue, spiritual
and material, etc., etc., all represent ranges of gunas. Ibid p.120. Color in
the world of analogy, comes the nearest in representation and symbol. The Seven
Rays p. 9 ff. Qualities of frequencies registered. The First Crossing p. 94.
Energy in action; Three main divisions: tamasic or inertial, tempestuous,
virulent, qualities and the quiet, the peaceful, the beautiful, the quality of
felicity. Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p.30 ff. Energy is characterized by gunas or
qualities, and we have three primary gunas or qualities...these qualities
represent the kinds, the characteristic types of ‘matter’ with which the
psychic nature is built. Ibid (Vol 2.) p. 26. In speaking the Treader on the
Path, throws a resonance, a frequency into the words uttered; a quality
(resident in his consciousness) that we call meaning or significance is
attached to the waves. Practice of the Way p. 15.
Harlot of Babylon See Generative force
Harmonic ray The fifth ray (Love +Will) of
outpouring of force from the Central Sun of all Existences, the Logos, Saguna
Brahma. Is the Harmonic force in the universe. The Seven Rays of Development p.
5. Characterized by a disdain for inharmony. Ibid p. 21.
Harmonic time The time line respecting a given
individual upon which the movement called progress, expansion, growth,
development, etc., proceeds. (vs sidereal/linear time.) Teachers Guide (Vol 3)
p. 71. That movement respecting growth and development, is a movement of
consciousness, it is labeled harmonic, because a rhythm characterizes that
motion. A motion in consciousness abstracted from images appearing substantive
is what we call objective time, sidereal time, etc. Ibid (Vol 4) p. 38. See
Also Motion, Sidereal time.
Harmonic world of frequency Our referent
for the word Heaven, because when you are in perfect harmonic synchronization
with structure-function-order of the real world you’re in Heaven and you don’t
have to die to get there. It is just bringing harmony into the private world.
And that is the great thing to strive for. Practice of the Way p. 93. See Also
Hate The reversal of polarity of the
positive force of love. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 106. See Also Polarity.
Healing, True Is the bringing to the light of
conscious recognition how the Natural Order ‘law-of-being’ was violated, and
serious effort put forth not to continue in so doing will be successful; this
is what we call the elimination of the cause. Cosmology p. 27. If a
practitioner can establish frequency-harmony with his patient, ninety percent
of his work is done. The Seven Rays of Development p. 23
Health Each and every organic disease begins
with a disturbance in the harmony and rhythm of the vital forces which motivate
the functions of a given organ. The First Crossing p. 86.
Symbolized by air. The force in the heart center is that which motivates the
cortical activities, mental development, intellectual development. How to
Discipline the Psyche p.31. Also symbolized by Venus in Libra which motivates
the urge to give. The force from heart center motivates mentation only when the
mental processes are utilized as an instrument in the hands of the dominating,
motivating, creating force of love. Practice of the Way p. 75. See Also
Heaven That state of consciousness upon the
psychic-level which is the concretion of the longing and desire of religious
devotees for rest, peace, and happiness. (Yet heaven on earth represents that
state of consciousness in which the third level of egoic self-awareness is
developed.) The Natural Order Process (Vol 2) p. 91. Noetic state. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.51. Harmony. Practice of the Way p. 93. See Harmonic World
Helix If we take the scientific developments
of the structure of the atom, the molecule, the structure of a given
configuration and the findings of astrophysicists and the reports of the seers,
we find that there isn’t anything, yourself included which cannot be described in terms of
the helix, the spiral form.
Any given ‘this’ to which you can point in its ultimate structure represents a
spinning helix, a dynamic process. Studies in Psychotherapy p.46. All of
which we are conscious is abstracted, received, derived from the fundamental
structure-function-order which we call the spirals or the helix or the Cosmic
Process. Ibid p. 95 & Chart p. 94. That rhythmic alternation - birth to
death, death to birth - on the life line (the Palingenetic cycle) is a helix.
Even though it spirals, it is not straight, it’s a sine wave also. It describes
a wave, a frequency, a rhythm. Practice of the Way p. 24. See Also Cosmic
Process, Spirals.
Hell The totality of engendered and migrating
thought forms (cultivated sensations and thoughts molded into and reflected
into etheric-substance) we call the "demon world". Thought forms
originally developed by over-accentuation of forces of generation beyond
natural order requirements in the evolutionary process. One creates his hell
ever since he was born in generation.; as soon as he begins to think. A
Description of the Psychic World. P. 97.
Here-now ‘Here’ meaning space, ‘now’ meaning
time, a space-time continuum. Practice of the Way p.63. Space-time as continuum
which is life-facts. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 40.
Heredity Mental capacities and potentialities,
character of emotional functions, type of sensations experienced, neural
structure of the configuration, body characteristics, etc., which are
represented by genealogical guna epitomizations in colloidal-chromatin
structures of sperm and ovum cells. The word "heredity" represents a
broad referent to cover those mental characteristics and constructs which fall
under the categories included in space and time coordinates, factors, etc.; and
also the awareness-ability to feel, sense or mentally grasp space-time.
Cosmology p. 106.
Hierarchy See Greater Ones
Higher Octave frequency Registered on the psychic
nature, leads to the Christos-power. Each for himself must learn to sharply
differentiate the levels from which frequencies are received. This (frequency)
is never extraneous, but serves as a dependable guide, counselor, organizer and
friend. It is registered upon the consciousness functioning in a lower octave
(from one’s Higher Triad) and is intrinsic. The Christos p. 155. See Also
Higher Triad.
Higher psyche Specific meaning is indicated and
understood; namely, that the positive and negative force currents in generation have been
placed under control of the Will and directed to opening the heart center,
releasing the fountain of love, latent and hidden therein. The First Crossing
p. 91. Human personality pattern, human soul, the autonomous field or Master
Self. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.79. The higher psychic nature is
labeled the mental; it is characterized by conceptual thinking, the development
of concepts, the accumulation of information about images appearing
substantive, etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 5. Developed from 14 to 21
characterized by rationality, judgment, memory. Practices in Individual
Development p. 71. See Also Garden of Aarru, Personality Pattern.
Higher Self The Individualizing Process on Mind
level. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 9. "Soul". The First Crossing
p. 100. Autonomous or differentiated field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 58.
Highest relative to the psychic self, the personal self, the body self, or the
ensemble of the elemental world and the elementaries cultivated or acquired
(the nether world self). See Also Atman, Christ-consciousness, Mind self,
Noetic self, Real Self, Soul.
Higher Triad The autonomous field, its lines of force
and the force foci of the field, the emergent energy appearing as a
configuration. It is symbolized by a triangle with the apex pointing up. The
all-seeing eye in the triangle of the great seal of the U.S.A. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.9. In the Vedas & Upanishads: Purushattama, Prakriti,
Purusha (The neutral, Mother principal, and Father principal.) Hebrew
(Kaballah): Kether, Binah, Chokmah (The Crown, negative substance, the positive
motivating power.) Studies in Psychotherapy p. 101. Obscured when man’s
consciousness is focused in objective identity. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 9.
Higher relative to the psychic nature, the ‘inner’ man) of Atma, Buddhi, Manas.
Practice of the Way p. 41. See Also Mind .
Holy Spirit (Ghost) The functional
force, functional aspect of the process-as-a-whole in which we are respectively
integrated ... and "all manner of sin, transgression against man will be
forgiven" but transgressions against the functional order, the Holy
spirit, will not be forgiven ... etc." Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 49. See
Also Functional Force.
Hope Belief founded upon instinctive or
intuitional knowledge. It is expectance, but without definite, objective
knowledge of what we expect. Bible Lessons p. 69.
Horus Another label (Ancient Egyptian) for
the Christos. The son of Isis & Osiris. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 48. The
Logos. The Christos p. 63 See Also Christos.
Human line of evolution Characterized by
the objective self-conscious state. Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 8)
p. 4.
I Am, the The Triune Self, is
another label for God. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.93. Autonomous field.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 56.
Surya, the Ordainer, the lines of force of
which everyone says of himself; I AM the power. Ibid p. 73. See Also Atma,
Atman, God, Triune Self, Surya.
I-am-I-ness The ego-centralizing tendency; it is
holding on to a concept: mentalizing within a manifold of values developed out
of objective identity. The Christos p. 139.
- Pingala currents
The paraklete - the force in its generative aspect. The currents are in the
psychic nature. After this force has gone through the five centers (the
"five wise virgins") of the psychic nature it ascends to the crown
center - "to meet the bridegroom". Self-Mastery Through Meditation
p.63. The two currents spiral around the central axis of a person, positive and
negative, twist around this axis as the progression, growth, development of the
psychic nature goes on. At higher levels of attainment, the currents rise. They
will rise whether you do anything about I or not, slowly. Practices in
Individual Development p.25.
currents, positive and negative, circulating around the central axis are
magnetic forces. Ibid p. 54. See Also Force centers, Paraclete, Psychic
Ideational World Plato’s description of the
Logos, or the world of Pure Idea and the concept obtains a dual reflection; so
that the concept becomes a reflection of a reflection, which reflection
represents the Idea. (A meaningless concept!) Teacher’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 64.
Identification (process) The first state
in the natural order process where dream pictures, in that span of
consciousness called the animal kingdom, become objective: Images in the
psychic nature appearing substantive. Images are caused by the inability of the
human nervous system to register the intervals between the photons of light
(sight) or the intervals between molecular, atomic or electronic tactile impressions
(touch). That is to say: we register impressions as continuous instead of
discontinuous, as they are in reality. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.28. A
picture is formulated in consciousness -- on the psychic level -- and appears
substantive, so much so that the dream picture has become like a reality with
all of the monumental values built in. The First Crossing p. 50. See Also
Images in the psyche appearing substantive.
Identity That which differentiates the man from
the animal is objective self-consciousness. Man is fully conscious that he has
a body, so much so that one says: "this body is me"; that
characterizes the man. The Christos p. 70. The label for the focal point of
consciousness which may correspond with the consciousness of nature of the
field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 50.See Also Consciousness, Objective
self-conscious state.
Illuminati The Logoi, the awakened Ones. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 4) p. 32. See Also Logoi.
Images We classify all images whether they
appear substantive or not as psychic phenomena. First Crossing p. 95.
Images in the psyche appearing substantive Phenomena.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 23. ‘Thing’ or ‘object’. The Natural Order Process
(Vol 1) p.52. The first order of abstraction and remains forever on the unspeakable,
or non-verbalistic level. Ibid p. 112. ‘The objective world’. Ibid p. 117. See
also Identification, Objective world, Phenomena.
Immaculate conception Esoterically
speaking, en rapport, in frequency response, immaculate conception is possible,
provided the Christos power is born in consciousness and has cleansed the
consciousness focused in the psychic nature of all animalized forces,
substances, elemental influences, etc. The Christos p. 121.
Immediacy Means that if the significance is not
immediately registered from the frequency, then it continues on into the
concretion in the mental level; the concretion, the objectification of the
frequency or the mental level is idea, concept. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 23.
Individual That which
cannot be divided, no wedge can be driven into it. Studies in Psychotherapy
p.57. Refers to the first phase of the developing consciousness after the
Second Crossing. Ibid p. 70. The fundamental structure of the consciousness of
a given differentiated field is the basis, the factual Reality which
constitutes what we label an individual. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p.37.There is
no individual apart from the natural order process. Individual is merely a
label representing a phase of the entire process. See The Natural Order Process
(Vol 1) p.5. One who is fully aware of Self as individual, in control of his
faculties and powers and able to function volitionally therewith. Ibid p.8.
Symbolized by "the Sun-God seated on his throne." Ibid p. 10.
the whole cosmic process characterizing the World-mother. Ibid p.61. See Also
Christos, Person.
Individualism of the instincts These are the
forces in the psychic nature which, without exception, you have reflected,
generally from rapports, or the race psyche, or somebody’s suggestion, or a
suggestion that you have read or picked up by reflection, emulation, and
imitation. These are the forces operating in the psychic nature (unconscious)
which the mental processes are justifying, attempting to explain. As the
instincts individualize, they quarrel and fight among themselves. Practice of
the Way p. 47. See Also Psychic nature.
Individualized field / Self The ultimate
and the last of that differentiating process is the individualized field, the
Son, born of the Mother substance, activated, motivated, fecundated by the
positive power; the union of the positive and negative forces of cosmos
eventuating in the Son, born of the Mother egg, the Mother ovum. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.5. Represents the true Self, the true individual, the autonomous
field; diagramed and illustrated as an electromagnetic field showing the two
poles and the lines of force making a sphere (always). The field is
demonstrated as the sacral-conarial axis as these two poles constitute the
field of the individual. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 60. The Monad, or Son
represented by a small circle in a larger circle. It is born of the positive
Power and the negative, creating force or Substance, described as two triangles
one with the apex pointing up (+) and one pointing down (-). This all
represents an operation of consciousness; it is all within a dimensionless
plane of Self-awareness. Bible Lessons p. 97. See Also Autonomous Field,
Differentiated field, Earth Field.
The Power-to-be-conscious becoming conscious of itself as a Be-ing. How to
Discipline the Psyche p. 11. The lifting of the creative forces from ‘lower’ to
‘higher’ centers in order to open consciousness upon the highest level we can
reach - the Mind, where the Real Man is developed. A Description of the Psychic
World p. 101. Operates on the Mind level that sometimes we speak of as the
autonomous field. Practice of the Way p. 61.
to the differentiation in the cosmic substance it is relative to our objective
self-conscious state, our psychological processes, not at relative tot he
cosmic process. Ibid p. 80. See Also Helix, Natural Order Process, Spiraling
Inertia / inertial process Motion in consciousness in contrast to movement of consciousness. Any motion of consciousness is a conversion of the inertial state to the dynamic, expanding, extensional, etc. Unless the focal point of consciousness is Being, everything else is superfluous activity, no matter how fast the activities may be accelerated mentally, educationally and otherwise, it is an inertial system. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 50. See Also Identity.
Inertia / inertial process Motion in consciousness in contrast to movement of consciousness. Any motion of consciousness is a conversion of the inertial state to the dynamic, expanding, extensional, etc. Unless the focal point of consciousness is Being, everything else is superfluous activity, no matter how fast the activities may be accelerated mentally, educationally and otherwise, it is an inertial system. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 50. See Also Identity.
Infinite intelligence/Mind The Greater
Self, Higher Self, the individualizing process on Mind Level. The
Power-to-be-conscious becoming conscious of itself as a Be-ing. How to
Discipline the Psyche p. 11.
Infolding process The idea of rolling up and
curling in as applied to sleep. In sleep, your conscious awareness begins to
infold and as it does, it pulls away, from activity on the objective level. As
it infolds, it becomes active in your psychic nature ... on the psycho-logical
level. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 81.
Infolding - unfolding process The loop
representing the union of the Positive with the negative principle and the Son,
the result of the union. The epitomization as representation of the whole
cosmic process. On the atomic level (first outpouring): Represents those
configurations of units of energy that we label the periodic table. On the
plant level (second outpouring): Cellular structures becoming a synthesis of
all that has proceeded. On the living matter level - animal (third outpouring):
a synthesis of the two preceding cycles, mineral and vegetable. On the man
level (fourth outpouring): culminates in a configuration which synthesizes all
of the preceding, but also represents a higher configuration of sensations,
feelings, desirings, lovings, thinkings -- the psychic nature .... called the
person. The First Crossing p. 49 - 53. A metamorphosis of light into energy,
energy into living matter; then the reverse. Ibid p. 66. Infolding process =
infolding of the positive Power into Mother substance, earth, any configuration
of units of energy, the descending arc. Unfolding process = growth, expansion,
self-development, evolution, transfiguration, metamorphosis, or reconversion.
Ibid p. 67. Ibid p. 67 and 83. See Also Ascending/descending arcs/process.
Initiation When that
Power-to-be-conscious , that consciousness changes its orientation.; A
reorientation of consciousness. The Seven Initiations (lesson 1) p. 15.
Breaking of the tangled skein of relationships in the race mind. "Come out
from among them, and be ye separate."(2 Cor 6:17). It is the beginning of
That which endures, the beginning of That which you can take with you and bring
back again. It is the beginning of "laying up for yourselves treasures in
heaven ..." (Mat 6:20) Ibid p. 16. Ist Degree: That reorientation of consciousness, is seldom if ever known at the time. Before that, one can only function by neural senses; afterward, one begins to register wave-frequencies and function by response to vibrations, response to wave-frequency context of situation. Ibid p. 17-18.
2nd Degree: That point in development where one can raise his creative forces above the functional powers of the psychic-nature. He will have lifted his consciousness and the creative powers from the centers which function under the domination and control of the psychic-nature. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p. 110. One is still unconscious of the initiation, but begits a drive to be with others who have attained the 2nd or 3d degree and have a drive to get with one and read, study, talk, or just to be together because of the frequency harmonization that they crave. They lose interest in purely intellectualized, mentalized, forms of literature. One begins to be taught while out of his body. The Seven Initiations (lesson 2) p.19-20.
Third Degree: In full consciousness, he’s taken out of his body and to a company of higher ones. He sees them; they see him. But he will never see the face of the one taking him out for initiation. He is taken before one of the inner groups, inner orders, and there he is accepted, recognized, inducted into the order with the most solemn ceremony. Ibid p. 21 ff. Realization is reached after the creative energies have been directed from the psychic-nature to the Mind-level. A synthesizing process of these forces of the psychic-nature in the head centers now ensues. This represents a second phase in Self development; and those entering upon this work constitute a second group of disciples in the natural order process. One learns to effect transformation on the different levels of existence. He has effected control in the psychic nature and synthesized those forces in the head centers so as to prepare for conscious functioning on the Mind-level of the Master self. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p. 110-111.
4th Degree: Controlling the energy-frequencies on
the Mind-level. Ibid p. 111. One undergoes a complete reorientation and change
in values. He’s amoral. He has transvalued values; he has a higher standard of
values than moral values or immoral values. There is a complete change in his
space-time way of functioning. All objective
identification has been lost/transcended. Time becomes a fourth
coordinate in his frame of reference. He sees time spatially. All is now. The
Seven Initiations (lesson 7).
Inner Order/Invisible Government/Brotherhood Great White
Brotherhood. One being initiated into the third order is taken into one of
those inner orders. The Seven Initiations (lesson 2) p. 21. See Initiation (3d
Inner perceptive faculty The awakened
spiritual (perceptive) faculty (of the Higher Self) which can be trusted to
provide an inner response or reaction to verses of Scriptures/’Holy’ works that
will reveal any interpolation or mistranslation. Bible Lessons p. 3
Insane / Insanity When the lower psyche with its
entities ("The Dweller on the Threshold") ‘takes over’" and the
higher psyche withdraws from the etheric-physical body. The First Crossing p.
88. When one loses the rational balance, the psyche is liable to take over and
begin to manufacture pictures called neuroses, schizophrenia and they become
possessory. Also: psychosis. Ibid p. 99.
Instincts Deep inside your being, far deeper than
the plane of the mind where concepts are formed, there lives a sagacity, a
power that knows. In its lesser phases of development, we call that power
instinct. Bible Lessons p. 70. Emergent elemental formative forces from the
common homogeneous mass or field which fulfill their province in the psychic
nature. Practice of the Way p. 66. See Also Elemental formative forces.
Intellect Or thinking-principle, stands for
functions of forces in the brain. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.15. See
Also Thinking-principle.
Intellectuality Is the end product of the long,
long evolution of cortical development: objective self development. Not to be
confused with intelligence. Practice of the Way p. 23.
Interior judicial action The ability to
be instantly conscious of motivating energies, forces, etc., and discriminate
respecting them. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.97.
Internal organ When used in the Wisdom
Teaching, it refers to the Mind-level of the Master-self. We should think of
organs as focalizations of individualized power and consciousness
representative of specific areas of the content of the state of that power.
These have their objective corresponding configurations, representations or
results; but when we speak of these as appearances, we mean images formulated in
the thinking-principle and appearing substantive because of failure to see the
dynamic activity of the units of energy composing them. The Natural Order
Process (Vol II) p. 81. See Also Force centers.
Intrinsic The life-facts (motivating force of the
field) which govern, rule, regulate and control, that (motivations) by which it
is characterized is the referent for our word intrinsic. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 96.
Intrinsic result The environmental (energy-world
level) that elicits and quickens one’s latent potentials, abilities or forces.
Practice of the Way p. 19.
Intuitional awareness That
functioning unity or bundle of concepts that have been developed from a
prodigious amount of work and over thousands of years of developed concepts
about everything or about enough ‘things’. The Christos p. 150. In the higher
phases of development from deep in your being, far deeper than the plane of the
mind where concepts are formed. Intuition is simply animal instinct transformed
and raised from the unconscious to the conscious. Intuition is conscious
knowledge. Bible Lessons p. 70. See Also Instinct, Mind substance, Shakti path.
Ishvara Sanskrit: That absorption where you
forgot the stew on the stove; your forgot yourself. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p.
that the Egyptians gave to the World Mother, the Genetrix. How to Discipline
the Psyche p. 19. Symbolized by the Bull (Ancient Egypt). Studies in
Psychotherapy p.71.
Jacob’s Ladder Symbolizes the descending and
ascending arcs of the cosmic cycle (Involutionary and evolutionary process of
the cosmic process) Studies in Psychotherapy p.11.
Jehovah Represents the Pure Being and its Idea,
not the Pure Being. Jod = Adam : Hove = Eve. We have the twain, which is the
Logos, the reason for every ‘thing’ else which eventuates in the Light world
and in the energy world. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 66. the Admon?Kadmon, the
Yodhave, Adam?Eve; Membership Letters (V) p. 4. See Also Adam-Eve.
Jesus In our School we accept as a historical
fact the teaching that Jesus the Christ lived upon the earth and walked among
men and taught them. But the importance of his life to us lies not in the
historical fact of his existence, but in that he personifies and epitomizes our
own potentiality. The Christos p. 28. See also Christos.
Jiva Consciousness - light - energy as a
field or as a differentiated sphere. (Positive-negative poles). Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 1) p. 29. See Also Consciousness, Light-energy.
the Baptist
Symbolizes what has long been known as the positive and negative currents,
forces in the psychic nature. They are called the pranas and the tattvas
(Sanskrit: tattvas = positive currents and pranas = negative currents).
Practices in Individual Development p. 25. See Also Ida-pingala currents.
Journey Functional progress in terms of
transference of or in identification from one kingdom (state) (in development)
to another: e.g.: mineral kingdom, plant kingdom, animal kingdom, man state,
etc. to the God kingdom. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.29. See also Functional
Jupiter Zeus (Greek), Jupiter (Roman) symbol of the
genetrix or generative power, generative force from the Cosmic standpoint in
the Cosmic process; it represents the force in generation. The Christos p. 87.
See also Generative center, Zeus.
Jupiter in Sagittarius Symbolizes the
eclipse of that positive power in you is represented by Saturn; it is the
highest power, but it is thrown into eclipse by another power that comes in and
takes precedence over it, Jupiter in Sagittarius. The Christos p. 87.
Symbolizes the energization of the first force center (Generative); a movement
of consciousness from its peripheral state to its Self sans state. (The First
Crossing). Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 69.
Kaballah See Tree of Life
Kalpa an age of the world of which there are
four and the series of which proceed in succession during the manvantaric
cycle. Membership Letters (I) p. 2.
Kama-manas Activity of the emotional department of
the psychic nature. Means desire-thought —thinking tinged with feeling motivated
by desire force. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.40.
Karma Oriental term which symbolizes action.
In the flow and flux (action) of the Whole, each event therefore presents a
triplicity, a convergence of lines of force which we may designate cause
effect-relation-between. This relation between is dynamic in respect to
consequence. Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 6) p. 5. "As ye sow,
so shall ye reap.": The law of cause and effect. Until a person breaks
away from all group affiliation on the psychic level he is no individual and he
has no dharma to violate. After the individual is born in Light’s Regions then
he has a dharma as well as an individual karma which must be obeyed. Ibid
(Lesson 11) p. 5-6. Feedback. Practice of the Way p. 92. Destiny. It is the way
you work, consciously or unconsciously, that way you elect the quality that you
entertain in feeling, desiring, in your affections and your thinking. Karma
means work--the way you work at entertaining feelings and desirings and thoughts.
Practices in Individual Development p.17. The beneficent action of which holds
man to his evolutionary path during the period when, in ignorance and pride, he
would resist his law of Being. The law of cause and effect operative in every
relative states. Bible Lessons p. 13-14. (It is a benevolent power which brings
suffering, when in our ignorant sense of separateness we stray from the path of
our dharma. Ibid p. 16. Karma is the action of the Spirit. Ibid p. 18. See Also
Karma yoga The ability to act and have volitional
independence in the action. Will, Love, Activity. Practices in Individual
Development p. 71.
Karmic law of love The devotee on
the path of Truth must lay down all his personality, including his pride and
his good opinion of himself, and allow it to be dissolved in the greater
consciousness of the Eternal Self. Bible Lessons p.75.
Kether The Crown, The
Neutral power, Purushattama. The Binding power, the balancer, that which holds
together. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 103.
the Kaballah, the upper point of the highest triad, the Crown. It is the
binding power of the positive proton and the negative electron. The Seven
Initiations p. 4. See Also Binding Force, Neutral, Purushattama.
Kingdom Malkuth (Base of the Tree of Life (Kaballah),
The epitomization of the whole, the infoldment of the whole cosmic process as
epitomization. It is a representation of all Reality, of all Truth, of all that
IS, the dynamic, creative force at different levels of evolution; in reference
to a given individual, the configuration as representation of the different
states of self-awareness. The first point encountered in development after the
First Crossing. The First Crossing p. 42. What we call growth, expansion,
developing understanding is the unfolding process of all that was infolded into
the Kingdom. Ibid p. 44. See Also Malkuth.
Kingdom of Heaven Another synonym for the Kingdom
of Mind, or Light’s Regions. You must transform the configuration in order to
gain the Kingdom. Stop trying to get up ‘there’ on a ‘higher’ world.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.105. See Also Light’s Regions.
Kingdoms States: Successive states are 1)
vegetable, 2) animal, 3) man, 4) Angel or Super-man, 5) Christos, 6) Logoic, 7)
God or Kingdom of God. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.30. See Also Tree of
Kundalini Sanskrit: The
seers of old of the Orient understood and directly perceived the structure of a
given man, and the motivating force which they perceived in that structure they
labeled Speirema or Kundalini. (Spirema is a Greek term stemming form the
earlier Egyptians and Chaldeans.) Studies in Psychotherapy p. 44. It is what is
referred to in the allegory of John the Baptist: "goeth ahead and
prepareth the way, but there is One coming after me who is greater than
I." The awakening of the a greater power, the Spirema, the Kundalini, the
fire. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.52. The coiled power. It is that power
which has to be awakened to function in the Noetic Mind. The fire descends to
the sacral center and stirs and awakens the latent Power-to-be-conscious until it comes to
life in the psychic self. We call this the Second Crossing. Practices in
Individual Development p.28. It would be disastrous for this force to be
released before the whole physiological-etheric-psychic man has been brought into perfect alignment.
Ibid p. 56. See Also Speirema.
Kurukshetra, plains of From the Bhagavad Gita, the
battlefield, where each must fight the battle through... the conflict within
each person’s psychic nature. The resultant ‘victory’ is the developed sense of
I-am-I, I am independent, I am self-sufficient, etc.(development of the ego).
Then you contact a higher sphere, differentiated field, or higher frequency.
The Christos p. 98-99.
Last Supper, the Symbolizes the death of the
personality, the resurrection of consciousness in the Light. Self-Mastery
Through Meditation p.52. See Also Death of the Personality.
Latent fire The higher triad is beyond name and
form; it represents latent fire. When the positive and the negative are in
union and give birth to the Logos (Saguna Brahma in its essence, in its
function) it represents active fire. Fire in the Heart of the Atom p. 6. See
Also Nirguna Brahma, Para Brahma.
Law We are under
compulsion by the cosmic process and the way it functions (which we call ‘law’
to share with others so that the vast majority of the particular stream or
life-wave to which we belong and in which we are integrated will go on
together. The First Crossing p. 55. You must do your own work if your Higher
Triad is going to be contacted. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 11.
means the function. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 36.
Law of Adjustment "Waiting upon the
Lord." If one’s forces are really withdrawn from a certain psychic focus,
the attendant circumstances and conditions supported by those forces will drop
away or out of one’s life; and a new set of circumstances will be created by
the forces in the new state, displacing or supplanting the old, thereby
effecting changes without destructive violence. The Natural Order Process (Vol
II) p.30.
of Cause and Affect We have a referent, a yardstick by which we measure what
is good and what is bad for us respectively, what is helpful and what is
destructive for us respectively, because that is the only so-called good and
evil - whether we flow with the functional process or consciously or
unconsciously thwart it, work against it, etc. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 49.
See Karma
Law of Individual Being Dharma; it is
the plan inherent in the innermost consciousness of every being and is
fulfilled by the being himself in expanding states of Self-awareness. The plan is
consummated when the Being is fully aware of himself as birthless and
deathless, as immortal and universal. To follow one’s dharma is to live
true to this plan in the full expression of each state of Self-awareness. Bible
Lessons p. 17. See Also Dharma.
Law of Periodicity The circuit of return. That
circuit characterizes the function of everything from atom to galaxy. ‘Law’:
the way it functions. Practices in Individual Development p. 75. See Also
Palingenetic Process.
Law of Seven and Four The cycle of
the evolutionary process is divided into four distinct periods of seven years
each. The quaternary represents man in the four human states--physical, etheric,
astral, and mental; the septenary represents the whole being in its four human
states together with the three higher states of the Ego. To seven years, the
Ego, is organizing its body; from seven to fourteen it is organizing its
emotional body; from fourteen to twenty-one it is organizing its mental body.
Between twenty-one and twenty-eight there is a rapid review of experiences; the
Ego touches certain things it has had in past incarnations, testing itself; at
twenty-eight it initiates the new experiences necessary to its development.
Bible Lessons p. 28 ff. See Also Quaternary, Septenary.
Law that must be fulfilled The law of
Being, is called dharma. Bible Lessons p. 13. The God, in man, individualized,
must fulfill himself in universal Self-consciousness--that is the law which
must be fulfilled See Dharma.
Lefthand Path See Black magic.
‘Levels’ The states in which a given person is
conscious; states of consciousness would be the correct non-aristotelian
language, and it’s a concession to the objective mental construct situation to
use the word levels. There is no referent for the word; that is, there is
nothing in reality, in truth, in life facts, which the word symbolizes. We must
translate the word levels into a state in which a given person is conscious, at
a given date, because his consciousness will change. Practice of the Way p. 51.
This word ‘level’ is counterfeit. These octaves of waves and frequencies we
designate as a ‘level’ of functioning, a ‘level’ upon which one can function.
The term is counterfeit, because it implies a static connotation. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 20. See Also Four levels of functioning.
Liberation Salvation from the false values given
to mental images appearing substantive and has been described as "freedom
from sin and the sorrow which comes from sin." No one can reach liberation
and go against the law of his own nature. One’s first duty therefore is to get out of every
condition which is not true to the heart and soul and law of one’s own being.
The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p. 11.
Libra That force and power, labeled love, in
the constellation (center) labeled Libra, dominates (as motivation) every
desire and action of man--objective-self-conscious-state. Libra represents the
scales, the balance, the beam with pans to weigh. The force called love--puts
everything and everyone in the balance, in the scales, and weights out the
naked truth of each. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 35. (p.30 new ed.) See
Also Venus in Libra.
Life-facts Are representations of the determinations
of the Be-ings in Light’s Regions. Look upon this world around us as an
energy-system, having many gradations or degrees of ‘fineness,’ in terms of
wave-frequencies. Functional Activities p. 76. The way the organism-as-a-whole
functions, not the way we think it functions. Life-facts is the natural order
way in which it functions. It is that which we label the cosmic process and
every individualization or differentiation therein, the galaxy, the solar
system, down to the atom. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 37. These labels we have
given to three of the turns of the spiral--animal soul, human soul, spiritual
soul--equate with life-facts on the grounds that it is the radiating force and
consciousness of these three fields which motivates every ‘thing’ that we are
or do or of which we have been or ever will be conscious. The life-facts
(motivating force of the field) which govern, rule, regulate and control are
here laid out as the three great powers, relative to our present racial state
of development. Ibid p. 96.
Light The word understanding is used
synonymously with the word Light, and both words symbolize perceptive
awareness, not a cortical, mental grasp of meaning. Practice of the Way p. 35.
The union of Chokmah and Binah or the union of Purusha and Aditi, bring out
that terrific activity in the Cosmic substance, whose first representation is
Light; "Let there be Light." Light eventuates from the first wave and
frequency stirred in the Mother, the negative power, the negative substance. The
Christos p. 87. The symbol of spiritual Wisdom, and even in the relative planes
we speak of the "light" or the "lamp" of knowledge. Bible
Lessons p. 51. Light is only the first phase of what we call matter, or
na-ture. Light is metamorphosed through many gradations into energy, the next
broad level in the developing process. Expanding States of Self-awareness p.
18. A snyonym for the word "Mind". Ibid p. 109 The very forces of
generation become transfigurated or metamorphosed into ‘higher’ waves-frequencies
called Light. The First Crossing p. 105. Equate Light with Substance. Substance
is a label we use to describe the Mother, Mater or Na-ture, "that which
gives birth." Light is that substance from which "all comes
forth." Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 97.That which is called
thefield is also called consciousness, etc. Light, which we have already
established as the basis of energy in the quantum studies, now is used
synonymously with the word consciousness, or sentient nature of the field.
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 61. When one has gone through the baptism by water
already and he's undergoing preparation to be baptized by the fire, the
influence of Christ, the influence of Light, the influence of the Mind Level.
That is the fire. The Release of the Fire in the Heart of the Atom p.5. Another
synonym for Light is Self-awareness. The Seven Initiations p. 8. See Also
Consciousness, Mother Substance.
Light-bearers When the time comes for the Light to be
born and one has shown by his life and by the brilliance of his Light that he
can follow the Christ with no shadow of turning and when one is strong enough,
then he can stand before all as a Light bearer. Bible Lessons p. 26. See Angels
of Light, Devas.
Light-energy-plasm When we think of the
configuration we should think of Light-energy-plasm in one act of
consciousness. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 104
After the birth of the Christ-conscious state, the World Mother is transformed
into a body of Light, the bride of the "Bridegroom." The very forces
of generation becomes transfigurated or metamorphosed into ‘higher’
waves-frequencies called Light. The First Crossing p. 105. Not the Mother of
Light, but the substance itself is labeled the Light Mother. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 70 Symbolized by Nephthys (Egyptian goddess) Ibid p. 71
Aditi, That substance above the Second
Crossing in the realms of Be-ings. That energy, as Light Mother or as Light, is
like inertial or potential energy. That energy is converted into kinetic or
dynamic energy in, by, through the process of differentiation of that Light.
Practice of the Way p. 69.
Light source As exemplified by the Egyptian wisdom
teaching; the label used as we use the label Logos, was Osiris, and
irrespective of the label for that differentiated field in the Mother
substance, the field represents the Source, causative respecting all other
differentiations; therefore, it constitutes the Reason for the creative process
irrespective of the level. So, we could label it the Light source, identifying
the word Light with the word consciousness, the Light source of creativity.
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 47. See Also Field, the.
Light Spheres The "journey through the
stars." Practice of the Way p. 3.
Light-energy (World) Jiva in
Sanskrit for energy as a field or as a differentiated sphere, by analogy: a
magnetic field (positive and negative poles). Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 29.
This world as an energy system. Ibid (Vol 4) p.11. See Also Consciousness,
Jiva, Noetic level.
Lightergy Light-energy-substances, i.e., energy
as a substance in which all waves and frequencies of light-energy function.
Studies in Psychotherapy p.146. Light plus energy, the Light-Mother. How to
Discipline the Psyche p. 1.
Light’s Regions Above the second crossing there
are several differentiated regions of Light: Diffused Light, Diamond Light and
Supernal Light. In those regions the Substance of the Mother is too brilliant
to reflect anything. By comparison the energy world is coarse enough and dull
enough to reflect. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 100. Kingdom of Heaven or
Kingdom of Mind. Ibid p. 105. See Also Kingdom of Heaven/Mind, Light.
Lila See Dance of life.
Lines of force Third of three factors that
describe an atom. The first two are the positive and negative poles. Energy is
merely knots and whirls of the lines of force. Eddies of the lines of forces
are what is described as photons, electrons, protons, etc. Teacher’s Guide (Vol
3) p. 9. Lines of force eventuate where we have a negative and positive pole,
so that any given autonomous field must be described in terms of its negative
and positive poles, and the lines of force between those poles by which and
from which the sphere or field is known; or the concept abstracted constitutes
the pattern, the structure of the field. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 3. See Also
Basic structure of the universe, Trinity.
matter substances
A label for Malkuth, the configuration, the turning point of what we call the
animal cycle. The First Crossing p. 69.
Negative substance (Light, Energy, and living
matter.) Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.19. See Also Negative substance.
Logical faculty Where in the cycle of
development, the focus of consciousness was placed on the objective phenomenal
appearance in order to develop the analytical, the reasoning, the logical
faculty and once developed, used as an asset to synthesize all of your
findings, and that synthesis becomes your fortification, the stabilizer in the
emotional, love responses to the quickening when it comes. The Christos p. 9.
Logoi Those having
identified their respective selves with the force with which they function.
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 32. A group of Logos, those who consciously
developed identity with the individualized field, pattern, configurating
process and have entered upon or begins. Ibid p. 49.
be compared to the Powers and Principalities and things seen and unseen which
Paul speaks of in his Epistles or in the Oriental system, Maha-chohans ...
those in Light’s Regions who are conscious of being one with the Logos, the
creative world. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 121.See Also Logos.
Logoic state Becoming a conscious Logos. Teacher’s
Guide (Vol 2) p.34. See Logoi.
For this power which controls and directs and organizes the field (individual).
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 12. The Greater Self -- a Universalized State in
which all personalities disappear. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 11. The
creative world Expanding States of Self-awareness p.121.
differentiated intelligence. Ibid p. 124. The Reason (Plato),"The
Reason" for anything. Cosmology p. 101. One ("Only Begotten")
Consciousness, i.e., the reason for every subsequent event in space/time.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.19. It is the reason, the causative factor for
eventuations or manifestation. Practice of the Way p. 18. Union of the positive
and negative on a macrocosmic scale produces the Son, the Logos the great
incomprehensible Father-Mother of us all. The Release of the Fire in the Heart
of the Atom p.2. Power-to-be-Conscious, Logos, Demiurgos, to use three labels
for that which is emerging out of the Mater of the Cosmic Process. Membership
Letters (II) p. 3. See Also Demi Urgos, God, Only Begotten, Real Self, Sa-Guna
(Ray) The
third primary of the seven rays of development. The Seven Rays of Development
p. 8. In color, a delicate pastel pink to a crimson; never scarlet, mahogany or
magenta. In the aura, the guna indicates one whose heart is full of love and
bubbling over with it. Ibid p. 10. This primary Love ray that flows out from
the Central Sun of all existences, the Logos, when contacted, creates a
powerful motivating force, urge to give without any thought of what one is
going to get, even when he gets it in the neck. Ibid p. 11. Represents the
highest power and influence in cosmos, Binah, Aditi, the negative force as a
cosmic force that has no consciousness of any individual. It is impersonal,
universal. That phase of the universal power which rays out like the sun
shining on all, irrespective of persons, good, bad and indifferent. It just
shines by its nature. It is the creating nature of the cosmic process itself.
Love becomes a synonym for the word God. What Plato called the Good. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.107. That force cannot be released until that force reaches and
opens the Heart center (Anahata), then you are compelled, motivated by the urge
to give. Practice of the Way p. 75.
is the power of the Spirit, the grace of God. Bible Lessons p. 11. Agape:
represents the higher, purified and refined meaning of the influence of Eros.
How to Discipline the Psyche p. 35. Love is another word for the binding power.
The Seven Initiations p. 5. Love is that force - impersonal, universal - that
is the organ of communication between the mortals and the Immortals. A
Description of the Psychic World p. 65. It is a motivating influence from the
Heights that we call Light’s Regions. This is our referent for the word - Love
- Agape. Ibid p. 98. See Also Aditi, Agape, Binah, Eros, God.
Love-security motive Out of that evolutionary
process is coming a higher motive, the one which will usher in the New Cycle,
characterize the New Age. That is the Love-security motive. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.107.
Lower Buddhi Rationality. The ability to recognize
the relationship of that which is known with that which is at present
perceived. It is developed when one develops an avid hunger to know, to learn.
The Seven Rays of Development p. 15.
Lower psyche The South half, the personality
pattern, the psychic nature. Developed out of ‘objective’ identification of
consciousness; that is, by thinking of these dynamic processes as ‘things’ and
‘objects’; thingifying this dynamic world. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 11.
The animal soul, entities of darkness, configurated genetrix forces. The First
Crossing p. 81. That which is reflected constitutes the content of the psychic
nature. This "content" is called the person, the personality pattern,
the person in sense life, the little self in separation from his Greater Self,
the intrinsic Power-to-be-conscious, etc. What is reflected are feeling-images,
desire-forms, thought-pictures, etc., and influences, wave frequencies,
entities, etc., derived from others en rapport, including the race psyche. Ibid
p. 87. The animal soul, at its purest and best, is the house of the natural
instincts, feelings and desires. Ibid p. 88. The elemental self or vital
forces. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.79. Developed from the age of 7 to 14
years on the average. Practices in Individual Development p.70. See Also Lunar
Lunar cycle, the The higher/lower psyche, the
level below the Higher Self which is described as a reflection of the Light
Worlds. Other labels are: personality pattern, the personality per se, the
psychic nature. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 19. The energy world.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.100. Constitute the five lower centers
(Sacral, Generative, Solar, Heart and throat centers) Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4)
p. 62. See Also Energy world, Personality pattern, Psychic nature, Reflected light,
Lunar sign A state of development characterized by
consciousness integrated in the World Mother. Consciousness is still identified
with the basic, fundamental substance of the psychic nature. The symbol of the
moon shining only by reflected light Studies in Psychotherapy p. 70-71.
Magi/Masdeans The old Masdeans or Magi (the modern
Parsis/Persians). Membership Letters (I) p. 2.
Magnetic Field Described like the poles of a
common magnet and the lines of force flowing between the positive and negative
pole. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 23. See Also Field.
Mahachohans Sanskrit: The highest ones, the
Archetypal Gods, the highest Lords of the Flame. The Seven Initiations p. 82.
See Also The Christos.
Mahamanvantara The most comprehensive cosmic galactic
creative process. The prefix maha - means exceedingly large, great. Manvantara
= The beginning of a galaxy is the beginning of the creative process. The Seven
Initiations p. 3. A day and night of Brahma, the great cycle of manifestation.
Bible Lessons p. 3.
Malkuth The configuration, the man ray from the
Central Sun. What is configurated is our objective self-conscious state:
sensations, feelings, desirings, lovings, thinkings. The First Crossing p. 52.
Malkuth represents the turning point, the reconversion where the descending
process undergoes a conversion or reverses and begins the unfolding process.
The conversion state, the configuration represents a turning point. Ibid p. 68.
We borrow that word from the esoteric teachings of the Rabbis called the
Quaballah (Kaballah) because we do not have an English word that we can use.
The farthest point out is called Malkuth. It is also the point of return.
Membership Letters (V) p.7. See Also Configuration, Quaballah.
Man Means the
objective self-conscious state conditioned in sense. Cosmology p. 73. The
fourth and lowest configuration which is also Malkuth, but this time the fourth
outpouring of force from The Central Sun of all Existences is called Man. The
First Crossing p. 51.
epitomization of the cosmic process, in his awakening to Self-awareness
portrays its every phase. Ibid p. 83. In terms of the lower psyche, under the
genetrix, also called the animal soul, the term man here means manas -- mind.
This lower psyche or animal soul and its "constituents" is called the
depths of the unconscious by the aristotelian psychologists. Ibid p. 88. When
the Power-to-be-conscious sufficiently emerges from the Mother substance to
become objectively Self-conscious. Ibid p. 101. Described as an objective self-conscious
state of the Power-to-be-conscious or as the objective state of Consciousness.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.19. The whole aeonian past is condensed and
repeated so that between birth and seven years of age of the body in that
dynamic configurational process the whole evolution of the animal world is
repeated up to the stature and representation of the state called man.
Practices in Individual Development p.70. Man, the microcosm, is the center of
the macrocosm. In himself he epitomizes the universe, and through the
understanding of himself he gains understanding of the great mysteries of solar
systems, of cosmic law, of universal life. Bible Lessons p. 79. See Also
Malkuth, Objective self-conscious state.
Manas The actuating principle of the chittakasa,
is sometimes referred to as the fifth principle. This is with respect to states
which are described as "five modifications of the internal organ"; 1)
physical, 2) etheric, 3) emotional-psychic or thalamic, 4) mental-psychic or
cortical, 5) manas or Mind. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.36. See Also
Fifth principle, Man, Mind.
Manifold of values Symbolized by the dragon.
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 4. Developed out of identity of consciousness with
the physical ‘body’, man the creator of the values. Ibid p. 14. The identification of
the image with the configuration, with
that from which the original frequency was received, is the origin and cause of
the development of the objective manifold of values. Practice of the Way p. 33.
See Objective manifold of values, Value giving.
Manvantara See Mahamanvantara.
Mars in Scorpio Symbolizes the opening of the
solar center. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 24. Mars is the symbol for the god of
war; Scorpio, the only zootype or totemic symbol which kills itself; the
scorpion stinging itself to death. Those personalized and unregenerated forces,
which the psycho-dynamism did not eliminate but only controlled, now have to be
eliminated. " the axe laid at the root of every plant or tree not planted
by my Father" (structure-function-order of the Cosmic process). The
Christos p. 122. See also Force centers, Four somatic divisions, Solar center.
Master, The Three in one Self, the conscious
representation of these three. Symbolized by Aum: The Father principle (Spirit,
unconscious and unknown, unknowable), The Mother substance (unconscious and
inactive except in contact with the Father) both become conscious as the Son
(Self-consciousness). Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.72. See also Aum.
Master-self Conscious-individualized-Self The
Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.27. Self, individualized as the Power with
which your are conscious, is named the Seer and the Master. The autonomous
field. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.79. The differentiated field
constituting the true individuality; a synonym for the word "God."
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 50. See Also Autonomous field, God, True Self.
Masters The term reserved for the Atmic level,
Atman. Not until one is completely in control of the physiological organism can
he be designated a master. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 25. See Also Atman.
Mastership Represents the
next stage in what is called individual development or evolution of the race.
The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.2.
Mater, the The World Mother, the matter, the Genetrix;
under which the psychic world functions and is a part of. How to Discipline the
Psyche p.18.Mother Substance. Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 7) p.2.
Mother--mater, the ‘outer garment’ of the World Mother: mass, or configurated
units of light-energy. The First Crossing p. 12. Substance is a label we use to
describe the Mother, Mater or Na-ture. That which gives birth. Self-Mastery
Through Meditation p. 97. See Also Genetrix, Mother, Mother Substance, World
Material The word given to the image which is a
ghost, a dream picture. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 111.
Matter. It has no validity any longer, no more
referent for it. It is now a symbol for phenomena: any appearance, mirage,
shadow, image, or picture, or some ‘thing’ that transpires in appearance only.
Teacher’s Guide (Vol 2) p.51. See Dynamic Process, Mater.
Mattergy Cytoplasm,
colloidal and molecular structures, cellular structures (World-Mother, The
Genetrix. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 1.Nature, energy-living-matter as substance
describable by its wave and frequency. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 28. Energy
substance, by analogy, electricity. Ibid p. 69.
universal substance out of which everything is made. (A term coined from a
review of a book in the Saturday Review of Literature. The Christos p. 57
Maya An anglicized
Sanskrit term meaning "illusion", "deception,"
"unreality," etc. A state of identity with
image-appearing-substantive in the psychic-nature, plus evaluations developed
therefrom. The Veil of Maya p. 31.
pictures, in whole and in part, existing in consciousness and on the
psychic-level, are representative of the objective self-conscious state; this
state and its representations, in the awakening process, is called the maya,
the not-self, the unreal, the ignorance, etc. Cosmology p. 12. Pseudo reality
(Mayaistic veil). The First Crossing p. 11. The Ignorance (the Buddha),
"The lie, and the Father of all subsequent lies." from the New
Testament. Ibid p. 58. This thingifying--due to inability of neural sense
functions to register separate stimuli from each unit of energy of a given
configuration--is described as psychic images appearing substantive. Ibid p.
103. The abstracted private world, the mentalized thingifying on the concept
level about the three fundamental levels (the fundamental reality) The Practice
of the Way p.23. Samsara (Buddhist), The Great Illusion (Seers of all times).
The Christos p. 204. See Also the Dance of Lila.
Mazda Light, the Light forces labeled by
Zarathustra as opposed to the Dark, Arithman. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 55.
See Zoroastrian.
Mechanism of the Myth In the
psychic-nature, by the psycho-dynamism working on its mental level, though the
Mechanism of the Myth. A thinging on the mental level; energy is converted into
living-matter and configurated into "The New Man," for "the old
man shall be put off and The New Man shall be put on." The Christos p.
Meditation Can be described as a methodology, a
process of reaching or contacting that Power (the fundamental motivating power
of our being). That process, must follow the natural order (structure -
function - order of Cosmos or the universe), or it will not work at all.
(Analogy of the storm cloud and lightening.) The energy used in generation is offered up to the Power
which one is conscious. The conscious direction of generative energy and
surrender of it is the positive attitude. Release, renounce, let go. This
process completes the circuit and the fire descends — then, Light. Self-Mastery
Through Meditation p. 39-42.
Here is the way we (SNO) meditate, the way we practice co-operation with the
Natural Order Process. We sit relaxed, hands resting on our thighs, palms up;
the spine is held straight to allow the forces to flow freely. We focus
attention upon one or the other of the psychic centers, wherever we happen to
be in our ongoing. You function with this energy on the level upon which you
want to function. With attention focused upon the psychic centers, begin to breathe deeply. Gradually breathe air into your lungs until they are full — a full breath. Keeping your focus on one center, breathe air into your lungs while you visualize, imagine, realize you are charging the battery, you’re taking in energy. So we convert oxygen into fire by the breathing process. You are understandingly co-operating with the process now. Exhale slowly and gradually, and as you exhale feel that this center (Heart), is like a powerful searchlight that is shining in all directions, and that shining is breathing out love to all creation. Breathe it out to everything — not just someone.
Hold your focus as you do this. Gradually we bring the force up until we focus at the crown. The focusing at the crown awakens the power in the sacral center and the greater One awakens and comes in and turns you over into the Mind Level, into the Supernal Light. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 52-54. The object of this meditation practice is to get the pranic force to the crown center. Ibid p. 63.
Metaphysics If metaphysics means the study of
something behind, or other than this world, then there can be no metaphysics.
The creative process is characterized by polarity. Metaphysics can be
characterized as any departure from the basic, creative process in polarity.
Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 112.With the disappearance of any and all
bases, grounds, etc., for a thingified or objectified concept of this world,
there also evaporated all grounds for metaphysics. The First Crossing p. 105.
This world is in reality a dynamic world, composed of units of energy
configurating in a multiplicity of representations of states of consciousness
on the part of a Power-to-be-conscious. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 33.
There is no materiality upon which we can base something ‘other than.’ Studies in
Psychotherapy p.111.
Mental Body See Arupa body
Mental, the Mental functions pertain to the highest
level of the psychic nature. The goal of the end of the evolutionary process
will be characterized by the use of the mental functions to formulate mental constructs
perfect and true to the natural order of the cosmic process. Practice of the
Way p. 45. The higher psychic nature which is characterized by conceptual
thinking, the development of concepts, the accumulation of information about
images appearing substantive, etc. It is linked to the lower psychic nature by
the psycho-logical functions. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 5. The
objectification of the frequency on the mental level is idea, concept. Ibid p.
23. See Also Concept, Four levels of functioning, Higher psychic nature,
Personality pattern.
Metamorphosis The transfigurating process--the
reconversion of living-matter into energy and energy into light. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.11. See Transfigurating process.
Microcosm Sometimes
called the Master-self and in its structure-function-order epitomizes the whole
structure of the universe. On the Mind-level of the Master-self, and in
structure-function-order, we witness a miniature reproduction of the macrocosm.
The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p.37.Mind Level FORTY-FIRST SUTRA: When perturbations of the psychic-nature have been stilled, by directing its forces to the Mind-level, then consciousness in Mind-substance (like a pure crystal takes the color of that upon which it rests) assumes the characteristics of that with which it becomes identified, whether that be the perceiver, the activity of perceiving, or that perceived. The Natural Order Process (Vol II)
Today we find the consciousness of the average man immersed in identity with the activities of his psychic-nature; i.e., consciousness has been centered in the psychic-nature, called the psycho-logical self. In the traditional Wisdom Teaching, the psychic-nature has been likened to a looking-glass wherein are mirrored 'things' seen by the physical eyes, heard by the physical ears, etc.; and the forces whereby this is done are 'reflected' from the Mind-level of the real Self or individualized field. The Natural Order Process (Vol II)
Mental activities can be steadied, not by conscious exercise of human will, but by directing forces from the psychic-nature to the head centers. As facility in concentration develops or is gained, mental activities become quiet. Concentration in this respect means creating a steady flow of force through the head centers to the Mind-level. The Natural Order Process (Vol II)
Imagine a reflector so highly burnished that it reflects the slightest light. In such a manner the psychic light reflects the lowest level of Light’s Regions. The pure psychic light is very difficult to differentiate from the lowest level of Light’s Regions, the Mind level. It is only after one has developed the faculties of Mind level that he can know the difference between psychic light and the Mind level. To be unable to tell the difference between the reflection and that reflected is a common mistake and will be experienced many times. Functional Activities
This Be-ing on the Mind Level, called Atman by students of the Vedas, can also be called the real Ego, "I AM THAT I AM"; which means, of course, that intrinsic I AM, that indestructible Self. First Crossing
There is no way to avoid developing awareness of the various grades of the lower psychic-nature except remaining sound asleep. In order to make the Second Crossing over into the Noetic-Mind level, one must wake up from the sleep-walker state; as one awakens he first dreams before becoming fully awake. To know that the dreams belong to the psychic-nature, and on its lower levels, is to cross over this period with the minimum of delusional evaluation and therefore confusion. But to mistake the dream pictures for reality leads into a labyrinthian maze of stumbling and groping. Tree Of Life
of our feelings, human love, thinking--these are the activities of the psyche.
When this has been accomplished, and its accomplishment is not a formidable
thing, we can get our forces up and out. Then one starts to activate the sacral
center--the positive pole of the three-story house, of the pneumatic ovum, the
cosmic egg, that is, of the individualized field on Mind level. This is the
positive pole of that field, and the power which is latent in or comes through
that center, will be awakened. That power is Shakti. That power, fire,
represents all that we mean by Will. 7 Rays Of Development
Mind Self Noetic Self; relative to our concept of
a lower self. The level of the Higher Self which is the next lower level from
the Greater Self. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 11. In the analogy of the
nut: The Mind-Self is the meat of the nut. The Mind substance differentiates in
every individual finishing his trinity or his triad or his triune nature, his
triune-self. The Mind-Self is motivated by a yet higher frequency, shorter wave
or higher octave of the universal, of the Cosmic substance, labeled the
Christos. The Christos p. 80. See Also Christos, Higher Self, Noetic Self, Real
Chitta. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 79.
or Mind-substance means Light, the Light worlds, Light’s Regions. A Description
of the Psychic World p.79. Characterized by a differentiating process. It
differentiates itself. Practice of the Way p. 79 See Also Chittakasa, Monism
Mitosis The morphology of cellular divisions. A
microcosmic aspect of a Great Day of Brahman, the first movement after the
interphase is a dichotomy of the centrosomes; these centrosomes when divided
are like the two poles of a magnet. These observable poles, together with the
lines of force between, are configurated representations of the electromagnetic
field which governs and determines cellular structure. There is a power
exerted, not only upon the cytoplasmic mass of the cell, but upon the colloidal
constituents thereof; for this power exerted through the centrosomes gives us
the Source of the Cause for the structure, function and operation called
mitosis. Cosmology p. 74. That dichotomy of the centrosome in the mitotic
process exemplifies events in the Mind-Self previous to the birth of the
Christos. The Christos p. 84.
Molecular renewal Every molecule of the organism is
renewed every three years. It can happen in an instant when your power to be
conscious is conscious on such a dynamic level that your configuration can be
altered and changed instantly. Studies in Psychotherapy p.148.
Monad, the "The Master-self," when a
state of synthesis or oneness of Individualized-self with the Logos
(Universalized-self) is reached or effected. The Natural Order Process (Vol II)
p. 94. The Individualized Self, or Son is composed of and is born of the
positive Power and the negative, creating force or Substance, and we describe
those two principles with two triangles. The triangle with the apex pointing up
is the positive, and the triangle with the apex pointing down is the negative
principle. This all represents an operation of consciousness; it is all within
a dimensionless plane of Self-awareness and cannot be diagramed, cannot be
described in words. Bible Lessons p. 97 See Also God, Individualized Self,
Master-Self, Son.
Money The nearest referent is faith. Studies
in Psychotherapy p. 120.
Monism A concept of oriental teaching
necessitating the abandoning of everything to absolute oneness, for all else is
maya and illusion. The SNO
teaching does not believe in doing this. Practice of the Way p. 40.
Absolute monism takes the stand that there is no differentiation in the cosmic
substance, none at all, that differentiation only represents our way of looking
upon the cosmic process and is not related to the cosmic process; therefore the
differentiating process constitutes the maya. Ibid p. 79. See Also Monism,
Qualified A
differentiating process in cosmic substance. To us (SNO) the differentiating
process is not a maya but is an actuality, and can be described in terms of an
expanding and contracting universe. We find that there is differentiating,
individualizing process at the root, at the heart, at the core of everything
which we can consider. Practice of the Way p. 79.
set ourselves off from the monistic tradition as well as the dualistic
tradition. We recognize the integrity of the individual, and we highlight the
process of individualizing, we automatically establish a new category:
qualified monism. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 29. We never forget
the need for cooperation with the Mother. We want to be fully conscious
but master of the vehicle which represents that state of consciousness.-
We work to be master of qualities represented in the Mother Substance. We want
to work with all the vehicles of Mother Substance available in the
individualizing process. We want to cooperate with the process whereby the
Mater becomes pure Light. Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 7) p. 6.
Morality Man-made codes, standards of
deportment. That which has grown and developed in different groups at different
times to facilitate organized society, functional deportment in our
relationships, one with another. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 118.
Mother Mater.... can be described as energy
metamorphosed into cytoplasm, protoplasm, cellular structures, and living
organisms. (Plasm is a word signifying form building. The configuration itself
is composed of plasms, form builders. All that is included in our referent.)
Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 109. The activation of the Mother
substance is called light-energy wave lengths and frequencies in a magnetic
field. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.72.Described as the metamorphosis of light
into energy, energy into etheric matter, etheric matter into living-matter. The
First Crossing p. 83. That which gives birth, that which brings out, that which
manifests, that which creates, that which configurates; so, the configurating
process we will label the birth, that which gives birth, nature. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 4) p. 50. See Also Mater, Nature
Mother Substance For the Light aspect of the
Mother, metamorphosed into energy, for a referent think of electricity, like a
welding torch. The First Crossing p. 86. Nature--the negative principle. Ibid
p. 102. The differentiated electro-magnetic field ... is That which motivates
all action. The act of being conscious and the representation thereof, on any
and all levels, is due to the differentiating process of Mother Substance.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.92. I am using the word darkness as a synonym
for the Mother Substance before the Son is born; there is stygian darkness.
Membership Letters (V) p. 5. See Also Mother.
Motion Time. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 55. A
conversion of the inertial state into the dynamic, expanding, extensional, etc.
Movement of consciousness. Ibid (Vol 4), p. 50. See Also Time.
Motivating Process of creativity 1) Holding the
force of desire on the psychic level. 2) a) Be very careful what you select and
b) be very obdurate. 3) Keep secret your desire; don’t talk about it. 4)
Stimulate great enthusiasm, eager anticipation; just burst with eagerness but
keep it repressed. 5) Configuration begins to take place and you stand and
witness it as you create. The key is the conscious utilization of power called
desire. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 36.
Motivating principle (Force) Is
labeled desire, and desire in the psychic nature is that which becomes the
force in the creating process. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 34. The accumulated
forces of elemental substances — instincts, feelings, desires, emotions,
thinkings, etc.,—derives form the individuals’ experiences back to the basic
race oversoul and its inherent instincts. Practice of the Way p. 100. See Also
Creative force, Desire, Personality pattern, Psychic nature.
Motivating world The level of the motivational
forces in the psychic nature. Practice of the Way p. 67. Man is motivated from
three regions: 1) Light’s Regions (Logoic Bright Beings, Demi-Gods, Mind and
Idea, and the Angels of Light. 2) The Genetrix ( Intellectual creations, Love,
home, companionship, Preservation of the species, The Builders/Cultivation of
the Soil.) And 3) The Region of Hell ( Perverse creations of Man, Elementaries,
Entities, and Devils). Practices in Individual Development p. 30.
Mountain A biblical symbol meaning that a
master’s spiritual consciousness was intensified and expanded on high. Also
symbolized a heightened state of the Christed consciousness. Bible Lessons p.
47. See Also Christ Consciousness.
Movement See Motion.
Mukta Sanskrit. Emancipation, deliverance from
the world of value-giving; transvaluation of values. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 1) p.
15.See Also Deliverance, Emancipation.
Music of the Spheres A poetical
expression describing the ‘inner’ hearing of the sound currents. After a
night’s sleep in returning from the higher spheres, the "music" is
very strong and clear. It is a description left over in the race consciousness
from some factual reality experienced by the Pythagoreans. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 71. See Also Pythagoreans.
The uniting of the reflected will with love forces in the psychic nature. The
Occidental often follows this blended way to the exclusion of the way of pure
devotion or the way of pure will. The Natural Order Process (Vol II) p. 120.
Narcissus complex Self love in the most objective
sense. Overweaning focus of consciousness upon and in identity with the
physiological organism. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 51. See Also Neuroses.
Natural order process The formative
forces of Nature converge into lines of force or what we call a field; then
substance which is described as etheric ‘materializes’. First, undifferentiated
Light; second, lines of force, converging into a definite pattern. Etheric
substance is then formed in the field, and out of this eventuates the
configuration. This is what we call the natural order creating process. The
Natural Order Process (Vol I) p. 44. There is an orderly process, rhythm,
balance, etc., to structure and function which we label the cosmic process.
Ibid p. 3 Reality. Ibid p. 19. See Also Cosmic process.
Nature Mattergy, energy-living-matter as
substance describable by its wave and frequency. Studies in Psychotherapy p.
28. That which gives birth, Mother. The Christos p. 18 See Also Mater, Mother,
Mother Substance.
Negative force Substance plus a Positive-force
working ‘upon’ on ‘in’ a Negative-substance which accounts for, creates,
produces, etc., effects observed. This holds invariantly true whether the
effects produced are ‘in’ or of Supernal-Light, ethereal-light, energy,
living-matter (cytoplasm) or in the grosser aspect of configurated forms.
Cosmology p. 134.
Negative principle Nature or Mother substance. The
First Crossing p. 102 See Also Mother, Mother Substance, Nature.
Negative pole The Mother principle. The negative pole
of the cosmic process is referred to as the mother, light, energy, etheric
substance, ectoplasm, teloplasm, protoplasm, cytoplasm, living matter. Steps in
Self Unfoldment p. 9.
Negative Substance/Aspect Light, Energy,
living-matter. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.19. Light, energy, etheric
substance, living matter. Membership Letters (V) p. 1.
Negative substance of the cosmic process The elements,
the constitution of the atoms from which all the configurational processes
emerge. Practices in Individual Development p.85.
Nether World The collective result of the
multiplicity of private worlds abstracted from the structure, function, order
of the cosmic process -- fundamental reality. The objective self conscious
state, objective identification, the objective manifold of values, the
objective world, maya, etc. The similarities in meanings, values given,
reactions thereto, etc., of private worlds, in the aggregate, or collective
sense. The First Crossing p. 9-11. When points in the private world are shared
in common and become race values, group values, etc. Ibid p. 20. A world built
up in the consciousness which functions in and under the limitations of sense.
Ibid p. 42. See Maya, Objective manifold of values, Objective World, Private
symbol for the Light Mother. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 71. See Also Light
Neuroses See Insane/insanity
Neutron See Binding power.
New Age / Cycle A higher motive (love-security)
coming in to usher the New Cycle, characterizes the New Age. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.107. Signalizes a transference from the Aristotelian to the
non-aristotelian way of thinking. The Christos p. 157.
New Cycle Gnosis Characterized by the
understanding of this new world (the etheric world, the First Crossing /
cutting through the Maya...objective self conscious state.) The First Crossing
p. 85. Characterized by conscious registry and understanding of gunas
(qualities) registered and also the conscious control of the frequencies
registered. Under the Will (Atma), we will formulate fields and set the pattern
of the field by the guna for that configurational representation we elect. Ibid
p. 94. The old sense of separateness and culture or society that represents
that attitude will be passing. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 80.
Nireguna/Nirguna Brahma Sanskrit (nir =
none) Nirguna (no gunas / qualities) : The unknown God. Steps in Self
Unfoldment p. 48. Energy locked up and infolded into the heart of the atom --
the body of Parabrahma. The First Crossing p. 102. Beyond name and form. The
Release of the Fire in the Heart of the Atom p. 2.
Noetic level Objective Realization and
identification with the Real Self. To be a master of one’s forces instead of a
slave to them. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 28.
Mind / Self
Functioning in the Power of the Christos. The First Crossing p. 81. Means the
sense, the perception, the feel, the realization of the basic Triad, the Real
Self, on the Mind Level. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 32.
that level the acceleration of the perceptive forces and faculties becomes
comparable to the acceleration of the units of energy of that observed. One can
see and clearly understand the structure of a given configuration....that is
seership; it does not belong to the psychic nature. Clear seeing. Ibid p. 44.
Your essential nature, the Real Self, the Higher Self. Ibid p. 81. In the
individualizing process that differentiated field within the oversoul field.
Ibid p. 124. See Also Mind Self.
Non-aristotelian state Functioning in
energy forces, in creativity in mind substance. Consciously functioning with
ideas in mind substance and to the consciousness as Real. Characterized and differentiated
from the man state - to show that goal, objective to strive for. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 1) p.4. Characterized by the absence of dogmatism, dogmatic
statements, self-opinionations, etc. Due largely to the fact that this world is
a dynamic process and therefore non-static; consequently any statement made
dogmatically would be erroneous on the grounds that before the statement could
be completed, changes have eventuated respecting that which was spoken of or
about. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 21. See Also _.
Now Functioning in a sense of continuum. It
is from that deep, deep inner self that we get the feel in life-facts of a
continuum, a now. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 38. See Also Consciousness of
Object The object is an image in the consciousness
abstracted from the dynamic process. Practice of the Way p. 44. See Also Images
in the psyche appearing substantive.
Identification with one’s own objective self-conscious state. The First
Crossing p. 23. Living in the consciousness of identification with this body as
object vs. identification with a dynamic process, or a configuration of units
of energy. Practices in Individual Development p. 21.
is a state of consciousness in which one looks upon this physiological organism
as a thing, and his consciousness is thought to be ‘inside‘ of it. Ibid p. 53.
manifold of values Synonymous
with nether world ... developed out of the objective self-conscious state. The
First Crossing p.22. When the picture, the image, in the consciousness of a given person is identified with the configurational world, with Malkuth the Kingdom, that state of identification forms the basis for a yardstick of values which we call the objective manifold of values. Ibid p. 58. The objective world. The aristotelian state of consciousness, when images ... pictures in the psychic consciousness appear substantive. Ibid p. 98. Only the outer representation of the objective self-conscious state on the part of the emergent Power-to-be-conscious from the inconscient Mother substance. Ibid p. 99.See Also Maya, Nether world.
Objective self-awareness A synonym for
the word man; also "man" and "mind". So objective
self-consciousness differentiated man from animal. A Description of the Psychic
World p.41.
Objective Self The private world, meaning our
objective self-consciousness and the manifold of values evolved from it.
Practice of the Way p.23. See Also Private World.
Objective-self conscious state The next step
in the expanding consciousness of the Positive Power, the development of the
psyche. Emerging self-consciousness, only exists in the man state. Expanding
States of Self-awareness p. 40. Functioning in objective identity. The First
Crossing p.39.A state labeled "man". Ibid p. 101. Out of the differentiation
in the essential nature of man that we label his autonomous field, the
objective self-conscious state was the first that was abstracted from it, means
identification with that appearance which the configuration creates in our
psychic consciousness. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 13. We have the
psycho-logical situation, or context of consciousness, for the first conscious
identification - belief that the ‘physical body’ as a ‘thing’ is as it seems to
sense, and that it is the self. . Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.29.
Unconscious, consciousness in identity with the objective appearance, the
objective world, etc., as it appears to the senses. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p.
28. The configurational self, the psychological processes, and the Mind Level,
all motivated by the Power-to-be-conscious, whether called vital dynamism,
psycho-dynamism or the Christos, represent reality. From that reality we have
abstracted an unreality - the private world, the objective self-conscious
state, Objective manifold of values. Practice of the Way p. 29. The objective
self-conscious state consists of three parts: the configurational self
(instinctive awareness), the psychic self (personality), and the noetic self
(Individuality). The Christos p. 164 (chart). Means that the
Power-to-be-conscious - with which one functions - is identified with the
objective appearance of Its own state. The objective appearance of the mental
image which one has formulated from frequencies registered. Ibid p. 200.
Objective world The nether world, limited to
sense registry, formulated images appearing substantive and values given
thereto....psychic phenomena. The First Crossing p. 94. Values attributed to
images-appearing-substantive. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 52. Concepts which
are labeled variously - opinions, information, assumptions and substantive
images. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 64.
The basis of which the generative force operates in the generative center,
symbolized by Jupiter who overthrew Saturn. You see, the son overthrew the
father and took the father’s place. The Christos p. 102.
Omniscience Represents all knowledge, all science,
all understanding. The Higher Triad is omniscient, relative to the acquisition
of information and understanding that we call education. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 10.
Order The natural sequential expansion of a
given individual’s consciousness from one state to another represents order.
Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p.3. (Cosmos) signalizes number (as quantity
composed of many units, vortices of energy, energy systems, etc.),
configurational representations, hierarchical systematizations, ensembles, etc.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.20. See Also Cosmos.
Organic disease Functional disturbances should
be considered for the reason that every organic disease begins with a
functional disturbance. The First Crossing p. 86.
Organism-as-a-whole The awareness
poised in, or that which evolves out of, the state labeled atomistic is
designated global - another philosophical term - meaning organism-as-a-whole.
The Christos p. 139. See Also Global consciousness.
Orientation to Mind Level "Where two
or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of
them." (Bible quote). Living en rapport in the field of one of higher
attainment imparts via information-carrying wave and frequency, the
consciousness of that field. In consciousness the ‘closer’ one is to the field,
the stronger the signal; i.e., the easier to register and the stronger the
reception. The Christos p. 183. See Also Monism
Osiris Egyptian symbol for the reflected
Power-to-be-conscious in Light’s Regions. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 19.
Exemplifies the wisdom teaching; the label used as we use the label Logos, and
irrespective of the label for that differentiated field in the Mother
substance, the field represents the Source, causative respecting all other
differentiations; therefore, it constitutes the Reason for the creative process
irrespective of the level. The Light source of creativity. Teachers’s Guide
(Vol 3) p. 47. See Also Logos, Power-to-be-conscious.
Outbreathing The coming back in the palingenetic
process. You bring back only what has been built into your basic state which
becomes the pattern for the next outbreathing. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 8.
See also Basic state, Palingenesis.
Oversoul One of the successive and synthetical
fields, one relatively higher to a lower one. We could designate the race
psyche as the oversoul of a given person. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 62.
/ Palingenetic process/cycle No personality reincarnates. But the
power on the Mind level in this individualizing process puts forth again. Each
cycle in the palingenetic process, each putting forth, you build a new
personality pattern. Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 21. The palingenetic process
is not the reincarnation of one personality into another. The process is
analogous to annual growth of a deciduous tree which cyclicly puts forth its
leaves and flowers and fruit and, eventually, sheds them and its sap goes down.
Each time round in the palingenetic process we develop a new personality, and
the personality that we develop in one cycle, we shed, like the tree sheds its
leaves, etc., together with the cycle which is represented by it. The Seven
Rays of Development p. 14. The weakest link in your chain of rays now indicates
the ray you will incarnate on. Ibid p. 17. A new and different personality --
the guna pattern of the psychic nature -- is brought out and developed on each
of the turns in the spiraling process characterizing that which we label
palingenesis. The First Crossing p. 25.
spiraling process. Studies in Psychotherapy p.75.
Parabrahma See Also Nir-guna Brahma.
Paraclete The ida-pingala currents. The reservoir
for the pranic currents. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 63. See Also
Ida-pingala currents.
Paradosis The handing over (The lifting of the
creative forces in the psychic nature above the generative center) bringing the
other psychic centers/seals (7) into awakening, action, function, etc., until
the twelve powers surmount the Luminous Self on its Mind-level and from that
level serve the kingdoms
synthesized at that phase of the Cosmic Process. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 32.
Paranoia When the split (pattern of the psychic
nature/personality pattern) has developed into such a wide gap or cleavage it
becomes psychosis. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 56.
Path, The Following the evolutionary process.
When one discovers that there is a process and intelligently cooperates with
it, we call it the path. When we intelligently cooperate with the evolutionary
process we change our label and say the path of development, the path of
attainment, and we enter the path. The Seven Initiations p. 61. See Also
Evolutionary process.
Pattern of the field The archetype
upon which the configurational process is modeled and governed. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 7. Octaves, bands of waves and frequencies. Ibid p. 123. See
Arc, Archetype.
Perception manifold The frame of
evaluation described as a frame or manifold of differentiation respecting
quality, character, strength, etc. of these energies (or vibrations) which are
organized or developed of the Mind-wave, Mind, when individualized
(Noetic-mind). The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 53.
Perception Is to know; apperception is to know and
know that you know. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 12.
Perceptive awareness The word
understanding and the word Light, both words symbolize perceptive awareness,
not a cortical, mental grasp of meaning. Practice of the Way p. 35. See Also
Light, Understanding.
Perfected Ones Those fully identified with the
free and emancipated Power-to-be-conscious, and there function in Light’s
regions. School of the Natural Order (introductory booklet) p. 6.
Perfected individual Is Androgynous,
both male and female in one representation. In the palingenetic cyclic process
it is the unity of the positive and negative in one being. The First Crossing
p. 28. See Also Cycles of Seven.
Peripatetic School Set up by Aristotle to walk
instead of sitting to study natural specimens and label them. Practices in
Individual Development p. 81.
Permanent atom Means the results of all
earth-sphere lives of the Master-self, together with a memory-picture of the
structure of planetary spheres, are condensed like an energy pattern in the
life-germ of a seed. It resides within the consciousness of the Master-self.
The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 37.
Person Equates and is
synonymous with the ensemble of energy substances, each characterized by a
specific quality in the individualizing consciousness; this ensemble we label
the psychic nature. The First Crossing p.32. One who functions (relative to the
person, you can say unconsciously functions) under the motivating forces of the
elemental world, nature’s formative forces, operating in his group, race
psyche, etc. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 30.
ensemble, an aggregation of cultural factors in the race psyche in which the
person is integrated. Ibid p. 57. A representation of that pattern, lines of
force, plus its knots and whorls - its configuration. The person is the belief
of being that aggregation. The consciousness abstracts ideas and opinions from
the field in which it is individualizing, or differentiating. It then makes a
gestalt of those ideas and opinions and identifies itself with it. Ibid p. 150.
Personal level The psychic self. Practice of the
Way p. 26. See Also Psychic self.
The totality we label the person and the totality of qualities (gunas) of each
center or level we call the personality pattern. How to Discipline the Psyche
p. 10. The psychic nature. Ibid p. 11. The qualities in feelings plus the
thinkings, synthesized in the consciousness of a given individual at a given
date. Cosmology p. 16. Personality comes from the Latin word, persona, mask.
Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 86. The sense of personality is due to a
focalization in consciousness of a number of frequency relationships; that is,
wave-frequency contacts--rapports, desires, communal interests, love
attractions, etc. When these wave-frequency contacts are abstracted to higher
orders - grouped and generalized-- we then label such an ensemble the group
psyche, oversoul, race mind, etc. The First Crossing p. 8. Higher psyche, the
human soul, the autonomous field or Master Self. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 79. The ensemble, the total content of the psychic self. We rebuild that personality every circuit, every time around in the palingenetic process. Practice of the Way p. 14. The combined qualities of the psychic nature. Ibid p. 73. That sense of separateness, I-Am-I-ness, that distinct feel of separateness, the state of consciousness we label the ego or the ego-sense. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 5.
given person is a synthesis of the qualities in the psychic nature and in his configurational
representation. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 62.
Pharisees The unconscious psychics, aristotelians
(because they call reality the objective world, etc., is an
image-appearing-substantive. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 57. See Also
The throat center. Sanskrit label: Laya (Still). When unpurified gunas are
brought up from the generative center all sorts of perversions can become
rampant. Practices in Individual Development p.27. See Also Throat center.
Phenomena The image in the psychic nature
appearing substantive. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 23. An illusory image having
no reality. Ibid (Vol 2) p. 3. Symbolized by the word "matter". Ibid
p. 51. See Also Image in the psychic nature appearing substantive, Matter.
Physical We are dealing with an energy world and
configurations thereof, waves and frequencies and bands of waves-frequencies,
radionics and electronics. This world is in reality a dynamic world, composed
of units of energy configurating in a multiplicity of representations of states
of consciousness on the part of a Power-to-be-conscious. How to Discipline the
Psyche p. 33.
Physical body The ‘physical body’, per se, doesn’t
exist at all, except as an image, a picture in the psychic nature. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 1) p. 44. The image appearing substantive. Ibid (Vol 2) p. 31.
Physiological organism The
representation of the state in which the Power-to-be-conscious is conscious).
The First Crossing p. 56. The configurational self. The Christos p. 96. The
configuration of a given field is the representation of its pattern, the image
appearing substantive. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 79.
Pituitary center It is a center of force
representative of the rays from the center sun of Light, there preparation is
made for the second crossing where the psyche itself will be destroyed and the
greater force that energizes; the Hierophant at the Baptism by water, will also
be destroyed; this going ahead and preparing the way for the Greater One which
will be awakened. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 72. See Also Ajna, Force centers.
‘Pliant types’ In the formative forces of the
psychic nature the etheric substance has no discrimination, no differentiation,
no conscious volition over what it reflects; it will reflect anything, just like
a mirror. We call this state, in the formative processes of becoming conscious
of the psychic nature, pliant. We say of those in that state that they are
pliant types. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 4-5.
Pneumatic ovum Autonomous field, Cosmic egg. Developing
man was considered to be a developing embryo within his egg, within his ovum
until he pipped the shell and his forces streamed through or out beyond the
periphery. Pneumatic represents that which motivates ‘breathing.’ The word
breathing means rhythm; everything is characterized by a rhythm, by a
pulsation, as outbreathing and inbreathing. Pneumatic ovum relative to a
growing and developing person who has not yet achieved consciousness of
individualization and his relation to the cosmic process; and cosmic egg, the
Higher Self representing the furthest ‘out’ or the ‘lowest’ in eventuation; the
essential nature, the True Self born out of the differentiated field.
Characterized by lines of force of the field. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 6.
That which characterizes man and differentiates him from the animal is the fact
that his acquired qualities of consciousness do not revert to the
undifferentiated field, but revert to his own account or discount. Ibid p. 12.
See also Autonomous field, Cosmic egg.
Polarity Feeling-images, desire-forms, etc., are
charged with force. When two persons with approximately the same
"content" meet for the first time, the one with the strongest charge
in the "constituents" of his psyche assumes the positive position in
the context of situation, the other the negative. The First Crossing p 87. The
Master Self is always positive and the ‘man’ in incarnation negative regarding
each other, relatively speaking. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.81.
Pool(s) Differentiated spheres in the Cosmic
process (Autonomous Field, the Real Self, the Race psyche, the Oversoul, etc.)
A given man belongs to a pool. The pool of the man contains his cultural
qualities; he reflects his race cultural background; he incorporates those in
his etheric-configurational self. The Christos p. 68.
Positive Pole The Power from the positive pole
creates the activity and the substance represents the pattern. "The Father
worketh hitherto and I work." (Bible quote). Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 98. See Also Basic unity, Electromagnetic field, Light, Polarity.
Positive Power Power resides as potential, an
inertial state..."without form, and void, and darkness upon the face of
the deep. (Genesis) Chokmah on the Tree of Life. Power and Light ensues when
the inertial state of that negative substance contacts a positive power - Binah
making contact with Chokmah. Practice of the Way p. 79. See Also Father
principle, Higher Triad.
Power of Balance The Power of equilibrium, a
cosmic force. On the atomic level, the neutron represents the power of
equilibrium that unifies the positive and negative elements. It is the power
that unifies man and woman. Practice of the Way p. 62.
Power-to-be-conscious Activity of
basic or fundamental-substance whether called Light, energy or living-matter.
The Christos p. 108. Vital-dynamism (a greater release of force or advancing
point in evolution); in the developing ego, the psycho-dynamism (The state in
which a given person is conscious of himself), and at a higher level, the
Christos (the wheel of eternity, the whole Cosmic process). Ibid p. 113. The
Self. "Conscious"consciousness = The activity in
Light-energy-living-matter substances, described in terms of Light-energy waves
and frequencies. "To be" = The constant urge to know; to know in
order TO BE...to be conscious; The structure, function and orderly process of
the Hierarchial Order in Light-substance. Destiny, the very nature of Being.
"Power" = Evidenced in, through and by Mother-substance (Light,
energy, living-matter). Ibid p. 211 ff. In the Mother substance, whether that
substance is light or energy or living-matter, there is a motivating force, a
sustaining, quickening, creating, developing Power. We call it the
Power-to-be-conscious. That Power-to-be-conscious constitutes the essential
self of each and every one of us. That Power is the one Power of the whole
universe. Practices in Individual Development p. 1. There is a
Power-to-be-conscious which is beyond doubt, axiomatic, self-evident, needing
no proof. Ibid p. 63. That which is causative in the differentiating, creative
process of the Mother. A Description of the Psychic World p. 111. As long as we
are in the process of development, of raising the consciousness to a ‘higher’
level, then we use the term Power-to-be-conscious. When we offset from the
process of self-development and shift our focus to those levels of attainment
beyond the psychic world, we drop "to be conscious," and say,
"The Power." It is only at every stage, or state of the
self-development process that we describe a Power-to-be-conscious.
Understanding the Psychic Nature (Lesson 7) p. 2. The Power-to-be-conscious is
that which is motivating its own awakening form the unconscious to the
conscious. Functional Activities p. 58. The triad beyond name and form. It is
this unnamed power which moves the negative, the Mother. The Seven Initiations
p. 9 That which registers. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 114. The Cosmic process
or The Good (Plato). Ibid p. 143. "You can deny everything else in the
world, in the universe, but you cannot deny the Power with which you
deny." Practice of the Way p. 28. There’s a power plant, the
Power-to-be-conscious in the intrinsic Self, in the intrinsic nature, that is
the power plant and it is the drive that carries one on the evolutionary
course. It’s the drive, the power from the Mind level, that we label the
Christos. Ibid p. 48. That power asleep in the mineral, it stirs in the plant;
it becomes active in the animal; and it arouses itself in man. In man the power
begins to be conscious of itself, to know that it knows. Bible Lessons p. 16.
See Also Cosmic process, Good, Higher Triad, Vital Dynamism.
Prakriti Sanskrit: The Mother principle, Binah.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 101
Prana "Is the name for the energy that
is in the universe. The sum total of the energy displayed in the
universe." Vivekananda Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 60. Prana, vital
energy of this earth sphere, functions as the substance of each and every
individualized etheric sphere and manifests in the physiological organism as
the "principle" of vitality to be expressed therein. These pranic
energies or forces represent inverse 'reflections' of substances of the highest
level pertaining to Individualized Being, called Atma, and therefore exhibit
correspondences therewith. Prana is the Sanskrit word for a vital force which
permeates the etheric earth sphere, including every individualized system
thereof, and constitutes the motivating force of all forms. When flowing in the
energy stream of a given individualized organism we call it vital force or the
vital dynamism. Membership Letters (III) p. 2. See Also Vital Dynamism.
Pranava Aum, the "sacred word,"
"the word of Glory," the sound of conscious life itself, as it is
breathed forth into all earth sphere forms. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.
76. See Also AUM.
Pranayama Stands for the meaning or science,
understanding the use of prana. The term is applied to breath control practices
designed to awaken kundalini force and establish control of its functions in
the individualized system. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 59. See Prana.
World Images
in the psychic consciousness, their seeming reality, the values given to them,
the feeling-desire-emotional-thinking reactions from values given, etc., make
up what we call the private world. It has no existence outside the psychic
consciousness. The First Crossing p. 10. What we abstract from the
structure-function-order of the cosmic process and its configurations. Studies
in Psychotherapy p. 58.The private world is sharply differentiated from the
Cosmic Process; i.e., the waves and frequencies which we arrest as stimuli and
from which we abstract the image or picture. You register those waves and
frequencies either by direct radiation or by reflection of light and energy.
Ibid p.108.
or mentalized private world, that giving value to images appearing substantive
and reacting to values given until there is a sort of a manifold, a code, a
frame of reference built up relative to that image appearing substantive and
the identity with it. Ibid p. 133. Objective self, meaning our objective
self-consciousness and the manifold of values evolved from it. Practice of the
Way p.23. The nether world, the whole synthetical buildup in the consciousness
based upon the objective self-conscious state, or based upon identification
with things, bodies, objects, etc. Ibid p. 87. See Also Objective self.
Process The absence of all ideas of static
objectivity; dynamic flow of energy; with reference to an individual, the
"becoming". The Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p.3.
Process of the Way The purificatory
period where in the perfective stages of the individualizing process of the
Natural Order these denizens (the content of the unconscious) of the depths
must all be brought to the surface and destroyed. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 24. See Also Purification process.
Projection See Dissociation.
Prototype Archetype, the Arche, on the Mind level.
Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p 56. See Also Archetype.
Psyche An ensemble of
all those motivating forces, a sort of composite composition of those energies
from sensations to thinkings, we use the label psyche, or the synonym, the
personality pattern; that is, the person. The First Crossing p. 64.
"Students in the S.N.O, condition your thinking to use these three words
as synonyms: soul, psyche, personality. For that word psyche you can also say
psychic nature if it is appropriate in the context of a given situation."
Practice of the Way p. 98. The content of the unconscious. The Christos p. 5.
of that from sensation to the force by which you think is comprehended by the
term psyche, psycho-logical self, psychic-self or psychic nature. Ibid p. 79.
Psychic Everything that you feel, everything
you desire, your human love and affection, your attachment to things and
persons and places, your thought about all of that. The Seven Initiations p.
Psychic field See Aura.
Psychic images Those pictures and images which
are not sharply edged -- clearly defined in the consciousness -- and therefore
do not appear substantive. Other names: in the objective manifold-of-values,
psychic pictures, dream pictures, the dream fabric, pure hallucinations. The
First Crossing p. 99 See Also Dream images, images.
Psychic Light A unifying creative force establishing
the dynamic world which surrounds and interpenetrates each of us. Self-Mastery
Through Meditation p. 102.
The personality pattern : North half = Higher psyche. South half = Lower
psyche. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 11. Can be described as our entire past
including all the palingenetic cyclic processes of putting forth and taking in.
The past is rolled up like a scroll and this "scroll" we call the
psychic nature. Ibid p. 14. The cumulative results in an individual’s consciousness
which has been developed during this span of living in identity: with his
physiological organism, with the world as objective, with the values given
thereto, and with the resultant reactions. This composite, organized and
unified result we label psychic-nature. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p.
35. The psycho-logical processes which are the basis of all evaluations. Cosmology p. 17. The totality of that which is reflected, with its gunas or qualities to each sensation, feeling, desire, thought. A Description of the Psychic World p. 99.
We in the S.N.O. use the term psychic nature as a synonym for what the modern psychologists call the unconscious. Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 77.
The level upon which and individual’s personality pattern is developed. The First Crossing p. 14. "According to the New Cycle Gnosis, the referent for the word person equates and is synonymous with the ensemble of energy substances, each characterized by a specific quality in the individualizing consciousness; this ensemble we label the psychic nature." Ibid p. 32. "In our school we use the terms personality and psychic nature as synonyms for the ensemble of forces which motivate our functions - all our functions." Ibid p. 38. That total content of our consciousness, the psychic level is called the psychic nature or soul. Ibid p. 53.
That which is reflected constitutes the content of the psychic nature. This "content" is called the person, the personality pattern, the person in sense life, the little self in separation from his Greater Self, the intrinsic Power-to-be-conscious, etc. Ibid p. 87. Your whole realm of sensations, feelings, desirings, emotions, thinkings in varying mixtures and varying degrees. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 19. The ensemble of actions and reactions caused by values attributed to images-appearing-substantive which we call the objective world. Ibid p. 52.
differentiating process that we call our personality, our individuality, etc.,
is an individualizing process taking place in that oversoul or race psyche, and
that is what we label the psychic nature. Ibid p. 81. Human Soul. Ibid p. 98.
The forces that operate in all sensations, feelings, emotional and thinking
functions, that’s your psychic nature. Your physiological organism functions,
that’s your psychic nature. Ibid p. 105. The seat of feelings and thinkings,
‘psychological’ process of a person. More often the term psychic nature is used
in the SNO for this gestalt or total ensemble of feelings-thinkings.
Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.21. Your basic point of development
determines the content of your psychic nature. One cannot build into his
psychic nature any quality, entity, substance, which is not comparable to the
state in which he is basically conscious of himself, his basic state of
development. Practice of the Way p.61- 62. The configuration of units of energy
into forms stands as representative of the total content of the psychic nature.
Psycho-logical processes is what we call the content of the psychic nature. The
Christos p. 56.
Images, pictures, which do not appear substantive, Hallucinations, dreams,
psychic appearances, any psychic phenomena including the psychic phenomena
labeled ‘things’ and ‘objects.’ The First Crossing p. 94.
Psychic Self The personal level. Practice of the Way
Psychic world This world in which we function is
called the psychic world. That psychic world functions under, and is part and
parcel of, what we call the World Mother, the Mater; the matter (mater) of that
world is also labeled the Genetrix. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 18. The
substance of the psychic world are the gradations from energy to etheric
substance; that is the band of the whole metamorphosing process of light into
living matter; just that band from energy to etheric substance is the energy of
the psychic world. Ibid p. 38. An ensemble of forces which motivate our
feelings, desireings and thinkings. It is a synthesis of energies, each one of
which is characterized by wave frequency, and represented by a definite
substance. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 119.
Psychical man, the Called "the veil and
prophecy" of the real man or Master. That Power, or force, called Self,
together with the activity of its awareness, represents reality. The expression
of that force is called spiritual and, in this context, the form of expression
represents the psychical-man, "the veil and prophecy of the spiritual
man." The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 9.
Psychics Those whose consciousness is focused in
the objective manifold of values. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 32.
"Conscious psychics" : When interest switches, transfers from
‘things’ and ‘objects’ the psycho-logical phases, functions, etc.,(i.e., to
feelings, desires, thinkings and the qualities respecting each) - when a given
individual is more involved in what he feels, what he desires, what he thinks
and his emotional evaluation, then his consciousness is becoming oriented to
the conscious psychics. Ibid p. 58. Not dependable unless you know the psyche
has reached the cleared space. Practices in Individual Development p. 9. See
also Conscious psychics, Pythagorean school.
Psycho-dynamism When the Power-to-be-conscious
motivates all actions and functions on the psychic nature level. Practice of
the Way p.28.What hold this bundles of forces having different qualities,
properties, characteristics, and gunas together? An organizer, a ruler, an
overseer; and we label that organizer and bonder of all of them
psycho-dynamism. Ibid p. 98. That activity of the Cosmic process which
motivates the psychic-self we label the Psycho-dynamism. Motivates the
psychic-self and all of its psychic, psycho-logical activities from sensations
to thinking. The Christos p. 80. Symbolizes an activity of
fundamental-substance in or on a relatively higher level of the ascending
arc....the purpose of the psycho-dynamism is to perfect the ego, independent of
everything. When the psycho-dynamism takes over, the individual is constantly
in rebellion; he is not a conformist any more; he is a non-conformist. Ibid p.
109 ff. See also Personality, Psyche, Psychic nature, Soul.
Psycho-logical (functions) The meaning
represented comprehends the gunas (qualities) of which the psychic-nature of a
given individual is composed. ... The qualities in feelings plus the thinkings,
synthesized in the consciousness of a given individual at a given date, are
called his personality pattern. ... The psycho-logical processes are the basis
of all evaluations; and this represents that which we call the psychic-nature.
Cosmology p. 16-17. Causes of Psychological maladjustments: The conflict
between the higher psyche and the content of the lower psyche is the cause of
so many psychosomatic and psycho-logical maladjustments. The First Crossing
p.88. Your whole realm of sensations, feelings, desirings, emotions, thinkings
in varying mixtures and varying degrees. The term psycho-logical level does not
mean the content of the unconscious but means the functional processes of the
psychic nature. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 19. The linking together of the
lower and higher psychic nature, by reason of the fact that both pertain to the
psychic nature as a medium of expression, as a vehicle in which consciousness
operates, but in describing the four somatic divisions of man, or of a given
individual, they are separated because they constitute two separate and
distinct departments of the somatic area. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 2) p. 5.
"Psycho-logical processes reside in what we call the psychic nature"
The Christos p. 14. See also Personality pattern, Psychic nature.
Psycho-logically balanced There has to be
harmony, rhythm, balance achieved in the psychic nature as preparatory to the
real study and real development; in other words, one cannot start from a false
basis to fulfill, to accomplish, to achieve the man state, because back of all
that we are saying, there is a fundamental ‘law’, which means that is the way
it functions, and it doesn’t function in any other way. Teachers’s Guide (Vol
1) p. 37. See also Treading the Path.
Psychosis The lower psyche with its entities
"takes over" and the higher psyche withdraws from the
etheric-physical body. The person is then labeled insane. The First Crossing p.
88. When one loses the rational balance, and the psychic manufactures psychic
pictures, psychic images, dream pictures, the dream fabric, etc., and they
become possessory it is then called psychosis or just plain insanity. Ibid p.
Psychosomatic (maladjustments) Caused by a
conflict between the higher psyche and the content of the lower psyche. See
Neurosis, Psychosis.
Psycho-therapy The only way to release all
blockages, all inhibiting influences, all forces that cause psycho-logical
conflicts is to orient oneself to the basic structure of this world,
life-facts, this world as light-energy waves-frequencies configurational
representations. Once you can see that structure and present it in a comparable
linguistic structure so that map fits territory, you will find in that clarity
of understanding and perceptional force, a power that removes all blockages and
liberates you. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 112. See Also General semantics.
Purification (purificatory process) When one
attempts to tread the Path which leads to Light’s Regions, it is the lower
psyche with its content which rises up to bar the way. It is then called
"The Dweller on the Threshold." The most difficult period of the
neophyte’s training or self-discipline is the purification of his lower psychic
nature. This is because the effects of results of all experiences of his past
are rolled up in the present content of his lower psyche. It is this past which
must be revived, re-evaluated and the results cast out before signal progress
made or can be made. The First Crossing p. 88. This state of purification,
called the Garden of Aaru, is prerequisite to making the Second Crossing as it
is the acme of attainment of the First Crossing. Ibid p. 92. In the perfective
stages of the individualizing of the Natural Order these denizens of the depths
must all be brought to the surface and destroyed. We call this the purificatory
period or process of the Way. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.24. Each must
stand in the burning, and remember, this burning will be as intense as there is
material to burn. ... "Every plant not planted by my Father" - not
true to the natural order process - "is cast on to the fire;";
"the wheat is separated from the chaff...."; The sheep are separated
from the goats.", etc. These analogies all pertain to the purificatory
period in the lunar cycle, until the force is raised to Ajna, the pituitary
center. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 70 ff. ‘Kindling of the fire,’ the
awakening of the potentialities - the dormant, latent forces. Practice of the
Way p. 20. During this period we learn to control the emotions, not by
repression but by expurgation of the inharmonious conditions. The old wine of
selfishness, desire, and all other destructive emotional conditions, is emptied
out of the consciousness before the new wine of the Spirit comes in. Bible
Lessons p. 33.
Purifying breath Take a deep full breath and
exhale it in short explosive bursts with the lips almost closed. Make the short
explosive bursts hiss like steam exhausting from high pressure, about six to
eight of these short bursts on one breath. Fling the arms down and back with
the wrists held loosely, with each short burst of air through the lips. Stamp
the right foot sharply and hard at the same time. Feel, will, imagine, etc.,
that you are positively flinging all undesirable and impure elements out of
your ‘body,’ psyche, and mind. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p.65.
Purpose of SNO: "Public teaching, mailing
of class talks/lesson courses, books & booklets on the correlation of
non-aristotelian Gnosis with modern scientific developments; training in
organic gardening, composting, conservation of the fertility of the soil, etc.;
teaching a process or methodology of understanding symbiotic relationships of
Nature’s formative forces in plant, animal and man culminating in the
perception of Cosmos as Conscious Light-Energy-Living-Matter organism-as-a-whole,
Self-governed, as if by a Supreme Intelligence; inculcating and understanding
that man (individually and collectively) is intrinsically integrated in Cosmos,
and that his highest obligation, therefore, is learning to consciously function
in participational cooperation with the Design (Structure, Function, Order)
thereof." The Christos p. vii.
Purusha Sanskrit: Individualized-self, the seer
or Master-self. Its nature is extreme non-attachment, giving up even the
qualities. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 23. The father principle,
Chokmah. Studies in Psychotherapy p.101.
Purusha-Parkriti Sanskrit: That original
atom--one electron, one proton--exemplifies the original and primal dichotomy,
Chokmah-Binah, Purusha-Prakriti, or Father-Mother God. The First Crossing p.
67. See also Prakriti
Purushattama Sanskrit: Represents the neutral. The
Crown (Kether). Studies in Psychotherapy p.101. See also: Father, Mother
Principle; Negative substance, Nirguna Brahma.
Qaballah See Kaballah, Tree of Life
Monism Describes
the teachings of SNO. When we recognize the integrity of the individual, and we
highlight the process of individualizing, we automatically establish a new
category: qualified monism. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 29. Qualified:
Limited to some degree or other in the expanding consciousness of the substance
in the Light. It is not absolutely anything. Monism: The reference to the
gradual expanding consciousness in the Substance of the Mother. We work day by
day, year by year, in the palingenetic rhythm, until our expanding
consciousness is one with the Substance in configuration.. We never leave it.
We bring it along and expand it into the Light. Then the great cycle that we
call the Cosmic Process is complete. Self-Mastery Through Meditation p. 106.
Qualified monism says there is One that becomes many--many
differentiations--and that qualifies the monistic phase, the absolute monistic
idea. The Seven Initiations p. 2.
Quality (Value/Guna) Three broad
divisions: Tamasic = inertial; Rajasic = tempestuous, virulent; Satvic = quiet,
the peaceful, and the beautiful. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 39 See Guna.
Shows that the lines of force in any given field eddy; the lines of force eddy.
Each eddy of each line represents a quantum energy. Called emergent energy. The
number of eddies on a given line of force of a given field is called quanta and
all of the eddies of each of the lines of force of a given field, while called
quanta, are also called configurations. So, a configuration merely represents
quanta of eddies of the lines of force of a given field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol
4) p. 61. When an electron jumped from a larger orbit to a smaller one within
the electron field, there was a quantum of energy emitted from the field; when
the electron suddenly and unaccountably jumped from a smaller orbit to a
greater one, there was a quantum of energy absorbed by the field. Ibid (Vol 4)
Quaternary (Law of Four) Represents man
in the four human states--physical, etheric, astral, and mental. The law of
four: The cycle of man is divided into four distinct periods of seven years
each. The septenary represents the whole being in its four human states
together with the three higher states of the Ego. Bible Lessons p.28. See also
Called the Christos by the Greeks and denotes a quickening, energizing,
awakening force entering into the content of the unconscious or the psyche; a
profound stirring influence that enters into the psyche at a certain period of
development. The Christos p. 6.
Race Consciousness The psychic field, a higher
level animal group field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p.22
Race, the Each individual functioning in the
field-pattern-configuration labeled man epitomizes, exemplifies, is a condensed
replica, a microcosm of that in which he functions, that field in which he
functions, which we now label the race, or we label man. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 124. Refers to the whole of humanity on the planet, a generic
term for man. Practice of the Way p. 99. See Man.
Race Psyche The ethnological field. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 150. Inherited cultural developments, attitudes obtained from
our forefathers, etc. Therefore, the background of each person is his
race-psyche; the content of it, etc., assumes a greater degree of importance in
or to the individualizing process than any so-called ‘personal’ factors. The
Christos p. 128. See Also: Ethnological field, Higher psyche, Oversoul.
Radasoami An entire methodology based upon the
sound currents. Practices in Individual Development p.50. See Also Sound
Raja Yoga Path The middle path taught by
Gautama, the Buddha, the Royal Road to understanding by knowing through or by
intuitional-awareness. The Christos p. 160. See Also Gautama, the Buddha,
Shakti Path.
Rajas The force manifests as thirst, hunger
and enjoyment of personal power - that egotistical
sense of ruling or controlling others. This is also the force which
motivates one in the pursuit of profit and pleasure. The energy of Ego, the
Son, Characterized by an individualizing tendency, mobility or activity on the
Mind-Level; and, in the psychic-nature, is the
driving force in ambition, to excel, to gain success, etc. The Natural
Order Process (vol 2) p. 93-94.
Rajasic See Gunas, Rajas.
Rapport Frequency
synchronization. The First Crossing p. 86. The frequency synchronization that we label rapport and call love or desire is a process of registry and reflection. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 114.
are caused by affinity of substance in the psychic nature. Teachers’s Guide
(Vol 4) p.33. Proximity of relationship; one takes on the condition of another.
Fall in rapport, consciously or unconsciously, with another one and you are
going to take on his conditions or he is going to take on yours, 50-50.
Practices in Individual Development p.14. See Also Communal adjustment.
Rays of development Cosmic energy
streams (world-force-lines of electromagnetic fields) which cause ‘things’
representing an event in a space-time continuum. Self-Mastery Through
Meditation p. 19. The first three = Will, Activity and Love are the like primary gunas and are blended
to produce the all seven rays. Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 49. See Seven Rays.
Razor’s edge A description of the delicate balance
needed to tread the path of growth and development. Practice of the Way p. 22.
Real manifestation as dynamic process A synthesis of
energy-systems, energy-fields, etc. in and as organismal activity of the whole;
and we reiterate that behind this there is no Life, Power, or Intelligence,
known or unknown. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 21.
Self The
Higher Self .... The individualizing process on what is called the Mind Level.
How to Discipline the Psyche p. 11. For the Real Self of you and the Real Self
of each and every one is the same One Universal Self, the Logos, Demiurgos,
Sa?guna Brahma, to use several names for That which represents the Creating
Center of all existences. Membership Letters (II) p. 3.
Real Self of any person is the degree of differentiation on the Mind Level, the
degree to which he has developed a field autonomous to the race psyche.
Practice of the Way p. 62. See Also Demiurgos, Higher Self, Logos, Mind Self,
Noetic Self, Sa-guna Brahma.
Reality If we break down any ‘this,’ - anything
to which you can point - into its ultimate constituents, we have vortices of
light plus energy .... Lightergy - light-energy. That constitutes the Reality
all around us and in us; it includes ‘this’ that we pack around and call body.
Functional activities p. 36. See also Gnosis, Knowledge, Wisdom teaching.
Realization Ultimate understanding, represents
orientation of consciousness to the Mind-wave (Noetic-mind). Functioning in
this orientation with direct and clear perception, contact with energy wave-lengths
and frequencies, direct observation, cognition, etc., a frame or manifold of
differentiation respecting quality, character, strength, etc. of these energies
(or vibrations) is organized or developed. The Natural Order Process (vol 2)
p.53. See also Ultimate understanding.
Reason The word represents the Logos, and
those having identified their respective selves with the force with which they
function, are labeled Logoi. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.32. See also Logoi,
Logos, Neoplatonic school.
Re-conversion The unfolding process, what we call
growth, expansion, self-development, evolution, transfiguration, metamorphosis.
It means to turn around, turn around and reverse the process, get converted.
Turn around and intelligently cooperate with the metamorphosis, with the
transfigurational process. The First Crossing p. 67. See Unfolding process.
Referent Is meant, the significance, the
meaning. Words have no meaning in themselves; meaning, significance, is that
which the word "referent" represents. Cosmology p. 99. That which we
experience is labeled "referent." ‘Thing’, quality, relationship or
function experienced. Perceptive Insight p. 30-32.See General Semantics.
Reflection (In connection with the race psyche)
means that beneath the level of his clear intellectual understanding he is
still integrated, synchronized, en rapport, to a greater or lesser degree, with
the race out of which he is seeking emancipation. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p.
Regeneration The deliberate re-creation of a new
personality in the midst of an incarnation. Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 21. See
also Palingenesis.
of frequency/guna
Characterizes one of the pivotal points of the instruction as given in the
School of the Natural Order. The essential and pivotal point of the (Second
Crossing) of the work resides in the statement that instead of functioning in
the images formulated, the values given thereto and reaction to values given,
we awaken to the conscious registry of the guna, the reality of energy-forces
registered. To function consciously the energies by which we are motivated and
their respective gunas or qualities characterizes the "way of life"
for those who will participate int he New Cycle. The First Crossing p. 93.
Reification / Reify Out of identity
of word with thing, one unconsciously begins to give value to a word with no
referent. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 35. To, reify, particularly regarding
words, is to ascribe a definite objective reality, meaning, value, etc., to a
symbol in the absence or unconsciousness of that which is represented by the
symbol. To ascribe meaning to a word, instead of treating the word as a symbol,
is to reify. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 15.
Reincarnation "According to the instruction as
given in the School of the Natural Order, there is no such ‘thing’ as
reincarnation; that is, no one as he is now conscious of himself as a
personality reincarnates." The First Crossing p. 25. See Palingenesis.
Religion Pertains to the creative process in the
individual which is so closely allied to faith (no don’t identify faith with
religion and identify faith and religion with the church). Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 20. That instinctive, inherent need to pour out devotion to
something. Ibid p. 121.
Return, the See Ascending/descending arc.
Revenge of the Will When the
dynamic, creative forces of the Cosmic Process are interfered with and do not
have a free-flowing outlet in expression (do not identify freedom with license
because that is more slavery and bondage than freedom) at a given state of
development, those forces will turn negative. Those cosmic forces which should
be free and marvelous and creative at a given state will become revengeful.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 114. The compensatory, substituted outlet, is the
reflexiveness of the Will. What results in the substituted and compensatory
form of expression is called the Revenge of the Will. Ibid p.126.
Reversal, the The Ascending Arc....of the
differentiating process. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 90. See also
Ascending Arc.
Rhythmic living Just the art of living
effectively with the least effort. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 61.
Right perception Described as utilization of the
faculty of cognition in envisioning the archetypal structures and the memory or
retention of that which has been perceived. The Natural Order Process (vol 2)
p. 113.
Roadmap, the From the standpoint of the New Cycle
Gnosis, means a clear mental construct, being careful, never to consider the
roadmap as being the journey. The First Crossing p. 30.
Rod of Aaron / Iron The Will has
been called the "Rod of Aaron," "The Staff of Moses," Atma,
etc. It is the "rod of iron" of the second Psalm and elsewhere in the
Bible, the rod with which Moses parted the waters of the Red Sea and later
struck the Rock in the wilderness from which life-giving waters gushed. The
Will is that force with which Christ blasted the fig tree because it gave so
much promise yet yielded no fruit. It is the Will which we must lay hold of if
we would escape, escape from the psychic world and from the tangled web of
karma with its endless rounds of birth and rebirth. Membership Letters (III) p.
2. "The Rod of Iron," "Thunder bolt of Zeus," that is just
the force, consciousness, identified with the creative force of the field. Teacher’s
Guide (Vol 2) p. 24. Also Atma, Staff of Moses, Will.
Rules of Fundamental Self-development 1)
Self-Reliance, 2) Non-reification of words (use referents), 3) Remembrance that
every ‘thing’ represents a dynamic process, 4) Mistake not a roadmap for the
journey, 5) Development or attainment is signalized by letting go a lower level
or state in order to achieve a higher one, 6) Functional progress depends upon
conscious control and direction of creative forces through the Seals (chakras),
7) Dare, Do and Keep Silent. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 10.
Indicative of a state of consciousness on the time lined of a given individual
and correlated with the abstracting process. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 52.
Sacral-Conarial axis Represents the
two poles of the individual field, the power house, our field. Teachers’s Guide
(Vol 3) p. 58. The positive and negative poles, the energy centers by which and
through which creativity is effected, by which and through which creative force
operates. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 12. The two centers ((Sacral(base of the
spine) / Conarial ( crown of the head)) and the force-field between. The
Christos p. 101. See Also Force center, Higher Triad, Individual field.
Sacred Word AUM is called the "sacred
word," "the word of Glory," "the Pranava," the sound
of conscious life itself, as it is breathed forth into all earth sphere forms.
It is designated the word symbolizing the substance of the solar sphere united
with the cosmic sphere, and is intended to establish the informing powers or
controlling energies of these configurations or forms. Membership Letters (III)
p. 13. See AUM.
Sagittarius The hunter, the slayer or Tarus.
Symbolizes the Sex force, the generative center. Teacher’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 14.
See Sex urge.
Sa-guna Brahma See Demiurgos, Logos, Real Self.
Orientation of consciousness into the thousand-petaled lotus, the level beyond
the cortical level. The Seven Initiations p. 64.
Salvation See Liberation.
Samadhi Sanskrit. The form of meditation
"without seed." Attaining a state which is beyond the barrier imposed
by the highest mental level of the psychic nature. A world which cannot be
known through the medium of the senses but which, by the right use of Mind, can
be explored and learned. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 101-102.
Samsara Buddhist. "The maya,"
"the lie and the father of it," "the Great Illusion." Self
Mastery Through Meditation p. 204. See Also Great Illusion, Maya.
Sanction The operation
of polarity between a positive electric field and a negatively charged magnetic
field. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 51.Unity of the positive and
negative. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 61.
Father principle, forces, energies of the cosmic sphere, called God, cannot be known
except as, by or in the substance of the solar sphere; i.e., the Father can be
known only by the activity - waves and frequencies - of the Mother: called
"lending the sanction." Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 72. The
mater is "without form and void" and "darkness upon the face of
the deep" until the Power-to-be-conscious contacts the mater. Sri
Aurobindo called that the "sanction." Practices in Individual
Development p. 86.See Also Unity.
Sannyasin Sanskrit. An itinerant Teacher.
Traditionally, serving as a representative of the Wisdom Teaching and never to
sojourn over three nights in any one place. Serving for a period of 14 years.
The Veil of Maya p. 56.
Sattva The label for those qualities or forces
in the psychic nature which in the object-predicate manifold of the race-mind
are lauded, praised and envied, such as serenity, keenness of intellect, and
those attributes called spiritual. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 93.
Sattvic The clear Light in the (freed and
clear) psyche evidences as pure dynamic energy. The First Crossing p. 65. The
highest quality given to substance. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 46. See Also
Gunas, Qualities.
Satan At another stage of development (in the
book of Revelations) describes the generative power/force, the genetrix. The
fiery dragon that stood before the Mother about to be delivered of the Sun-God,
the Christos state. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 73.
Saturn Represents the highest power in the
Cosmic process; the positive power in the original dichotomy. Hebrew: Chokmah;
Sanskrit: Purusha. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 87. See Also Chokmah,
Purusha, Zodiac.
Saturn in Capricorn The symbol of
the Sun in Leo; represents the very height of power reached when the force
reaches the conarium and then comes the descent of the positive power. It is
the descent of that positive power that switches the orientation of the
individual from the Mother, the negative, to the positive, the Father
principle. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.14. See Also Four somatic divisions, Sacral-conarial
Schizophrenia Schiz is a Greek word equivalent to
split. Phrenia is the unbalance resulting from the schiz. We label in modern
times the effects of the split personality, the split pattern of the psychic
nature. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 56. When one loses the rational balance,
the psyche is liable to take over and begin to manufacture pictures called
neuroses, schizophrenia. The First Crossing p. 99. See Also Insanity,
School of the Natural Order. A label
resulting out of that understanding that we have a basic trinity in our School:
structure, function, order. The reason order is in that trinity is because we
realize that there is order in the universe, Natural Order. The Seven Rays of
Development p. 25.
Science (ray) The fourth ray : rigorous,
implacable, unvarying, orderly procedure. Four in the order of gunas, in the
order of the combinations of qualities. (Activity + Will). The Seven Rays of
Development p. 3. The possession of knowledge (self- awareness derived from
oneness with that which might be understood, at a given time, in a given
context of situation) in contrast with ignorance. Ibid p. 14. See Epistemology.
Scientology See Dianetics, Engram.
Scribes and Pharasees The
aristotelians, live by the moral codes. They are those who fear any assault or
attack upon moral codes because they can’t see anything beyond; simply because
in that objective identity, functioning within that frame of reference based
upon objective identification, they can’t see anything outside of it or beyond
it. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 133. See Aristotelians.
Second Crossing The chasm or abyss.
A point separating the lower worlds or levels form what is generally considered
the higher worlds or levels. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 69. Those functioning
below the chasm/abyss are motivated by unconscious forces; functions by
reflection; registration of light-energy waves and frequencies. Ibid p. 114.
After the baptism by water, after the psychic nature has been conquered,
surmounted, risen above, passed, etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 22. When one
has cleared his consciousness from functioning in his own psychic-nature and
has lifted all his powers and forces out of that which ties him to his
race-psyche, or any race psyche, he has emancipated himself, made the Second
Crossing. Christos p. 128. The fire descends to the sacral center and stirs and
awakens the latent Power-to-be-conscious until it comes to life in the psychic
self. Practices in Individual Development p. 28. See Also Abyss, Baptism by fire,
Second Death The breaking up of the psychic
nature symbolized by the Deluge. Practice of the Way p. 72. The disintegration
of the psychic nature, called the Second Death in the Christian bible.
Practices in Individual Development p. 57.
Second Precept (Precepts in Practice of the
Way) Respect the integrity of each. Practice of the Way p. 5.
Security It is the polar balance, opposite to the
force called love. Whenever you find love you will find security. That is its
balance, that is the positive-negative phase in one. Studies in Psychotherapy
p. 108.
Seeing "How do you see?" By the
registry of radiant or reflected light-waves and frequencies. Then by reference
to textbooks on physiology and organic processes of eyes, nerves, brain, etc.,
the electrical impulses set up by the stimuli, due to registry of light-waves
and frequencies can be traced to consciousness which employs these
instrumentalities. The First Crossing p. 78.
Seer Self, individualized as the Power with which
your are conscious, is named the Seer and the Master. Self Mastery Through
Meditation p. 79.
Self Whatever the Self is, or where it is, is
a representation of his state of self-awareness, because there isn’t anything
else to be aware of, etc. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.67. We say, "the
Power with which he is conscious." That Power can be described as his
essential self, his essential nature, and is commensurate with the degree of
his self-differentiation he has power. All power flows through the Self, using
the word Self as label for the differentiating process in the Light. Practice
of the Way p. 70. See Also Self-Awareness.
Self-Awareness Representation of that Activity
we label awareness, the Power-to-be-conscious. Perceptive Insight p. 47. All
activity and motion represents the act of self-awareness on the part of the
observer. That realization is the ultimate level of attainment that we will all
come to eventually. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 49. See Also Light, Self.
Self-development (process) Before Higher
development proceeds and the Christos ‘descends’, the main objective in
self-development - that is the work which the psycho-dynamism has to do and
fulfill - is developing the ego. The Christos p. 93. See Also Psycho-dynamism.
Semantic aphasia The inability to hear any longer
that which you do not want to hear. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 52.
Semantic Blockage The inability to distinguish, or
separate, the pictures and images form the configurated substances causes
identification of the phenomena--pictures and images--with the Reality. In this
Identification, if a denial is made of one, it is made of both; that is, the
Reality itself is denied and called illusion, maya, etc. The First Crossing
Semantic Differential/ Structural differential A tool developed
by Alfred Korzbyski for the study of conscious abstracting (Science and Sanity)
( Vitvan developed the "camera chart" before the semantic
differential was developed. In the SNO, the camera chart is used as a means for
learning conscious abstracting. See chart on p. 176 of The Christos, and in
Perceptive Insight and Clear Thinking. The Christos p. 175. Chart on p. 78 of
Practices in Individual Development p.78. See Also General Semantics.
Semantics Semantikos (Greek) :"significant
meaning; that science dealing with the relations between symbols (‘signs’) and
what we refer to, and with human behavior in reaction to symbols, including
unconscious attitudes, influences of social institutions, and epistemological
and linguistic assumptions, and having as an objective the systematization of
the language of science and the unification of knowledge." Also called
"significs." Cosmology p. 43.
Sense Our sense life
-- seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. The way ‘things,’ ‘objects’
appear to us through the medium of sense faculties. The First Crossing p. 42.
The five physical senses are only the instrumentality whereby frequencies are
registered. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p.5.
Sensuous receptivity Seeing hearing,
smelling, tasting, touching. Neural sensation. Self Mastery Through Meditation
p. 48. See Senses.
Separateness The mentalizing in our private or
nether world about our exclusiveness. Functionally we can’t separate ourselves,
respectively, from the integrating processes of the whole. The First Crossing
p. 55.
Septenary Represents the whole being in its four
human states together with the three higher states of the Ego. Bible Studies p.
29 See Also Law of seven and four.
Seven Rays of development Invisible lines
of force which represents the True Self’s state. First ray = Will, Second ray =
Activity, Third ray = Love, Fourth ray = Harmony, Fifth ray = Science, Sixth
ray = Devotion, Seventh ray = Ceremony. Understanding the Psychic Nature Lesson
9. In the rhythmic cycle of birth and death we all reflect these seven rays. They
are the qualities which pertain to the Logos, the only begotten Son of the
Father-Mother-God. Steps in Self Unfoldment p. 102. When that contact of the
positive power with the negative substance is made, the negative substance
immediately becomes differentiated into seven differentiated fields. The seven
original differentiated fields are called the seven rays. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 61. Formula: 2+1 : 3 = 4 in order of gunas: = Science; 3 + 1 :
4 = 5: in order of gunas = Harmony; 3 + 2: 5 = 6 in order of gunas = Devotion;
1 + 2 + 3: 6 = 7 in order of gunas = Ceremonial; The Seven Rays of Development
p. 2.
Seven stages of the developing Christos 1. Birth, 2.
Hiding in Egypt, 3. Baptism, 4. Gethsemane, 5. Crucifixion, 6. Resurrection, 7.
Ascension. The Christos p. 4.
level of the abstracting process Represents the end of the cycle of
creation expressed "And God saw the six days of creation and that it was
good and upon the seventh day he rested." Means no motion, absolute rest;
that means no time and space has long since disappeared in time. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 3) p. 55.
Sex See Generative center.
Sex urge/force Symbolized by Sagittarius, the
hunter, the slayer or Taurus. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p. 14. The Dragon is the
personification of that dominating and controlling force in the race psyche and
in every individual who is functioning within that level of the race psyche.
Ibid p. 64. See Also Creative force, Generative center, Libido.
Shakti Sanskrit. Will / Kundalini / Hebrew :
Kether, the Power of equilibrium. Shakti equates with fire as higher manas
equates with air, and as the psychic nature equates with water, and the
configuration equates with earth. The Seven Rays of Development p. 6. The
Shakti Power comes down from the point of contact that the Master makes with
the ‘outer’ man. (That point of contact is the head center called the
conarium.) Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 82. See Will.
Is living in the Christos-power until consciousness becomes so completely
identified with IT that there seems to be nothing else but IT. In or with this
feeling process or methodology one so gradually and imperceptibly merges or
blends with knowing, i.e., intuitional-awareness, that nay sharp line of
demarcation between does not appear. The Christos. p. 152.The Royal Road to
understanding by knowing through or by intuitional-awareness, with conscious
control and direction of creative energy in the force-centers. Ibid p. 160.
Shushumna The main axis between the conarial and
sacral centers. Through which force flows opening the Thousand-Petaled Lotus to
open the kundalini or Speirema. Practices in Individual Development p. 56. See
Also Force centers.
Sidereal Time Arbitrary time, space; that time
doesn’t exist outside of the consciousness in spatial identity. Teachers’s
Guide (Vol 3) p. 71. A motion in consciousness abstracted from images appearing
substantive is what we call objective time, sidereal time, etc. Ibid (Vol 4),
p. 38. A motion sensation created by movement upon the objective space. The
Seven Initiations p.53. See Also Space, Time.
Silver cord The magnetic link, referred to in
the Christian Bible, between the psychic nature and the ‘physical’ brain.
Sutratma. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 80.
Sin Refers to a violation of some rule or
law. Violations against man-made laws can be forgiven but violations against
the Be-ing must be rectified either in this life or in lives to come. To
violate the dharma relative to the basic point of the developing Be-ing is to
sin against God. The Higher Self, the individualized Be-ing of the Logos, is
synonymous with God from the standpoint of the objective state. Understanding
the Psychic Nature (lesson 11) p. 6.
Single quotes Used with a word serves as a device,
like an abbreviation for :"this word is in general use but in life-facts,
i.e., in the Reality we call Cosmos, no referent can be found or established
for it." Self Mastery Through Meditation p.16.
Sistere Latin. To stand out The First Crossing
Siva/Shiva The destroying aspect, or the Son of
the Hindu trinity (Sankhya philosophy). Only destroyed that which was not in
true synchronization with the structure, function , order of Reality.
Represented as the "axe laid at the root of every tree not planted by the
Father." Self Mastery Through Meditation p.73.
Sixth precept Bring forth, dig up and disregard
whatever reasons, justifications, excuses, or alibis the cortex functions or
mentalizes with. Practice of the Way p. 47. See also Psychic nature.
Sleep As
consciousness individualizes itself from the animal-state into the man-state,
there is a long period in which there is a rhythmic lapse back to the former
state out of which it has emerged. This rhythmic lapse to the former state in
sleep, and coming out again upon awakening, is a response to and a reflection
of a rhythm characterizing all life in the World-mother. The Natural Order
Process (vol 2) p. 68. Types: Ordinary sleep is where the brain does not respond to any sense contacts. This is a withdrawal of the Master-self with its consciousness from the physical vehicle, when it may or may not function in other vehicles or on other levels.
Dream sleep is a withdrawal from the physical into either mental or psychic projection or into psychic or mental functions in the form of dreams. Unconscious / deep sleep wherein the Master-self is unawakened on his own level; a withdrawal into unconsciousness, while the etheric forces of the psychic-nature infold into the subjective state of the animal ... the infolding process. Sleep of the Ego, covers that part of human experience which dates form man’s first human incarnation until he "awakens" to a knowledge of himself as the Master-self.
Sleep of the ordinary medium wherein the etheric substance is partially extruded from the physical body and is likewise separated from the psychic body bringing in a condition of real danger.
Samadhi or sleep of the yogi. This is the result of the conscious scientific withdrawal of the Master-self from his lower sheaths in order to work on higher levels.
Nirmankayas sleep is described as a condition of such intense concentration and focusing of consciousness on the Atmic level that the outward-going consciousness is withdrawn not only form the levels of human endeavor, but likewise from the two lower levels (manas and buddhi) of the Master. Ibid p. 74. The infolding-unfolding process. Studies in Psychotherapy p. 82.
Smell Leads more directly and immediately into
the knowledge of the psychic world, than the other senses. The cellular
structure of our instrument of smell is such that it can register the
frequency; but in each and every case, it is the frequency that is set up on
the nerves that is carried to the neurons and consciousness abstracts from the
frequency received, draws from, and formulates significances, meanings, in
which it functions and to which it gives values. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 7.
center The
next seal to open after the Generative center. The force functioning through
the solar center is symbolized by water; Symbolized by Mars in Scorpio.
Positive characteristics: Courage, fortitude, even pugnacious aggressiveness in
a right cause. If not governed by a higher power, one will be whipped and
molded by the forces he registers. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 31.
Solar field Let us name cosmic field
"Father" and the solar field "Mother" and the
Individualized field in the earth sphere "Son." Mother Substance.
Membership Letters (III) p. 10. See also Mother.
Solar vesture See Body of Light.
Solomon’s Seal Symbol of the seven rays of development. A dual
triangle representing the Logos; the triangle with apex pointing up, represents
the Positive Power united with the Negative substance, held together by the
Binding Force. The triangle with the apex pointing down represents the
combinations of those first three, making for all existences and qualities,
gunas incorporated therein. The Seven Rays of Development p. 1-5. See Seven
Son, the The Mother is unconscious and inactive
except in contact with the Father; but both become conscious as the Son. The
Son, therefore represents this high and deep significance; represents the
significance of the solar and cosmic process. The meaning, ‘purpose’, etc., of
that which we call life, existence, etc., becomes established in the risen and
Self-conscious Son. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 73. The Monad composed
of and is born of the positive Power and the negative, creating force or
Substance and we describe those two principles with two triangles. Triangle
pointing up the Positive Power and the one pointing down the Negative. Bible
Lessons p. 97 See also Binding Force, Earth sphere, Individualized field.
Sortem Suam Quisque Amet Motto of the
School of the Natural Order. "Let each one love his own destiny." The
word ‘destiny’ describes meaning on two levels: one level each person creates
his own destiny; and on another level each one discovers his destiny.
Introductory Brochure title page. By love we surmount and overcome the created
destiny, the self-created destiny. By love and love alone, we discover the
other destiny. Practices in Individual Development p.13. See Destiny.
Soul The total content of our consciousness,
the psychic level, is called the psychic nature or soul. The First Crossing p.
53. Soul or Psyche, symbolizes the seat of feelings and thinkings,
‘psychological’ processes of a person. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 21.
Any given turn of the spiral, meaning any given differentiated field, can be
labeled soul relative to the pattern, meaning the lines of force of that field
and the configuration which eventuates on those lines of force. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 93. See Psychic nature.
Sound currents The reflex action that results
from the union of the Positive Power with the Negative Substance brings forth
all that exists, the Only Begotten Son. The Greeks called it the Logos, which
has been translated as the Word. The only justification that we can find for
translation of the Greek, Logos, into the English, Word, is in reference to the
resonance, the sound, the sound currents. In the sound currents we hear the
frequencies of the activity within and of substance. Substance is characterized
by waves-frequencies, activity that results in that configuration that we label
the Son, the Logos, the Word. The Seven Rays of Development p. 19. When
contacted, these sound currents seem to be about or around the head. When one
begins to practice focusing attention on the sound currents, he will do well to
hold his attention on them for a moment or so at a time. Membership Letters
(III) p. 5.
Space The true
description of the word space is sphere. Sphere indicates the space in which a
given person in whom the Power-to-be-conscious is conscious. Understanding the
Psychic Nature (lesson 7) p. 3. Space as a sphere includes the function of time
as harmonic time. When we consciously function in harmonic time we discover
space as a sphere. Ibid (lesson 8) p. 5. Out of the apparent distance between
two or more ‘objects’ a concept in the thinking-self is developed that we call
space. When we perceive the world in which we function - not the world in which
we think, or think we function - then ‘space’ becomes the periphery or the
limit in which consciousness functions. Functional Activities p. 63. ‘Space’ is
a concept abstracted from images appearing substantive in the psychic nature.
There is no ‘space’ other than the concept abstracted from apparent distance
between two or more objects. Practice of the Way p. 44. Space is ‘within’ you
as the sphere in which your consciousness functions. Practices in Individual
Development p. 21. ‘Objective space’, the apparent distance between two or more
objects. Space & Time The activity of self-awareness which is called time and substance in which the activity operates called space. Studies in Psychotherapy p.10.
wave and frequency in a substance which we label space is the ultimate form of
motion from which a sensation is created and abstracted that we label time.
Ibid p. 38. Here-now continuum (‘here’ meaning space, ‘now’ meaning time), a
space-time continuum. Practice of the Way p. 63. Prior to the 4th Degree: Space
is objective due to aristotelian, objective identification and time is only a
motion sensation created by movement upon the objective space. After the 4th
Degree: Time becomes a fourth coordinate of his frame of reference and he links
space-time. Time is seen spatially. The Seven Initiations p. 54-56. See
Spark-over, the Comparable to crossing the gap
between the negative and positive poles. If you build up enough energy to
spark, you can spark across the gap between incarnations; i.e., you won’t have
to undergo the laborious process of infolding-unfolding, etc. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.115.
Speirema See Kundalini
Spiral (motion) Describes the three dimensions
that we call space. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 4) p.40. See Also Helix.
Spiraling form Any given ‘this’ to which you
can point in its ultimate structure represents a spinning helix, a dynamic
process. Studies in Psychotherapy p.46. See Helix.
Spirit When reference is made to a given
person, stands for a differentiated sphere or field of conscious Light-energy.
Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 21. Every individual is potentially or
actually a quaternion made up of a center of power which we call the Spirit, a
vehicle in which the Spirit functions in all mental activity, a vehicle in
which it functions in all emotional activity and a vehicle in which it acts in
the most objective, physical sense. Bible Lessons p. 49. See Autonomous fields
Spirits Symbolized by the four levels in which
the psychic nature operates (Fire, air, water, earth). Practice of the Way p.
Staff of Hermes See Caduceus, Force centers.
Star (five pointed) Symbolizes the
perfected Master in all his glory. The five planes of human and super-human
evolution are controlled, and Atma or the "Will of God" stands
clearly perceived through the medium of Buddhi (called the Christ-consciousness
or the intuitional state of consciousness of the Master-Self). The Natural
Order Process (vol 2) p. 120.
State The quality or nature of awareness
respecting one’s Self. The Natural Order Process (Vol 1) p.3.
State, the In the microcosmic Self we call the
Idea-awareness, the ultimate differentiated field, which is the individual
field. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 72. See also Individualized Field.
"Still Spirit" The Power
‘beyond’ or ‘behind’ will. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 119.
Stimuli Are always in the form of light-energy
waves and frequencies, and the dynamic configuration of any given ‘object’
represents that from which we receive light-energy waves and frequencies. It
makes no difference to the point being considered which of these
instrumentalities may be employed or involved (senses), as it is the
light-energy waves and frequencies registered or stimuli received from which we
formulate pictures or images. Cosmology p. 47.
Structural differential To be used as a
relief diagram. Structure = a synthetical whole having co-ordinate parts;
Differential = That which differentiates respecting levels in the abstracting
order or in the order of abstracting. Teachers’s Guide (Vol 3) p. 3. See Also
Semantic differential.
Structure Stands for fields or spheres of
Light-energy-substances and their electromagnetic lines of force, force
pattern, etc. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 19. See Fields.
- Function - Order
Structure = Will, Function = Love, Order = Activity. Understanding the Psychic
Nature (Lesson 4), p. 10.
word cosmos is often substituted for order, signalizes number (as quantity
composed of many units, vortices of energy, energy systems, etc.),
configurational representations, hierarchical systematizations, ensembles, etc.
The word structure stands for fields or spheres of light-energy-substances and
their electromagnetic lines of force, force pattern, etc. The word function
represents activity of substance, action of light-energy, natural activity or
action, called the nature of the event, of Cosmos, etc. It is described in
terms of wave lengths and frequencies. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 19-20
See Cosmic process.
Structure qualities Color of eyes,
texture of hair, texture of skin, etc. are representations of the gunas, and
these qualities or gunas held in the psychic nature become representations in
the configuration, and the configuration eventuates in the seed, the
chromosome; so, the chromosome becomes the electromagnetic field of the guna -
not a ‘thing’, not an ‘object.’Teachers’s Guide (Vol 1) p. 31.
Subjective Means the intermediate state between
incarnations. ‘Subjective’ as opposed to the word ‘objective’ belongs to the
dual throng. Subjective consciousness, therefore, arising from the natural
cause of passing out of the objective state, is possessed by those who have
laid aside their bodies, "they are absorbed into subjective nature". The
Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 104.
Sublimation Substitution in other forms of creative
outlet, particularly on the mental level. Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p.42.
Sub-lunary frequencies Formative
forces pertaining to the etheric-world and therefore governed by the moon-sphere.
The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 15. See Also Lunar cycle
Substance Descriptive of energy content, medium
which carries or transmits waves represented by thought, electrical force as in
a charged field, etc. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p.249. See Light.
Substituted outlets Brought about
by the thwarting of the urge to fulfilling, to completing the man state which
becomes the basis of all psycho-logical conflicts. Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p.
36. See Sublimation.
Sun in Leo The very height of power is reached
when the force reaches the conarial center, and then comes the descent of the
positive power. It is the descent of that positive power that switches the
orientation of the individual from the Mother, the negative, to the positive,
the Father Principle. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 14. See Also Four somatic
divisions, Sacral - Conarial axis.
Sun-God The full emergence of the Christos.
This is the "One that was to come," the Messiah, the Savior, the
Redeemer. The force-release of the Power-to-be-conscious. The Christos p. 118.
Supernal Light Negative-force,
of which all ethereal-light, energy-substances, living-matter, etc., represent
the grosser status. It is because all differentiated or autonomous fields,
archetypal-patterns, energy-substances in fields and configurations, etc.,
emerge out of this Negative-aspect or Supernal-Light and its many grosser forms
that it is designated The Virgin Mother or the Light-Mother. Cosmology p. 134.
See Also Light’s Regions, Negative force.
Surrender (of the ego) Allowing the
dynamic process to operate in you at your evolutionary state of development,
and what is yours will come to you and nothing will keep away from you.
Surrender, letting go of your fixations which we call the objective manifold of
values where there’s no understanding. Practice of the Way p. 37. No one can
surrender his ‘self’ to Cosmic Consciousness until he has a self to surrender.
The Christos p. 137.
Surya The Ordainer, the lines of force of
which everyone says of himself, I AM the power, I AM the determinator. Teachers
Guide (Vol 3) p. 73. Surya is a label for and symbolizes or represents the
power of the individual field, the determinative force of an individual field -
that determinative force for which we have the Sanskrit word, Surya. Surya
would therefore represent the higher degree of individualization. Ibid p. 77.
Sustaining Force The Mother / Vishnu. Self
Mastery Through Meditation p. 73 See Also Mother substance, Vishnu.
Sutratma The Silver Cord that connects the
‘sleeper’ with his physical body; if broken a person ‘dies.’ Studies in
Psychotherapy p.85. See Silver Cord, Sleep.
Synthetical thinking When one can
think in universals, impersonally, altruistically and particularly when he
begins to think synthetically, not analytically. Pure intellectual thought -
thinking from the whole to the
part or the
particular; not from the particular to the whole. Functional Activities
p. 57.
Synthesis Characterizes methodology in the search
for knowledge. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 47. See Also Abstracting process.
the Journey
Treading the Path. Membership Letters (v) p.6.
Tamasic A name for a cosmic primary force,
frequency, stream of energy manifesting throughout nature as dark and brutish
natures. Manifested in the
aura by a dark-cloud effect. Tamas, the energy of that which has
commonly been called matter, the configuration of units of energy in response
to and in conformity with the matrix or pattern determined by the state of
Individualized-self-awareness, or the tendency thereto in the homogeneous state
of the planetary organism-as-a-whole; and in the psychic-nature,
elemental-self, or on the personality level, as inertia, laziness, idiocy,
slothfulness, etc. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p.93-95. The inertial
quality (guna); the tempestuous, virulent, qualities. Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p.
30. See Also Gunas, Qualities.
Tanmatras Finer substances of World-Mother
composing any given configuration, a knowledge of which the purpose or plan for
the micro-cosmic or macrocosmic manifestations eventuates; and with this
knowledge and contact with the frequencies pertaining thereto comes bliss. The
Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 99 See also Tattvas.
Tattvas The highest positive energies or
principles. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 99 See also above (Tanmatras).
Taurus Symbolizes the World Mother substance.
The orb of the sun resting on the horns of Taurus the Bull. The Bull
represented the World Mother. Studies in Psychotherapy p.71. Taurus, a fine
looking bull with an image of a full moon between his horns; the bull
representing that primal drive, or force, in the Lunar Cycle, the psychic
nature. How to Discipline the Psyche p. 18. See Sex force, World Mother.
Taw (Tau) Egyptian
label for Brahma, or the power with which one is conscious; the supreme
creating power. Teachers Guide (Vol 2) p. 43. See Brahma.
Telekinesis The production of motion in a body,
apparently without the application of material force. Understanding the Psychic
Nature (lesson 10) p.1.The metamorphosing process, which means that all
creative activities are produced and motivated by deep inner forces; not
through a development from reaction to environment. The telekinesical process
will adjust the organism and the psychic-nature to any environment. The Power-to-be-conscious
will bring out and adjust the organism to any environment. Functional
Activities p. 89. Plato’s word for this emerging, expanding power to be self
aware was telekinesis. Telekinesis simply means that all growth and development
is from the within out and never from the without in. Steps in Self Unfoldment
p. 11.
Teleokinesical That which
motivates us to our ultimate goal. Teleos, meaning final end or purpose.
Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 51.
Teleos is the Greek word for end and purpose.
Kenesis implies movement toward that end and purpose. To surrender to that
force means surrendering to the responsive motivations which impel us towards
our ultimate purpose -- Self-awareness. Ibid p. 118. The Greek word for
transfiguration. (Teleos: goal, perfection) The transfiguration of living
matter into the Light is the goal of the individualizing process. Understanding
the Psychic Nature (Lesson 7) p. 6. Synonym : Be-ing, The lower level of
Light’s Regions. Ibid (lesson 10) p.1.
Teleplasmic substance Very similar to
the pupas mass in the metamorphosis from the larvae stage to the butterfly,
etc. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 30.
Teloplasm A substance easily molded into forms by
thought or by pictures held in consciousness. There are certain pliant types of
persons who exude this substance from their physiological organisms and it can
be used in materializations. Also called ectoplasm. Functional Activities p.
Telestic The perfective stages of the
individualizing process. The First Crossing p. 29. Tending or relating to a
purpose or end. Used by the
Greeks with specific reference to the work preparatory for initiation.
The Natural Order Process (vol 1) p.4 See Also Teleokinesical.
Telestic Work That great problem of transformation of generative energy
into regenerative energy. Studies in Psychotherapy p.115. The
individualizing process. The Christos p. 144.
Territory The structure, function, order of the
states in which the irrefutable Power-to-be-conscious is conscious, and
described in terms of Light-energy-living-matter waves and frequencies, which
in the totality of their fields, patterns and configurations we label the
Cosmic-process. The Christos p. 207.
Thalamic impression When you do a
thing with your hands you establish a thalamic impression; whereas if you do it
mentally, it registers cortically; i.e., as a concept. Impressions,
suggestions, etc., thalamically registered have immediate access to
consciousness functioning on the level of the psychic-nature, on ‘in’ the
psychic nature. You will retain something longer by writing it out rather than
just by hearing it. The Christos p. 175-177.
‘Thing’ & ’object’ Represents the
dynamic process that we call in our abstracted private world, the ‘thing’, the
‘object’. Any given ‘thing’ to which you can point, any given ‘this’ is an
ensemble of positive and negative points of light, electrons and protons held
together by the binding power. The Seven Initiations p.32.
Thinging / thingify / thingification, etc. Due to
inability of neural sense functions to register separate stimuli from each unit
of energy of a given configuration -- is described as psychic images appearing
substantive. The First Crossing p. 103. The unconscious identification of
images with that from which rapid unit impressions (creating stimuli) are
received causes ‘thingification’ of the dynamic configuration; i.e., the
dynamic energy system appears as a ‘thing’ or ‘object.’ Self Mastery Through
Meditation p. 29. Thing-ing: In the tribal times, partly drawing pictures and
partly pantomime. Later evolved into hieroglyphics, ideographic language. The
Christos p. 16. Totemic, ideographic, hieroglyphic symbolical representations
that evolved out of the elemental and primitive picturing, thinging of that
perceived. Ibid p. 76.
Thinking & functioning: differences
You can think about things - tables, chairs, pianos, flowers, and what have you
- but when you function you feel, you desire, you react, you want, you don’t
want. The Seven Initiations p. 12.
Thinking principle Energy-frequencies in mind-substance
reflected or functioning in cortical faculties. While it does represent higher
levels of consciousness in the personal or man-state, it pertains to the
psychic-nature. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 15.
Third Aspect of Reality It is that
which is abstracted from the Third Aspect of Reality that establishes grounds
for illusions, delusions, maya, etc. The First Crossing p. 103.
Third Crossing Is characterized by a complete
unconsciousness of one’s separate individuality, Ego-sense. The First Crossing
p. 5.
Three-in-One The three worlds or spheres
constituting the dynamic structure of Reality. In the consciousness of the
Master it also represents the three ‘times’ -past, present and future - a
synthesis of ‘time’ into the NOW. The three dynamic powers of His
Individualized Field expressed as Becoming, Preserving, and Transforming.
Symbolized by the word made "flesh"...AUM. Self Mastery Through
Meditation p. 75. AUM, therefore, signifies these three in one self called the
Master; the conscious representation of these three. He it is who synthesizes
them into that Oneness we speak of as His consciousness. Membership Letters
(III) p. 11. See Also AUM.
Three Wise Men, The Represent the
triune nature of relative man-thought, desire, and action. Bible Lessons p. 34.
See Also Triune Self.
"Thing-in-itself" Immanuel Kant
quote: Every individual field. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 16.
Third order of the abstracting process Represents a
change in the developing consciousness; it also represents faculty to
differentiate respecting classifications not only in respect to the first
order, but in labeling the classifications; therefore it is classification of
the 2nd order in the abstracting process. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 32. See
Also Conscious abstracting, General semantics.
Third precept The value one gives reacts upon him
according to the quality of the value given. The quality that you put into the
value that you give reacts upon you and disturbs you or expands you or
glorifies you. Practice of the Way p. 7.
Thobbery A combination of think, opine and
believe. From Frontier magazine. Practice of the Way p. 45. See Mental.
Three temptations Using spiritual power, Using the
power for self-glorification, and Tempted by the power when others are drawn to
the spiritual radiance for financial gain. Bible Lessons p. 45-47.
Time Activity, the rhythm which gives the appearance
of dualism. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 30. In objective
identification: To the left of a given point we call the past, the point is the
present, and to the right is the future. Functional Activities p. 65. A rhythm
characterizes motion characterizes harmonic time. A motion in consciousness
abstracted from images appearing substantive is what we call objective time,
sidereal time, etc. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 38. See Also Harmonic time,
Sidereal Time.
Time-line The palingenetic cycle, growth line.
Teachers Guide (Vol 2) p. 8. See Also Palingenetic cycle.
Tiphareth Symbolizes on
the Tree of Life the perfection of the power of Christ in human consciousness
begins with the release of the fountain of love in that center called anahata,
or the heart center. The First Crossing p. 91. The power which opens the way to
the Christos. Practice of the Way p. 75.
also Kaballah/Qaballah, Tree of Life.
"To be" To-be-conscious - i.e., to be
Self-conscious - is the method of developing the status of Be-ing. The
succeeding states of consciousness are called the Becoming; the state of Be-ing
is to have Become. The Christos p.217.
Totemish Zootyping, animal representations by
pictures, transferred to the skies, and became uranographical, or zodiacal
representation. Representation of that perceived, experienced. The Christos p.
Transfiguration of the Christ When an
individual that has reached the point where he has re-metamorphosed all the
previous states. He has gradually climbed ‘up’ to functioning on Mind Level, in
Pure Light. At that point he can transfigure Mother Substance in one instant.
Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 105. See Also Mind Level.
Transfigurational process When one’s
consciousness turns to Light’s Regions, the etheric-substance picks up that
quality and builds it into the living-matter structure that we call the
configuration. "The Word becomes flesh," the Logos becomes actual
flesh in the process. A Description of the Psychic World p.96. We call that
transformation, that remetamorphosis, the transfigurational process. Ibid p.
110. We look upon this world as a process of conversion of light into energy
and energy into living-matter; and then reversing the process, the
reconversion, the metamorphosis, which we call the transfigurating process--the
reconversion of living-matter into energy and energy into light. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.11. See Metamorphosis.
Transition The You are turning to something
that seems like a cloud of nothing; you are turning away from all that you have
known in the objective manifold, so it is a "Cloud of Unknowing."
Forget all of the objective manifold, all of the values and every ‘thing’ and
‘object’ in it, all of that information - wipe it out and forget it. Teachers
Guide (Vol 2) p. 11-12. See Also Death.
Transvaluation of values Value is
transferred from thing or object, goods, chattels, lands or titles, to what it
serves. That is, if it serves the purpose which he represents, it has value.
That is transvaluation of values. The Seven Initiations p. 75.
Tree of Life Those letters of the alphabet (Greek
& Hebrew) are correlated with the twenty-two to twenty-six paths of the
Tree of Life and when we are thoroughly conditioned in the minute studies of
the origin and the development of the letters of our alphabet we will find with
no exception that they go back to the totemic, ideographic, hieroglyphic
symbolical representation that evolved out of the elemental and primitive
picturing, thinging of that perceived. The Christos p. 76. A synonym for the
"School of the Natural Order." A description of its application to a
given individualizing process; each student can, therefore, relate it to himself.
The Tree of Life p. 14-15.
Treading the Path A Treader - one who has
proceeded to some measurable degree on the path of becoming. Practice of the
Way p. 11. What we call growth, development, treading the Path, taking the
Journey. Membership Letters (v) p. 6.
Trinity, The Great Positive, negative, binding
power; that is the great trinity. Expanding States of Self-awareness p. 6.
Among certain cults of the Sankhya philosophy in ancient times, this trinity
was represented as the creating force, the Father, the sustaining force, the
Mother, and the destroying force, the Son. Membership Letters (III) p. 10. The
trinity must be grasped as a unity and in respect to the field, the pattern and
the configuration respecting the other two sides of the triangle, the triplicity
or the trinity, which of course, in submicroscopic or individual field is
merely an epitomization or representation of any field to the cosmic level.
Applied to the atom, it is to understand the atom in its essential structure or
nature is to understand all; to understand the individual in his essential
nature is to understand all, because it never varies; it is an infinite
repetition in structure and in nature and in function. Teachers Guide (Vol 4)
p. 12. See also Basic structure of the universe.
Triplicity Power, Substance, Consciousness - is
present ‘in’ every ‘thing’; or IS THAT which constitutes every event, from atom
to man, from man to solar system, etc. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 19.
Higher triplicity: Field of the undifferentiated consciousness-light-energy.
The Light and energy representing modes of consciousness and constituting the
higher triplicity. Teachers Guide (Vol 2) p. 2. See Arche, Oversoul,
Triune man The cosmic process. Is a complete
epitomization of the whole cosmic process and if we understand the microcosmic
epitomization of the whole process, macrocosm, we understand the whole cosmic
process in its structure-function-order. Practice of the Way p. 30. See Cosmic
Triune Self The Triune Self is composed of 1) The
True or Higher Self, 2) The Psychic Self, & 3) The Configurational Self.
Self Mastery Through Meditation p.84. The Triune Self is also described as a
"three-story house": 1) {the top} The Christos, 2) Psycho-dynamism
(Psycho-logical level, & 3) the Vital-dynamism
(configurated-self/physiological organism). The Christos p. 80. See Also
Trinity, Three Wise men.
True Self The intrinsic Self. Understanding the
Psychic Nature (Lesson 4) p. 2. The differentiated field constituting the true
individuality. Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p. 50. The autonomous field labeled the
Higher Self. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 58. See Also Atman, Christ
Consciousness, God, Higher Self, Master Self.
Truth "There is no referent anywhere for
‘Truth.’" Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 29. The structure-function-order of the cosmic process.
Practice of the Way p. 45.
In Egyptian mythology: the personification of the unexpurgated forces in the
psychic nature. He was the ruler and controller of darkness, of the nether
regions of the dead; that means of ignorance. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 48.
Ultimate differentiated sphere The Ovum.
Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p. 9.
Ultimate understanding See
Unconscious A label used by
the psychiatrists and psychoanalysts for the psychic nature, the psycho-logical
self. That differentiating process that we call our personality, our
individuality, etc., is an individualizing process taking place in that
oversoul or race psyche. Studies in Psychotherapy p.81. "In the
unconscious" means this: during the long, long time that we have been in
objective self-consciousness we’ve been objectified, and that habit of
objectifying everything - ‘thingifying’, we call it - hangs over long after the
psychic centers are awakened and stirring. We still persist in objectifying,
and that constitutes a heavy wall, a heavy veil, between the mental, cortical,
objective thinking and the psychic functions. Self Mastery Through Meditation
p. 49. You are unconscious of that which is deeply buried in the psyche. The
Release of the Fire in the Heart of the Atom p. 4. Consciousness in identity
with the objective appearance, the objective world, etc., as it appears to the
senses. Teachers Guide (Vol 2) p.28. When consciousness is in identity with the
objective world, any function in its psychic nature or in its mind level is
labeled unconscious; so, the word, unconscious, is only relative to state in
identity with the objective. Teachers Guide (Vol 3) p. 37. Refers to those
influences and accumulated qualities which our lower psyches have cultivated
for eons and eons. See Also Objective self-conscious state, Psychic nature.
psychics In ages past the Pharisees; today in certain circles they are labeled
aristotelians. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 57. See Also Pharisees.
Understanding Used synonymously with the word Light,
and both words symbolize perceptive awareness, not a cortical, mental grasp of
meaning. Practice of the Way p. 35. See Also Light, Perceptive awareness.
Unexpurgated forces in the psychic nature See Typhon.
Unfolding-infolding process Infolding
process = descending arc; unfolding process = what we call growth, expansion,
self-development, evolution, transfiguration, metamorphosis, or reconversion
(to turn around). The First Crossing p. 67. See Chart p.29 The Seven
Initiations. See Also Cosmic Process.
Unified Field From the lifting of our forces
forming a field of waves and frequencies we label our Group Consciousness.
Studies in Psychotherapy p.1. As one approaches the Second Crossing he comes
into the realization of the unified creative force of the World Mother called
the unified field theory. The forces of the field, the forces of magnetism and
the forces of gravitation are unified in one described as one in a mathematical
formula, the unified field theory. Ibid p. 72. See Also World Mother.
Union (Refers to the 1st. Sutra of Patanjali)
Means oneness - a state reached or developed by expansion of present awareness
into the awareness of the Power-to-be-conscious as Self - One without a second.
The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 10. Steps in Self Unfoldment p.70.
Units of energy Called electrons, protons,
photons, neutrons, etc. The First Crossing p. 101.
Universal Light The aggregate of the seven
streams (seven rays of development) we label the Christos. Studies in
Psychotherapy p.101. See Christos, Seven Rays.
Universalized-self Means the same as when we speak
of entering the realms of undifferentiated Light. The Natural Order Process
(vol 2) p.101.
Uranographical and Zoological symbols The key in
which the scriptures of the Bible were written during a period of race-psyche
development when the prior totemic representations and zootyping symbols had
been transferred to the starry skies. The Christos p. 128.
Urges of the psychic nature 1) Urge for creature
comforts - food, protection, security, mating, etc. 2) Egotistic satisfaction.
3) Urge to fulfill the basic state of development; the urge to become
identified with the primal source of power, the urge to higher development.
Teachers Guide (Vol 1) p. 52. See Psychic Nature.
Value giving The quality that you put into the value
that you give reacts upon you and disturbs you or expands you or glorifies you.
Practice of the Way p. 7. See Manifold of values.
Veil of Isis (Maya) The "mist
which arose from the earth"....represents the distorted ‘physical’ and
‘objective’ version of the Creating Process. Veil of Maya p. 3.
Venus The Goddess of Love. (The symbol of )
that force and power, labeled love, dominates as motivation every desire and
action of man--objective-self-conscious-state. How to Discipline the Psyche p.
35. Venus in Libra symbolizes the forces in the Heart center (Anahata) Ibid
p.37. Venus is the power, the beauty and glory of love. Practice of the Way p.
75. Venus in Libra symbolizes in the individualizing process...the Goddess of
Love coming to dwell in the heart of the devotee. Love is the effect of force
functioning on the heart level vs desire (force functioning on the solar
level). The Christos p. 124. See Also Anahata, Heart center.
Virgin Birth Symbolizes the result of the union of
the positive and negative. The first thing that is developed in the field, in
cosmos, is a condensation or configuration called the Son or Logos. That is the
first eventuation out of the virgin substance of the negative, motivated and
activated by the power and influence of the positive. The First Crossing p.45.
Viruses Objective representations of the
repressions of the repression of the evil. Evil is the negative form due to the
repression of the creative forces in love, in communal adjustments, in the
person, and the recognition of the person. Studies in Psychotherapy p.153.
Vishnu Sanskrit. The sustaining influence of
the Trinity. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 73. See Trinity.
Vital, the The anima, the informing principal, the
life force. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 68. See Anima.
The vital forces which motivate the functions of a given organ and reside in
the etheric structure of the organ. The First Crossing p. 86. The force that
motivates the configurated-self. The Christos p. 80.
substance, the vital self are also synonyms for that segment of the Mother, of
nature, which lies between the energy world and teloplasm--teloplasm,
protoplasm, living-matter. Practices in Individual Development p. 13. See Also
Etheric substance, Mother.
a word given to the whirlpools, waves, frequencies, etc. in the field or
substance called Chitta (an energy field in which the individualized
consciousness functions in all of those respects we label sentient,
intelligible, mind-substance, etc.) The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p.70.
intermediate functions of the nervous system in sense-perception, and the
functions of consciousness between the sense organ and the object, including
the energy frequencies obtaining between the object and the sense-organ,
together with other modifications of the mental process, such as an assertion
of the I-AM-I (the ego sense which is involved in the process.) Ibid p. 71.
Water An ancient symbol which describes the
third phase of the involutionary movement: a coalescence, consolidation, etc.,
of single units (electrons, protons and neutrons) into energy-systems called
atoms, molecules, colloids, etc. Cosmology p. 126. Symbolizes the psychic
nature and the psychic world in which it functions. The word water symbolizes a
vast world of elemental entities, beings, forces with which everything is
surrounded and which enter into the configuration as the inherent pattern
emerging into actuality (the pattern inheres in the life germ. The Christos p.
21. Symbolizes the sensations, feeling and desire level. Ibid p. 22. Through
all the Scriptures (Bible), water symbolizes the emotional realm--and very
accurately symbolizes it. Bible Lessons p. 33. See Also Elemental forces,
Psychic nature, Psychic world.
Wave-Frequency The activity of Mother-substance
on a given level of the electro-magnetic spectrum. Description of the Psychic
World p. 52. Light-energy-plasm. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 102. On the
Structural Differential the Parabolic figure at the top represents the world of
Waves-frequencies. Practices in Individual Development p. 79. A wave is
flowing, whether you call it form crest to crest or from trough to trough. The
number of waves that will traverse this instant, this moment of time, is called
frequency. The Seven Initiations p. 61. See Also Consciousness, Light, Semantic
Motivation of the Whole As the
motivation - for the greatest possible individualistic survival-value,
security, existence etc., will characterize the age or cycle upon which we are
now entering. The Christos p. 151.
Wholeness Represents the individual as a
completed self-conscious being. The First Crossing p. 28. See Also Gestalt.
"Whore of Babylon" A label from
the Bible applied to the Mother when her substance is loaded with the perverse
creations of man...who stands in wait to devour the Christ the moment He is
born. Practices in Individual Development p. 19. See Also Genetrix.
Will The power of equilibrium, Kether. In Sanskrit,
Shakti which equates with fire as higher manas equates with air; "the Word
made flesh." The Seven Rays of Initiation p. 6. The Power of Atma. The
First Crossing. P.94.The functional operation of forces in the individualizing
process. Studies in Psychotherapy p.126. Creative force. Teachers Guide (Vol 2)
p. 23. Active force on the highest level of individualization. The Natural
Order Process (vol 2) p.119. See Also Atma, Noetic mind, Power of the Christos.
Will of the Father The flowing with the individualizing
process as a function of the cosmic process. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 49. See
Also Cosmic process.
Wisdom Teachings The Gnosis which means the
supreme Knowledge or Reality. Teachers Guide (Vol 2) p. 1. See Also Gnosis,
Knowledge, Reality.
Word The word is the symbol, or a carrier of
the wave and frequency; it is a symbol representing the meaning. Practice of
the Way p.17.See Also Frequencies, Guna, or Quality.
The duty that we owe to the greater cycle in which we’re integrated, the duty
that we owe to the world. Studies in Psychotherapy p.140. The world’s work,
entering into whatever is necessary to enter into for a livelihood, to engage
in work, activity, business, commerce, trade and what-have-you. The First
Crossing p. 104.World Mother Differentiated fields of energies having a universal character. The Natural Order Process (vol 2) p. 15. Nature. Teachers Guide (Vol 4) p. 27. The negative field, the genetrix. Practice of the Way p. 70.
That energy (configurated into forms (atoms, molecules, colloids, crystalloids, cells, etc.) In its total planetary ensemble. The substance with which the central Power-to-be-conscious clothes itself and functions on the levels determined by the gunas of the energy-substances incorporated in the configurations. Cosmology p. 55.
world of becoming. Steps in Self Unfoldment p.80. Symbolized by Isis (Egyptian
goddess). Studies in Psychotherapy p. 71. Configurational differentiations of
Light-energy-living-matter-substances. Self Mastery Through Meditation p. 29.
See Also Configurated Light-energy substance, Genetrix, Mater, Negative field.
Yod-Hove Adam-Eve, the androgyny, Adam-Kadmon.
Practice of the Way p. 55.
Yugas Ages or cycles of time. Membership
Letters (I) p. 1.
Zend Avesta The Bible of the Parsees or Persians.
Studies in Psychotherapy p. 55. See Also Zarathustra, Zoroaster, Zorosterians.
Zero The Chasm. When identity with image
appearing substantive and the objective manifold of values abstracted from the
image appearing substantive is dropped; the negative is below zero. As soon as
energy in a given individual is built up to spark across zero and becomes
identified with the Power which generates frequency, rather than the receiver
of frequency generated, then he is on the ascending scale, the widening
consciousness of more and more Power as Self, the positive sign. Studies in
Psychotherapy p. 116.
Zervan Akarana (Limitless Time), mentioned by
Zarathustra, is the Kala, out of space and time, of Parabrahm. Membership
Letters (I) p. 12.
Zervan Daregho The old Masdeans or Magi (the
modern Parsis) had the same calculation (Yugas). Their "Sovereign Time of
the Long Period" (Zervan Dasregho Hodata) lasts 12,000 years, and these
are the 12,000 Divine Years of a Mahayuga as shown above (Yugas of the Hindus).
Membership Letters (I) p.12. See Also Magi, Ages/Cycles.
Zodiac Zootyping, totemism, animal
representation by pictures, transferred to the skies, becoming uranographical
or zodiacal representation. The Christos p. 62. Written during a period of the
race psyche development when the prior totemic representations and zootyping
symbols had been transferred to the starry skies. Ibid p. 128. No longer
necessary for understanding the Cosmic process. Ibid p. 131. See
referrining to Zarathustra, Persian Prophet. Studies in Psychotherapy p.55.
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